
Chat Log 20.05.2018

[00:33:11] SiliconCarbide how long is the cooldown for suggestions anyway? 1 or 2 weeks?
[00:37:41] unsteddyphoenix In general if you get one you dont get another chance until the next month.
[00:37:51] SiliconCarbide ah ok
[00:37:57] unsteddyphoenix And if yours gets coloured theres a week cooldown
[00:37:57] SiliconCarbide goodto know, thanks
[00:38:06] unsteddyphoenix :thumbsup:
[01:43:05] Dadrobit Eyyyyy, unsteddy, dunno if you're still around, but you said you wanted an update?
[01:43:12] Dadrobit I did the thing
[01:46:52] unsteddyphoenix OoOo
[01:47:01] unsteddyphoenix And thats filled with stuff?
[01:54:13] Dadrobit Yeah, There was liquid curry in the middle that also permeated throughout the whole of the meatball.
[01:54:42] Dadrobit So when it was cut open, it kind of oozed out into the rest of the broth.
[01:58:00] unsteddyphoenix Thats like
[01:58:08] unsteddyphoenix Advanced cookery
[01:58:25] unsteddyphoenix Im equal parts impressed and hungry
[02:00:06] unsteddyphoenix is it like, an actual recipie?
[02:00:19] Twokinds nooo I'm so hungry
[02:01:42] Dadrobit It's real and fake?
[02:02:04] Dadrobit It's Mapo Curry Tofu Noodles from an anime called Food Wars.
[02:02:34] unsteddyphoenix Thats a good anime.
[02:02:36] Dadrobit And it was indeed advanced cookery, near 2 hours to complete.
[02:02:50] Dadrobit hopefully faster next time.
[02:03:20] unsteddyphoenix Hoo~
[02:04:18] unsteddyphoenix So it was worth the time?
[02:04:35] Dadrobit It so friggin' was.
[02:05:06] Dadrobit Would change a few things next time, but it was still actually amazing.
[02:05:07] BluePhantom90 oh Tom your alive
[02:05:22] unsteddyphoenix Damn, sounds nice~
[02:05:29] unsteddyphoenix I wonder what else could be made from that show...
[02:05:31] Dadrobit Also, I have a ton of curry left over.
[02:05:58] unsteddyphoenix Leftovers are life
[02:06:58] Dadrobit I melted the Golden Curry down and cooked it in a broth of cinnamon sticks and ginger with diced fresh jalapenos.
[02:07:28] Dadrobit Then re-geletanized (that's a word now) it in little paper cups for portioning.
[02:08:22] Dadrobit Only used maybe 20% of it in the dish, now I'm just tossing bits of it into everything else and seeing what sticks.
[02:09:11] unsteddyphoenix So what youre saying is
[02:09:14] unsteddyphoenix Curry burrito
[02:09:28] Dadrobit Holyshit, you're right.
[02:09:40] Dadrobit Brb, gonna make a beef curry burrito.
[02:09:50] unsteddyphoenix that sounds pretty alright actually.
[02:13:28] Dadrobit Don't have any ground beef, but I do have a NY cut of steak that I was only going to eat like a normal human being otherwise.
[02:13:31] Dadrobit So that'll do.
[02:14:22] unsteddyphoenix Thank god I saved you from that fate.
[02:16:38] NickTheName Good morning
[02:22:36] Dadrobit Alright, meat is marinading.
[02:22:54] Dadrobit And thank you, let no one say that I don't take your opinions seriously.
[02:31:49] Twokinds Be sure to cook the beef well done all the way through to seal in the flavor.
[02:35:54] Dadrobit You know, for juuuuust a split second, I thought you were actually providing useful advice.
[02:35:57] unsteddyphoenix Im already mad
[02:36:46] unsteddyphoenix To this day I cant tell if Tom actually cooks his steaks well done or if he's sane :thinking:
[03:02:44] Bgrmystr2 takin a break from packin stuff tired as shit :ptv-sad:
[03:26:16] SpazztasticKiwi What ever possessed you to think Tom was ever sane
[03:28:55] Dadrobit Holy spicy burrito Batman!
[03:30:45] unsteddyphoenix That sounds like a cry of resounding success
[03:35:10] SpazztasticKiwi Or exotic cry for help
[03:38:16] SiliconCarbide oh man those meatballs look delicious.... its way too early to be looking at food like that
[03:38:42] unsteddyphoenix yeah I had to go eat after seeing that
[03:38:45] unsteddyphoenix It was too much
[03:38:50] SpazztasticKiwi Sexy food shown here. No filter
[03:38:59] BluePhantom90 holy shit this anime called Overlord is really good!
[03:39:02] unsteddyphoenix Not safe for hunger
[03:39:13] SpazztasticKiwi Not safe for diets
[03:39:19] unsteddyphoenix Better
[03:39:32] Dadrobit Sorry?
[03:39:40] SpazztasticKiwi I had doughnuts personally
[03:39:45] Dadrobit #QualityDiet
[03:39:46] unsteddyphoenix Thats fine just give us a warning this time
[03:39:47] SpazztasticKiwi Probably why I’m still up
[03:39:51] unsteddyphoenix *next
[03:40:07] SiliconCarbide i just had breakfast this isnt fair
[03:40:07] SiliconCarbide x_X
[03:40:31] SpazztasticKiwi They say if you can’t sleep it’s because someone’s thinking about you. But I’m inclined to believe it’s the sugar
[03:40:47] SiliconCarbide man i must be on someones mind alot in the evening
[03:42:06] unsteddyphoenix Famous people would never sleep
[03:42:06] SpazztasticKiwi Whoever’s got me on their mind at 4 and 5 a.m. needs to take up a new hobby before I hunt them down with a frying pan
[03:42:18] unsteddyphoenix I heard you sneeze when someones thinking of you
[03:42:33] SpazztasticKiwi Allergy season means people love you
[03:42:36] SpazztasticKiwi Poor Tom
[03:43:31] unsteddyphoenix Just shows how much Holly loves him
[03:43:36] unsteddyphoenix She makes him sneeze so much~
[03:44:07] SpazztasticKiwi She’s the real VIP - only one allowed in Tom’s room without knocking
[03:58:13] SpazztasticKiwi I’m gonna try going on to bed
[03:58:27] SpazztasticKiwi I’ll pop back in tomorrow
[03:58:46] unsteddyphoenix night night~
[03:59:42] SiliconCarbide nighty
[04:01:12] Dadrobit nihgt
[04:01:16] Dadrobit night*
[04:09:22] Dadrobit So, I got God of War. And it may be the greatest game of all time.
[04:09:49] Dadrobit You can get a summon called Ratatoskr
[04:09:58] Dadrobit And he is a squirell.
[04:10:09] Dadrobit Squirrel*
[04:10:44] Dadrobit A very bitter squirrel that bad mouths you every time you summon him.
[04:11:39] Dadrobit He just told me to get good and fuck off.
[04:11:46] Dadrobit GOTY
[04:11:53] unsteddyphoenix Oh i heard about that lol
[04:13:32] unsteddyphoenix Apparently hes like, super useful
[04:14:53] Dadrobit He digs up health and rage for you.
[04:14:59] Dadrobit no damage though.
[04:15:07] unsteddyphoenix dang PS exclusives
[04:19:36] SiliconCarbide you know that game almost made me buy a ps4
[04:21:33] SiliconCarbide then i realized i would be spending 300€ on a videogame and just let it be
[04:29:00] Dadrobit Meh, PlayStation is my comfort pick, easy choice for me lol.
[04:29:51] SiliconCarbide not picking on it, just not really woth it for me when i only want to play 1 game :>, even though its so tempting..
[04:34:07] Dadrobit I hear ya, but between GoW, The Last of Us, Bloodborne, and Uncharted, it was a darn near mandatory purchase.
[04:36:15] Dadrobit Also all of my buddies are on PS
[04:37:26] unsteddyphoenix lol yeah thats the main thing
[04:37:35] unsteddyphoenix The only reason i'd get a console would be to play with frens
[04:37:50] unsteddyphoenix Luckily theyre all PC~
[04:38:07] SiliconCarbide true
[04:38:11] unsteddyphoenix Sad I cant play Persona though game looks right up my alley
[04:38:34] Dadrobit Ah, yeah, that's another I want to pick up.
[04:38:43] Dadrobit Gotta Plat GoW first though lol.
[04:39:09] unsteddyphoenix ofc
[04:40:10] unsteddyphoenix Last of us was great. I borrowed my frens ps3 to play it
[04:41:35] SiliconCarbide id be more interested in bloodborne
[04:42:11] Dadrobit Bloodborne is legitimately one of my favorite games of all time.
[04:42:34] SiliconCarbide oh wow hah
[04:44:33] unsteddyphoenix I played some of that
[04:45:40] unsteddyphoenix It was pretty fun
[04:46:31] Dadrobit It was my first SoulsBorne game, I was legitimately terrible at it at first.
[04:49:08] unsteddyphoenix I think I was normal :thinking:
[04:49:18] unsteddyphoenix I dunno what constitutes for bad or good in that game
[04:49:41] unsteddyphoenix I got to like...the third boss I think
[04:49:52] unsteddyphoenix before I fell asleep
[04:50:16] unsteddyphoenix The aesthetic of that game is :ok_hand:
[04:50:44] Dadrobit Took me hours just to get past the first street with 20 dudes.
[04:51:28] Dadrobit Granted, I was slightly inebriated with my friends at the time, but still.
[04:54:03] unsteddyphoenix That probably wouldnt help
[04:54:51] Dadrobit No, no it did not.
[04:54:59] Dadrobit Made for a good giggle though.
[04:55:15] Dadrobit And I did eventually platinum it a bit later.
[04:56:09] unsteddyphoenix yeah I only played it for a limited time at a friends
[04:56:12] unsteddyphoenix but waht I did play was great
[10:23:52] PhilTheIdle The stream will be in 4.5 hours, wont it?
[10:30:40] BadFoMo Yep.
[10:31:45] BadFoMo Well... that's when it's planed to be.
[10:53:55] Vatruvius Morning everyone! :ptv-greetings:
[13:16:54] Twokinds my cat is on my desk headbutting my arm over and over.
[13:17:41] Vatruvius Can't you tell it is not about you Tom?
[13:17:45] Vatruvius :ptv-tease:
[14:17:47] ItsActuallyKopyKat hello all!
[14:19:38] Vatruvius :expressionless:
[14:19:44] Vatruvius :ptv-greetings:
[14:22:03] SpazztasticKiwi Kitty demands love
[14:22:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat tom's cat knows it's time for drawing
[14:22:31] SpazztasticKiwi That’s how Bagheera just woke me up, though I believe he’s hungry
[14:26:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat well cats do as cats do, y'know?
[14:26:33] Vatruvius Ugh...I may not make it to the stream. :expressionless:
[14:26:35] SpazztasticKiwi Ironic that I can sleep through anything but a cat bapping my nose
[14:26:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat Why not vatru?
[14:26:50] ItsActuallyKopyKat and yes, kiwi, I know the feeling
[14:27:07] Vatruvius Dad is being an ass, has been for years. I have to deal with it right now of all times.
[14:31:27] Mippy Hello
[14:31:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat ahh yeah I know that feeling too
[14:32:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat Hi mippy!
[14:33:36] Mippy Just got home from work. Up at 4am...kill me
[14:33:48] Vatruvius *sigh*
[14:35:10] Vatruvius Well, I got to get off now. Hopefully my suggestion gets sketched. Bye guys!
[14:35:21] Vatruvius :expressionless:
[14:35:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat wait what did u suggest?
[14:35:45] ItsActuallyKopyKat pm meee
[14:35:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat eeeeee
[14:36:39] Vatruvius Sticking with it for now.
[14:36:43] Vatruvius whoops
[14:37:29] TerraTheWizard hellooooooo~
[14:38:14] Vatruvius blinks out of existence.
[14:38:33] UnknownEnd Well come
[14:39:19] Bespin 30 mins to go
[14:39:36] Bespin skeets back to kekeland
[14:40:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat wheeeee
[14:41:22] Matth3w23 Hi everyone! This is my first time here 😀
[14:41:29] TerraTheWizard hey
[14:41:31] BadFoMo Yo.
[14:42:48] Bgrmystr2 :ptv-sleepy:cmmmnnzzzz
[14:43:57] Mippy Hello
[14:44:52] ItsActuallyKopyKat welcome to the show! @Matth3w23
[14:45:35] MarvTheHugPharaoh Step right up Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to the Freakshow!!!!!
[14:45:47] TerraTheWizard :thinking:
[14:45:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat hmm
[14:46:01] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-donttouchtheears:
[14:46:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol neon
[14:46:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat #predictable
[14:46:18] NeonMitsumi 'ello
[14:49:06] SpazztasticKiwi Disconnected Click here to I have salad. Bagheera is begging for a bite
[14:49:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat ...
[14:49:19] ItsActuallyKopyKat what?
[14:49:22] TerraTheWizard hwut
[14:49:28] SpazztasticKiwi Ignore that beginning obviously
[14:49:39] ItsActuallyKopyKat hmmm ok
[14:49:42] NeonMitsumi Damn salads.
[14:49:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat So baggy wants some salad?
[14:49:48] TerraTheWizard how did that beginning bit even get into the message? lol
[14:49:56] ItsActuallyKopyKat if it was already typed...
[14:50:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat and she forgot to delete it
[14:50:06] ItsActuallyKopyKat I think
[14:50:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat right? @spazztastickiwi
[14:50:52] SpazztasticKiwi Picarto being shit
[14:50:56] ItsActuallyKopyKat hnggg
[14:50:58] SpazztasticKiwi Again
[14:51:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat so another regular sunday?
[14:53:20] Bgrmystr2 :ptv-sleepy: zzzzXxkwhat people are here
[14:53:25] Twokinds Disconnected Click here to The stream will begin in 10 minutes.
[14:53:39] Bgrmystr2 xD ^
[14:53:43] TerraTheWizard lol, it got tom too
[14:53:45] InTheLionsDen :ctwokinds-NataniHAHA:
[14:53:50] MarvTheHugPharaoh thanks for the heads up click
[14:53:52] TorqueEmUp hwhat?
[14:54:05] Matth3w23 Well, so far I've learnt that picarto is garbage.
[14:54:07] SpazztasticKiwi Ok. Someone’s starting off the day with a tude
[14:54:17] MarvTheHugPharaoh XD
[14:54:30] Bgrmystr2 Welcome to picarto Matthew
[14:54:34] Bgrmystr2 :v
[14:54:36] TerraTheWizard picarto should stop changing the ui every month & just make it actually work properly, lol
[14:54:48] SpazztasticKiwi “10 minutes” probably means 15 though if we wanna be real
[14:54:55] ItsActuallyKopyKat probably lol
[14:54:55] DJSlime111 Hello
[14:54:59] Bgrmystr2 for the most part, the desktop ui worked
[14:55:02] Bgrmystr2 before they changed it
[14:55:09] BadFoMo So... 4:30 PM EST?
[14:55:10] Bgrmystr2 now it's all buggy again
[14:55:11] SpazztasticKiwi Kitty still bumping your arm?
[14:55:16] SiliconCarbide hi there everyone
[14:55:30] BadFoMo Yo.
[14:55:35] Zraine Greetings
[14:55:45] TerraTheWizard o/
[14:56:06] Bgrmystr2 Fomo, 10 mins does not equal 3
[14:56:13] Bgrmystr2 how did you get 30
[14:56:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat Disconnected Click here to tell you that 10 mins does not equal 3
[14:56:19] ItsActuallyKopyKat dangit bgr
[14:56:20] NeonMitsumi Quick maths
[14:56:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat you're too fast
[14:56:28] Bgrmystr2 :D!!
[14:57:05] Zakuru waves
[14:57:06] Bgrmystr2 I did not expect you to type the same thing lol
[14:57:13] NeonMitsumi waves back.
[14:57:19] ItsActuallyKopyKat Neither did i...great minds and all that lol
[14:57:20] MarvTheHugPharaoh Hi Zak
[14:57:22] TorqueEmUp mree hee hee
[14:57:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat Hi Zak!
[14:57:30] Zakuru hows everyone
[14:57:34] Bgrmystr2 hey Torque, Zak
[14:57:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat doing fantastic!
[14:57:44] MarvTheHugPharaoh sleepy, how about you?
[14:57:45] TorqueEmUp sup
[14:57:45] Zakuru cool :3
[14:57:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat I got my glasses on friday, and I'm loving seeing the world in HD again
[14:57:54] Bgrmystr2 Taking a break from moving stuff, myself. Room's a bloody fuckin mess
[14:57:58] SpazztasticKiwi :ctwokinds-nibsdance: stream
[14:58:05] Zakuru im ... actually getting sleepy myself but i gotta do a lil bit of chores, that might wake me up
[14:58:06] Bgrmystr2 packing is balls, yo
[14:58:19] ItsActuallyKopyKat you moving?
[14:58:23] Bgrmystr2 yup
[14:58:26] Bgrmystr2 this weekend
[14:58:30] Bgrmystr2 thankfully no streams :D
[14:58:41] Bgrmystr2 so I'm freeeeeee
[14:58:43] Zakuru oooooooooooo
[14:58:43] Bgrmystr2 like a biiiiiird
[14:58:47] MarvTheHugPharaoh so it begins
[14:58:50] Zakuru Afternoon tom!
[14:59:01] NeonMitsumi Ayyyyy <3
[14:59:04] Bgrmystr2 heya tom! :ptv-greetings:
[14:59:11] DJSlime111 hi tom!
[14:59:16] MarvTheHugPharaoh get ready to vote nerds
[14:59:20] Twokinds Disconnected Click here to Goodmorning everyone!
[14:59:25] TerraTheWizard picarto why you mute again >:V
[14:59:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[14:59:31] MarvTheHugPharaoh morning Tom
[14:59:32] Bgrmystr2 XD tomm
[14:59:32] Matth3w23 Evening!
[14:59:33] BoxStealthFox Greetings everyone!
[14:59:35] TerraTheWizard hi tom
[14:59:35] Zakuru morning? :3c
[14:59:37] SpazztasticKiwi :ptv-unimpressed:
[14:59:38] Bespin Hello
[14:59:43] Twokinds Well I just woke up
[14:59:46] Zakuru i feel ya
[14:59:51] MarvTheHugPharaoh same here
[14:59:54] SpazztasticKiwi Same
[15:00:00] TorqueEmUp such a bum
[15:00:00] SpazztasticKiwi Thanks to cat
[15:00:06] TerraTheWizard morning is when you make it.... or something like that
[15:00:09] Bespin 3 PM wake up time
[15:00:10] Bespin Nice
[15:00:13] Twokinds Morning is as morning does
[15:00:16] vladtet909 :ptv-excited:
[15:00:18] TorqueEmUp sleeping in till 3pm :P
[15:00:19] Sammit Hi everybody
[15:00:20] SpazztasticKiwi Morning is when you have breakfast
[15:00:20] InTheLionsDen Hello and good morning Tom
[15:00:26] PhilTheIdle Hello everybody!
[15:00:29] DJSlime111 yay
[15:00:31] Zraine what if you never have breakfast?
[15:00:32] eriklol29 hello
[15:00:51] foxshed Hello to you all.
[15:01:01] Matth3w23 So if I have breakfast after 12, afternoon is now morning? 😛
[15:01:08] SpazztasticKiwi Handwriting could be a font
[15:01:13] w0lfmare Hello!
[15:01:19] MarvTheHugPharaoh W0LFY! \o/
[15:01:19] sunblaze hiya
[15:01:21] Zraine Does the first meal of the day count as breakfast?
[15:01:24] Zakuru i agree kiwi
[15:01:24] BadFoMo Holy crap... 10 minutes really did mean 10 minutes!
[15:01:27] RyanReaper Hello! Will the new page be out soon?
[15:01:28] thestooge Hello hello hellooooooo!
[15:01:28] BluePhantom90 hey
[15:01:37] ItsActuallyKopyKat hi hi everyone!
[15:01:38] gone46 yo
[15:01:40] Matth3w23 Literally, yes. You're breaking the fast.
[15:01:40] TorqueEmUp my handwriting would be the worst font ever
[15:01:46] Twokinds We all ready? I'm ready
[15:01:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^^ torque
[15:01:46] Bgrmystr2 heya w0lf, sun
[15:01:51] MarvTheHugPharaoh no
[15:01:51] Channelfiction Im ready!
[15:01:52] ItsActuallyKopyKat ReadY!!
[15:01:57] CrimsonHelsing Ahm redden!
[15:01:58] Matth3w23 Reafy
[15:01:58] SpazztasticKiwi Been ready
[15:01:59] MarvTheHugPharaoh I need 5 more minutes
[15:02:01] Mippy Readdy!!!
[15:02:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-sleepoverA::ctwokinds-sleepoverB:
[15:02:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat Ready!!!!!!
[15:02:09] gone46 bring it on
[15:02:11] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-wakemeup:
[15:02:14] luna146 Ready
[15:02:19] Bgrmystr2 do it, my body is ready
[15:02:26] NeonMitsumi Tom pick first? Cheeky.
[15:02:31] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[15:02:33] ZoopBoopLoop Hurry and run the pole, since I gotta eat lunch
[15:02:36] eric190 yo
[15:02:55] Bgrmystr2 rip you Zoop, tom pick first from the looks of it
[15:03:00] BadFoMo Tom pick first?
[15:03:00] InTheLionsDen His warm up sketch
[15:03:08] rajak hrllo
[15:03:14] rajak i mean hello^^
[15:03:15] Bgrmystr2 those are pre-stream usually, LionsDen
[15:03:18] NeonMitsumi Henlo
[15:03:21] Bespin Neon
[15:03:21] Ermwhat Heyo
[15:03:22] Bgrmystr2 hey rajak
[15:03:23] Bespin :)
[15:03:27] tkpolls [New poll!] Round 1 [Duration: 5 minutes] -
[15:03:29] BadFoMo Ninja-ed by a long shot.
[15:03:39] Bgrmystr2 onice the pollllll
[15:04:21] Grishmark Hello all
[15:04:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat hi grish!
[15:04:41] aleXxS hello
[15:04:59] sunblaze ohhh samurai shamploo. nice choice :D
[15:05:14] Channelfiction There are a few good options this round
[15:05:16] DJSlime111 what was the voting website again?
[15:05:21] NeonMitsumi
[15:05:21] BadFoMo Adrakist sounds fun.
[15:05:47] Tamerlee "Keith and Natani sleep happily together as their two body pillows watch." hahaha
[15:05:51] BadFoMo Also, Zen Shark?
[15:05:52] DJSlime111 thanks
[15:05:57] tkpolls [Poll] Round 1 [2.5 minutes left] -
[15:06:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat Yes fomo, zen shark
[15:06:10] CancerUserpage Yee~
[15:06:13] ItsActuallyKopyKat But I like the Kat and Raine bonding
[15:06:20] MarvTheHugPharaoh Shark boy and lava girl
[15:06:24] ItsActuallyKopyKat I ship those two
[15:06:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ptv-shipit::ptv-shipit:
[15:06:36] Wyvern088 hey I diddnt miss the first poll
[15:06:39] MarvTheHugPharaoh Kat and Raine? :ptv-shipit:
[15:06:42] Wyvern088 hi all
[15:06:42] Bespin .....
[15:06:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat Hell yeah
[15:06:47] Bespin Oh boi
[15:07:08] unsteddyphoenix Heeey whats up you guys
[15:07:15] NeonMitsumi 'ello Teddy
[15:07:16] MarvTheHugPharaoh UNSTEDDYY!!
[15:07:16] ItsActuallyKopyKat Teddy!!!! \o/
[15:07:19] HeresyArtStream hi all!
[15:07:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat <3 <3
[15:07:21] NCDragonWolf hello
[15:07:22] Bgrmystr2 Phoenix, go VOTE
[15:07:27] Bgrmystr2 Vote get!
[15:07:34] BadFoMo @ItsActuallyKopyKat ...Like Zen as a Mer-Shark? I think I can get behind that.
[15:07:34] NeonMitsumi And hello Heresy, of course.
[15:07:41] MarvTheHugPharaoh Hi Heresy
[15:07:45] Bgrmystr2 40s left
[15:07:53] ItsActuallyKopyKat @badfomo yeah like a mer-shark
[15:08:27] tkpolls [Poll results] Round 1 [Winner:] Keith and Natani sleep happily together as their two body pillows watch.
[15:08:29] SpazztasticKiwi Has Flora been drawn as a mermaid already?
[15:08:32] Bespin knew ity
[15:08:33] Bespin haha
[15:08:34] Zakuru sighs
[15:08:37] sunblaze hm okaaay :P
[15:08:38] RimaDraws hey all
[15:08:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat This outcome was expected
[15:08:45] BadFoMo Also, didn't Dragon Laura already win once but not get drawn?
[15:08:46] Bespin Yes
[15:08:49] unsteddyphoenix haha
[15:08:51] Bespin 2nd place by 2 votes
[15:08:51] Mippy Silly sketch XD
[15:09:06] Wyvern088 this is gonna get weird.
[15:09:08] Wyvern088 perfect
[15:09:40] ItsActuallyKopyKat NO way!!
[15:09:45] Bgrmystr2 @Kiwi, yeah flora's already been drawn as partial mermaid
[15:09:47] ItsActuallyKopyKat Tom's warmup was my choice omfg
[15:09:55] Mippy The seconf place one would have been great too
[15:09:56] ItsActuallyKopyKat my *suggestion*
[15:09:56] SpazztasticKiwi All the weird! :ctwokinds-sleepoverA:
[15:09:59] MarvTheHugPharaoh my baby boy, these girl have no chill
[15:10:21] Ordithus Howdy!
[15:10:25] Bgrmystr2 hey Ord
[15:10:27] NeonMitsumi 'ello
[15:10:29] Bgrmystr2 missed the first poll :u
[15:10:31] MarvTheHugPharaoh Hi Ord
[15:10:34] Bgrmystr2 and everything else.
[15:10:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat Hi hi ord!
[15:10:37] unsteddyphoenix Pick the one with a racing stripe it'll make him run faster
[15:10:50] ItsActuallyKopyKat !!!
[15:10:54] Ordithus Yeah, no surprise I missed it. I just got done with a round of golf :)
[15:10:55] Bgrmystr2 totally agree, phoenix
[15:11:04] BadFoMo Wait, what's this one?
[15:11:05] Bgrmystr2 it just ended a few mins ago ord
[15:11:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat You've got to get him one with a concealed flask
[15:11:17] WereKeidran What is this?
[15:11:19] ItsActuallyKopyKat So he can drink his pain away
[15:11:20] unsteddyphoenix ooo!
[15:11:21] NeonMitsumi Steampunk vibes?
[15:11:26] Tharkis fancy
[15:11:35] unsteddyphoenix Barbosa eat your hert out
[15:11:39] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^^
[15:11:40] ItsActuallyKopyKat ye
[15:11:41] MviluUatusun Good afternoon/morning/evening depending on where in the world you are.
[15:11:46] MarvTheHugPharaoh Hi Mvilu
[15:11:48] Bgrmystr2 this is Kat and Raine looking for peglegs for zen
[15:11:53] NeonMitsumi Hello to you too Mvilu
[15:11:55] Bgrmystr2 while bonding :u
[15:11:57] ItsActuallyKopyKat and bondinggggg~~~~
[15:11:58] Bgrmystr2 heya Mvilu
[15:11:59] Tharkis blergh, went out to do yardwork, and the skies opened up on me all at once, from zero to cant see my car at the end of the driveway rain in less than 2 seconds
[15:12:00] DJSlime111 lel
[15:12:03] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ptv-shipit::ptv-shipit::ptv-shipit::ptv-shipit:
[15:12:04] Bgrmystr2 come on Kat
[15:12:05] Bgrmystr2 xD
[15:12:07] Tharkis guess i'm stuck watching the stream !
[15:12:08] Tharkis \o/
[15:12:09] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-nataniAAAAshake: I'M LATE! AAARGH!
[15:12:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat Rip things
[15:12:23] Bgrmystr2 thingssssss D:
[15:12:27] Bgrmystr2 missed the poll!
[15:12:31] ThingsAreMoving dang
[15:12:32] MarvTheHugPharaoh Kat "Don't know its kinda spendy." Raine "Well he did save out lives, hes earned it"
[15:12:41] MarvTheHugPharaoh our even
[15:12:41] unsteddyphoenix spendy...
[15:12:45] MarvTheHugPharaoh Typing sucks
[15:12:46] SpazztasticKiwi That’s how it rained yesterday at work for me
[15:12:50] ThingsAreMoving hello everyone, give me a sec to check if my suggestion was there
[15:12:51] MviluUatusun BRB. I gotta go get clothes out of the dryer.
[15:12:52] ItsActuallyKopyKat *pricey*
[15:12:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[15:13:13] Bgrmystr2 Lots of people I know use the term 'spendy'
[15:13:17] BluePhantom90 why is everyone wanting Zen to lose his leg
[15:13:20] ThingsAreMoving whew, my suggestion wasn't in the first poll
[15:13:23] w0lfmare XD
[15:13:29] unsteddyphoenix Damn look at the spend-tag on this one.
[15:13:29] MarvTheHugPharaoh I want him to keep it
[15:13:36] NCDragonWolf me too
[15:13:38] MarvTheHugPharaoh My baby boy must remain whole
[15:13:38] SpazztasticKiwi Imma buy that man a sword. Then he’ll love me
[15:13:39] Channelfiction BluePhantom : Maybe they're just bracing for the worst
[15:14:00] NCDragonWolf is that a pun
[15:14:02] Bgrmystr2 I just wanna watch the world burn. sometimes marv's specifically. Sometimes not.
[15:14:05] SpazztasticKiwi Sword leg. Best idea for an amputee
[15:14:06] Matth3w23 Bit of a random question, but is the second 'a' in Natani pronounced 'a' or 'ar'?
[15:14:06] NCDragonWolf leg brace
[15:14:10] ThingsAreMoving I want Zen to get a magical prosthetic leg which could shoot fireballs
[15:14:11] w0lfmare Get him a robotic super leg
[15:14:14] DJSlime111 WOW
[15:14:20] Tharkis why buy a man a forge when 10 years of practice and 6000$ in tools later you can forge him a sword !
[15:14:20] WereKeidran Raine and Kat making cosplay outfits?
[15:14:21] unsteddyphoenix "AAAA"
[15:14:23] w0lfmare Way better than a regular leg
[15:14:39] Bgrmystr2 why not forge a forge, Tharkis?
[15:14:39] Tharkis so says the swordsmith tharkis
[15:14:43] MarvTheHugPharaoh sure..... just replace both legs at this point, make him genji
[15:14:50] ThingsAreMoving I need healing!
[15:14:53] NeonMitsumi If you lose it again at least it won't be as bad!
[15:15:10] PotatoRights Hey gu
[15:15:17] PotatoRights Guys
[15:15:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol neon
[15:15:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat plsss
[15:15:19] SpazztasticKiwi Make it a light up leg. Like a sketchers shoe
[15:15:24] NeonMitsumi :potato: Hello
[15:15:28] TerraTheWizard lol kiwi
[15:15:31] Tharkis My servants never die! :ctharkis-earwiggle:
[15:15:31] Ermwhat RGB?
[15:15:32] Bgrmystr2 hey potato
[15:15:43] unsteddyphoenix "put your best foot forward" suddenly makes a lot more sense
[15:15:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat Kiwi, you can't give Zen a lightup pegleg
[15:15:53] ItsActuallyKopyKat He's already too sexy
[15:15:55] Bgrmystr2 it better rgb rainbow filter or it's not cool enough
[15:15:55] MysteryEzekude I'm busy cooking at the moment, so I'll probably be away for most of the stream.
[15:15:59] unsteddyphoenix Hahaha
[15:16:03] ThingsAreMoving "We can rebuild him. We have the technology."
[15:16:04] unsteddyphoenix Put a heely in it
[15:16:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat nooOOO
[15:16:12] NeonMitsumi Give him a human leg to screw him over
[15:16:13] unsteddyphoenix He'll get all the chicks
[15:16:17] Matth3w23 Cyborg Zen?
[15:16:18] ThingsAreMoving lol neon
[15:16:18] Bgrmystr2 xDD Neon
[15:16:19] Wyvern088 I had to break up a fight... what'd I miss?
[15:16:27] PotatoRights Lol neon
[15:16:28] unsteddyphoenix we
[15:16:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat He'll fall over from hydroplaning @unsteddyphoenix
[15:16:33] MarvTheHugPharaoh His sex appeal makes him already Bioluminescent
[15:16:35] DJSlime111 he needs Mercy
[15:16:38] ThingsAreMoving I will write this suggestion down.
[15:16:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat Hydroplaning from all the moisture on the floor
[15:16:47] WereKeidran My magic creates your body and your sword creates my destiny!
[15:16:55] unsteddyphoenix Thats when the sick DRIFTING starts
[15:16:57] NeonMitsumi @MarvTheHugPharaoh Thanks habibi
[15:17:10] WereKeidran summons a heroic spirit
[15:17:19] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[15:17:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat he'd break his other leg
[15:17:26] TerraTheWizard "we can't afford a proper leg, so you're getting a wheel on a stick instead"
[15:17:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat and then have two peg legs
[15:17:42] ThingsAreMoving Natani: "I'm gonna steal all those fancy legs."
[15:17:43] PalmettoPathfinder1 Well my request got 8th place. That's good. Maybe I should have worded as Natani and Adelaide get sword tail from seeing each other in different armors.
[15:17:48] Foxpie is it bad i just realised theses are not shaving razers XD
[15:17:51] PotatoRights Can someone suggest a pugtato T.K. character for my profile pic plz?
[15:18:00] ItsActuallyKopyKat ...yes. Yes it is lol
[15:18:08] NeonMitsumi Potatoes
[15:18:15] PotatoRights Is that lick-proof glass?
[15:18:16] ThingsAreMoving Potato why not just get a potatosack™ as your pfp
[15:18:19] EnergisticAnomaly Ello
[15:18:31] ThingsAreMoving o/
[15:18:34] NCDragonWolf thats an expensive leg
[15:18:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat Heya
[15:18:39] PalmettoPathfinder1 Hm....sword tail Adelaide and sword tail Natani. Boy that would be funny
[15:18:43] PhilTheIdle 150k gold?!
[15:18:43] Bespin google gold
[15:18:44] CrimsonHelsing What *is* that? Prosthetic leg?
[15:18:51] NCDragonWolf its a shame that glass case means nothing to Natani
[15:18:52] BluePhantom90 looking like Full metal Alchemist leg
[15:18:55] ItsActuallyKopyKat Pegleg for Zen!
[15:18:57] KiTA it's armor I think?
[15:19:00] ItsActuallyKopyKat :D
[15:19:01] Bgrmystr2 looks like 150 gold to me
[15:19:06] KiTA oooh they're going leg shopping for Zen
[15:19:07] Channelfiction Raine"Pricey isn't it" Kat "It's fine I'll just take more gold from that giant pile in Trace's basement"
[15:19:09] Wyvern088 some needs to suggest cyberpunk zen next week
[15:19:13] EnergisticAnomaly Is there no music or is that just me?
[15:19:17] unsteddyphoenix big $$$
[15:19:17] ThingsAreMoving just you
[15:19:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat Unmute
[15:19:19] SpazztasticKiwi 150,000? Dude, just hire someone to carry you
[15:19:20] KiTA is it confirmed Zen lost his leg?
[15:19:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat no, these aren't canon
[15:19:28] PotatoRights @ThingsAreMoving because I want a tk character for it
[15:19:28] NCDragonWolf the stream was default muted for me
[15:19:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat @Kita
[15:19:35] SpazztasticKiwi One bs sale
[15:19:37] NeonMitsumi "Sale!", how often do legs disappear here
[15:19:39] Bgrmystr2 for everyone DragonWolf
[15:19:39] EnergisticAnomaly Oh there we go
[15:19:45] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[15:19:49] Bgrmystr2 unmute the stream if you're just joining :u
[15:19:50] w0lfmare Naw, Kat will just use Eric's money again
[15:19:52] ThingsAreMoving Well potato, Potatosack™ is a TK character
[15:19:52] ItsActuallyKopyKat it helps if you unmute ur stream
[15:19:56] unsteddyphoenix Oh its like 3000% off nice
[15:20:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat Trace is loaded guys!
[15:20:04] Matth3w23 These things appear to cost an arm and leg. Well, mainly a leg.
[15:20:04] GameForge nice, nice
[15:20:04] BadFoMo @NCDragonWolf Same. I think it's part of the update.
[15:20:05] ItsActuallyKopyKat Don't forget that!
[15:20:08] TerraTheWizard that's Captain Potato Potatosack
[15:20:09] PotatoRights -_-
[15:20:14] SpazztasticKiwi “Buy an arm and you get a leg!”
[15:20:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat matthew plss
[15:20:20] ThingsAreMoving Natani is wondering how many people does she have to kill to be able to afford this leg.
[15:20:21] unsteddyphoenix Lmao
[15:20:21] MviluUatusun Matt, that's funny.
[15:20:35] w0lfmare Do they accept trade-ins?
[15:20:40] DJSlime111 they should put metal plating on his arm while he's sleeping, hell think that he lost his arm as well!!!!!
[15:20:41] FenceEqualizer Think of the leg as an investment it'll pay for itself in half a decade
[15:20:41] NCDragonWolf XD
[15:20:53] PotatoRights That better be innovation inc. lick proof glass
[15:21:01] Twokinds Where they really get you is the mana refills
[15:21:09] ThingsAreMoving ouch
[15:21:12] FenceEqualizer Scam!
[15:21:12] Bgrmystr2 eeeee don't tell me about that
[15:21:21] SpazztasticKiwi Gotta get a solar panel or something
[15:21:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat 300G per use!
[15:21:28] Channelfiction Bad milage , that is a killer
[15:21:30] unsteddyphoenix What does the mana do besides make the gears turn
[15:21:30] CrRAR haha, magick feets ain't cheap.
[15:21:31] Bgrmystr2 for 10 minutes!
[15:21:33] NeonMitsumi I find it funny how Flora was worth only 25,000 gold, lol
[15:21:34] Tru7h sign up now for our customer advantage program!
[15:21:34] CrimsonHelsing Yow xD
[15:21:39] ThingsAreMoving gotta invade some countries for mana!
[15:21:44] WereKeidran Fuel is expensive
[15:21:45] FenceEqualizer Keeps the foot from locking up
[15:22:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat neon, flora was only 25000 because she's :ctwokinds-flat::ctwokinds-flat:
[15:22:13] DJSlime111 if it was Nat then she-- he? should have mana crystal storage in it!!!!
[15:22:13] CrimsonHelsing And I don't like that bounty, still peeeeeves me. Really, hoomuns, leave the tiger alone
[15:22:19] Bgrmystr2 Just use the power of your heart like that Gadget fella.
[15:22:21] ThingsAreMoving lol Kat, savage.
[15:22:24] IthzChannel Hoi!
[15:22:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat :3
[15:22:33] SpazztasticKiwi Are you saying Flora is less than blessed
[15:22:34] Matth3w23 Have we actually seen any sub money from gold? E.g. the equivalent of a penny?
[15:22:37] unsteddyphoenix Trace however, yuge tiddies
[15:22:37] BadFoMo Inb4 they by the $150,000 leg, get it to Zen only to find out that it's for the Right leg. Zen needs a Left leg.
[15:22:39] SiliconCarbide i love that there is a shop that just happens to have a selection of peglegs
[15:22:40] ItsActuallyKopyKat hnngggg
[15:22:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat never, kiwi
[15:22:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat (maybe)
[15:23:01] SiliconCarbide like its a common item to shop for
[15:23:06] Bgrmystr2 I don't think it would matter Fomo
[15:23:10] Tharkis o/` two left feet and oh so neat is Sweet Gorgia Brown o/`
[15:23:12] Bgrmystr2 they're gonna have both
[15:23:12] SpazztasticKiwi Yet she still found a husband
[15:23:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat Well, obviously, people lose their legs all the time
[15:23:23] SpazztasticKiwi There’s hope for everyone
[15:23:26] ThingsAreMoving I remember the last time i lost my leg
[15:23:27] SiliconCarbide yeah i mean who hasnt?
[15:23:32] CrRAR put a rabbit's foot hanging in the back ".05 G"
[15:23:32] ThingsAreMoving took me five days to find it
[15:23:36] FenceEqualizer Good ol medieval living
[15:23:37] Bgrmystr2 :thinking:
[15:23:37] DJSlime111 wait, should we be calling Nat a he or a she now?
[15:23:50] Tharkis yes
[15:23:52] Bgrmystr2 Always called Nat a she, always will.
[15:23:57] DJSlime111 ok
[15:23:58] FenceEqualizer Where living past 30 is rare and you always lose a body part
[15:24:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat Of course, Kiwi! If you are a reasonably cute tiger girl, and the grand templar just lost all his's ezpz to get him to fall for you!
[15:24:02] ThingsAreMoving +1 bgr
[15:24:12] BadFoMo A tail?
[15:24:16] DJSlime111 wait, was that a prosthetic tail???!!!
[15:24:23] NCDragonWolf heck yes
[15:24:25] GameForge i need 1
[15:24:26] unsteddyphoenix In that very common scenario, theres sa good chance!
[15:24:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat Dragon tail hell yeah
[15:24:33] ThingsAreMoving prosthetic tentacle?
[15:24:35] NeonMitsumi wewlad
[15:24:36] Bgrmystr2 rofl cool
[15:24:37] unsteddyphoenix Hahaha
[15:24:43] FenceEqualizer Who owns this shop and how are they profitable!?
[15:24:45] unsteddyphoenix Tentacle foot 100%
[15:24:48] w0lfmare Man, this store doesn't even sell plantigrade feet. They've gotta work on their selection
[15:24:50] GameForge i need this shop
[15:24:52] Bgrmystr2 xDD XCr
[15:24:53] IthzChannel might be a dragons horn (for whatever e
[15:24:53] ItsActuallyKopyKat they cater to the mer-folk as well, duhh
[15:24:55] SpazztasticKiwi Well I don’t know any templars with memory problems nor am I a tiger girl
[15:24:57] Ordithus This is great!
[15:24:57] MarvTheHugPharaoh Don't tentacle Zen, he's not into that
[15:25:11] CrRAR Good for scaring the children at least
[15:25:13] Matth3w23 He, Karen would probably like that.
[15:25:14] BadFoMo Do eeet!
[15:25:16] FenceEqualizer Lewd
[15:25:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat shrugs
[15:25:19] jamaicanwolfgamer15 hey twokind how r u
[15:25:19] Bgrmystr2 How do YOU know, Marv?
[15:25:22] ThingsAreMoving Cr more like scarring
[15:25:23] ItsActuallyKopyKat don't let that discourage you!
[15:25:23] Bgrmystr2 :ptv-snicker:
[15:25:24] ThingsAreMoving lol
[15:25:30] Tharkis karen needs a prosthetic tail =D
[15:25:35] MarvTheHugPharaoh Ahhhhh, Hi I'm marv. The Zen fan boy
[15:25:37] Matth3w23 The tail I mean, not anything else.
[15:25:38] Wyvern088 "sorry Zen, all we could afford was a hook"
[15:25:40] DJSlime111 lol yes!!!!!
[15:25:45] Bgrmystr2 I stand by my question xD
[15:25:47] ItsActuallyKopyKat A hook for a foot!
[15:25:50] Wyvern088 yes
[15:25:54] Bgrmystr2 Some things even you won't know
[15:25:55] ItsActuallyKopyKat Nice
[15:25:55] NeonMitsumi Hook on a leg, interesting.
[15:26:06] CrRAR lol
[15:26:06] DJSlime111 lol
[15:26:11] unsteddyphoenix Lol damnit
[15:26:14] unsteddyphoenix Take that sign away
[15:26:15] DJSlime111 ha
[15:26:17] ThingsAreMoving separately?
[15:26:18] MallardDuckAvia Hi tom
[15:26:28] Bgrmystr2 ow, the mana
[15:26:29] CrRAR Mana Pack DLC
[15:26:32] FenceEqualizer Look Zen, you're cool and all but I am not made of money."
[15:26:44] MarvTheHugPharaoh Trace is
[15:26:44] Xexanoth i liked the idea of tentacle foot
[15:26:47] unsteddyphoenix "peglegs are cooler anyway~"
[15:26:57] DJSlime111 arrr pirate zen!
[15:26:59] unsteddyphoenix But all traces on the third floor! :O
[15:27:03] unsteddyphoenix dun dunn
[15:27:05] CrRAR "bah! Who needs and ankle!"
[15:27:07] Bgrmystr2 lool
[15:27:10] Tharkis peglegs and eyepatches, Zenbeard the fearsome
[15:27:11] FenceEqualizer Plot twist
[15:27:14] MarvTheHugPharaoh easy, send raine in get the money
[15:27:15] Xexanoth what about "Petlegs"
[15:27:18] bunnyman14 Ankle twist
[15:27:18] MallardDuckAvia What's going on in this sketch?
[15:27:20] PotatoRights Had he lost an arm he could use the infinity gauntlet
[15:27:27] Bespin bad dragon
[15:27:29] Bespin wait
[15:27:30] Bespin no
[15:27:33] bunnyman14 NO
[15:27:34] Bgrmystr2 pity, potato
[15:27:34] ThingsAreMoving lol the dragon v.3
[15:27:36] Flareuim Nioce
[15:27:41] SpazztasticKiwi New prosthetic leg - comes with secret storage compartment
[15:27:49] Xexanoth depends on which leg he lost Bespin :ptv-snicker:
[15:27:50] ItsActuallyKopyKat Raine and Kat are looking at peglegs for zen, mallard. And they're BONDINGGGGG~~:ptv-shipit::ptv-shipit:
[15:27:51] CrRAR ooo neat!
[15:28:06] BadFoMo @MallardDuckAvia Raine and Kathrin are looking for a replacement leg for Zen.
[15:28:07] Tharkis The Dragon v3.0 for those adkrist who werent blessed enough to gain their own
[15:28:08] Bgrmystr2 :saxophone: :v
[15:28:10] FenceEqualizer That 500G leg is looking mighty affordable
[15:28:14] Matth3w23 A pegleg with mana crystal compartment would be useful.
[15:28:17] ThingsAreMoving @Twokinds sepArately*
[15:28:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat I don't think it could support Zen's awesomeness
[15:28:27] MallardDuckAvia Ok.
[15:28:33] DJSlime111 Karen could use that tail!
[15:28:33] Bgrmystr2 Was worth a try
[15:28:35] ItsActuallyKopyKat @Fence
[15:28:45] SpazztasticKiwi And if you don’t get a mana refill in time, it bursts into flames
[15:28:45] unsteddyphoenix nah man its got gears n shit
[15:28:46] MarvTheHugPharaoh Get in line KoyKay
[15:28:47] Flareuim Kopykat
[15:28:50] unsteddyphoenix Itll be good
[15:28:50] MviluUatusun Sorry about leaving so unexpectedly. My computer froze and wouldn't let me do ANYTHING.
[15:28:56] Flareuim Kopykat is a copy Kat
[15:29:06] ThingsAreMoving sounds like you need a system reinstall, Mvilu
[15:29:06] FenceEqualizer Zen has enough awesomeness to make up for the peg leg
[15:29:08] CrRAR how rude mvilo
[15:29:11] thestooge I saw deadpool 2 today!
[15:29:13] CrRAR *u
[15:29:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat in line for what?
[15:29:16] MviluUatusun I know, right?
[15:29:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat NO SPOILERS
[15:29:18] DJSlime111 I like the music!
[15:29:25] MarvTheHugPharaoh The Zen glomping
[15:29:31] MviluUatusun My computer has absolutely no sense of responsibility to me.
[15:29:32] Bgrmystr2 lol dj
[15:29:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat oh pfft
[15:29:33] ThingsAreMoving Deadpool 2 was great. also dumbledore dies.
[15:29:36] thestooge None will be mentioned!
[15:29:38] NeonMitsumi Glomping with a sword through chest
[15:29:39] CrRAR lol
[15:29:41] Bgrmystr2 like the only one bothering to notice it
[15:29:42] Flareuim Oh late face tho :p
[15:29:47] Bgrmystr2 other than me, DJ
[15:29:47] Matth3w23 Dammit Things!
[15:29:48] BadFoMo Oh! what about a Pegleg like the Scotsman from Samouri Jake had?
[15:29:53] ItsActuallyKopyKat Nah you can have Zen
[15:29:53] FenceEqualizer Glomping sounds dirty
[15:29:54] BadFoMo *What
[15:29:58] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-sleepoverB:
[15:30:01] hunter117x what currency is used in the two kinds world?
[15:30:03] ItsActuallyKopyKat Alaric is the one for meeeee
[15:30:03] DJSlime111 nice
[15:30:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat Pre-death of course
[15:30:08] unsteddyphoenix bitcoin
[15:30:10] DJSlime111 gold?
[15:30:12] MallardDuckAvia Is Kat going to start wearing clothes more often now?
[15:30:16] Zakuru um 200 viewers?
[15:30:16] ItsActuallyKopyKat bitcoin!
[15:30:17] EnergisticAnomaly Wait fumbledoor died?? Eehhh never cared about ‘im anyway
[15:30:18] PotatoRights In infinity war, squidward dies
[15:30:19] Zakuru is that new?
[15:30:19] Bgrmystr2 G, obviously.
[15:30:23] NeonMitsumi Nope.
[15:30:26] NeonMitsumi Always been there.
[15:30:29] Flareuim Kats face sells verything
[15:30:30] CrRAR Man, the upcharge for the ability to wiggle your toes is steep.
[15:30:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat *bitgoin*
[15:30:43] Flareuim Wow
[15:30:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat bitGoin
[15:30:49] Flareuim I'm playin granny
[15:30:50] ThingsAreMoving bitgroin?
[15:30:50] Zakuru bitgroin
[15:30:51] MviluUatusun Bit goin where?
[15:30:53] EnergisticAnomaly BitGroin
[15:30:54] NeonMitsumi GitCoin
[15:30:54] Bgrmystr2 Zak pls
[15:30:55] ThingsAreMoving Ayyy zak
[15:30:58] SpazztasticKiwi I’ve been told Batman dies in Infinity War
[15:30:59] Katfeathers o/
[15:30:59] Bgrmystr2 LOL neon
[15:31:00] FenceEqualizer Is it really worth it though?
[15:31:03] Bgrmystr2 I actually like that
[15:31:03] EnergisticAnomaly BiteGroin
[15:31:04] Zakuru hue
[15:31:04] Wyvern088 " we should get zen the Assassin delux model, poison tipped claws and a hidden dagger sheath!"
[15:31:05] DJSlime111 UNDERTALE!!!
[15:31:14] DJSlime111 DEATH BY GLAMOUR
[15:31:19] PotatoRights Why did squidward d
[15:31:20] FenceEqualizer Think even Clovis would wince at the price.
[15:31:21] PotatoRights Ie
[15:31:21] NeonMitsumi "Don't touch glass" *Raine touches glass*
[15:31:23] ItsActuallyKopyKat Raine is touching the glass!!
[15:31:23] BadFoMo Touching = Buying!
[15:31:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol neon
[15:31:33] PotatoRights Lick proof glass
[15:31:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat I am too slow
[15:31:34] unsteddyphoenix Raine pls
[15:31:35] Flareuim MMMMMM I'm listening to bendy and the ink machine
[15:31:36] Matth3w23 Death by the glamour of Zen's future pegleg...
[15:31:44] Bgrmystr2 yeah we can see what song it is, Dj. You don't have to say it :u
[15:31:46] MarvTheHugPharaoh Don't touch glass. Raine "Bitch I'm cute, I do what ever I want."
[15:31:51] DJSlime111 IK
[15:31:52] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^
[15:31:54] unsteddyphoenix one second later in the scene the alarms go off
[15:31:55] ItsActuallyKopyKat Marv
[15:32:05] MarvTheHugPharaoh Kopy
[15:32:07] ThingsAreMoving Plottwist: The leg is made of glass, the case is plastic.
[15:32:10] unsteddyphoenix and so begins the great foot heist
[15:32:17] DJSlime111 lol
[15:32:18] CrRAR Someone do the Raine surprised gif
[15:32:20] SpazztasticKiwi If you touch the glass, there’s a few for fingerprints and you have to buy the item
[15:32:21] Bgrmystr2 Someone call gadget :C
[15:32:21] unsteddyphoenix Raine: LEG IT!
[15:32:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-RaineEep::ctwokinds-RaineEep:
[15:32:28] Matth3w23 The games afoot!
[15:32:29] MarvTheHugPharaoh :ctwokinds-RaineEep:
[15:32:33] Flareuim Stop
[15:32:33] Matth3w23 Literally
[15:32:34] MarvTheHugPharaoh damn ninja
[15:32:34] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-rainehappy:
[15:32:36] PotatoRights Is the glass lick proof?
[15:32:40] EnergisticAnomaly Any “hat in time” soundtracks in this list, ive seen some pop up before
[15:32:42] MviluUatusun Leg it or legit?
[15:32:42] CrRAR XD
[15:32:45] GameForge i need the tail badly
[15:32:47] Flareuim *Markiplier scared screqm*
[15:32:48] CrRAR leggo?
[15:32:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat It would be better if they brought zen along
[15:32:53] ThingsAreMoving Yes, Anomaly
[15:32:53] GameForge its so cool
[15:32:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat and then they book it
[15:32:58] RyanReaper Will zen loose his leg
[15:33:00] ItsActuallyKopyKat without zen.
[15:33:00] DJSlime111 whoa, things are moving
[15:33:03] unsteddyphoenix lol
[15:33:04] PotatoRights Tom the glass needs to be lick proof
[15:33:06] MviluUatusun Only because he has to wear it, Kopy.
[15:33:08] ThingsAreMoving They do, Dj
[15:33:10] CrRAR doggo lose leggo?
[15:33:11] ItsActuallyKopyKat he's like, "Aw come on guys!"
[15:33:14] unsteddyphoenix They did bring him along, he's just on the floor atm
[15:33:15] BadFoMo @unsteddyphoenix I am reminded of that one part of the Inspector Gadget movie.
[15:33:16] ItsActuallyKopyKat "I can't run!"
[15:33:17] MviluUatusun Otherwise, he wouldn't need to be there.
[15:33:18] EnergisticAnomaly Trainrush is by far my favorite from that game
[15:33:27] SpazztasticKiwi Shopkeeps be like :ctwokinds-sleepoverA:“Don’t touch the glass!”
[15:33:32] DJSlime111 lol
[15:33:33] MarvTheHugPharaoh Zen "I can't run, carry me."
[15:33:38] CrRAR lol
[15:33:39] Bgrmystr2 Way to miss my reference to that twice, Fomo
[15:33:44] Bgrmystr2 literally how
[15:33:45] DJSlime111 rocket foot!!!
[15:33:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat more like :ctwokinds-flomad: "Don't touch the glass!"
[15:33:52] ThingsAreMoving chat too fast, bgr
[15:33:53] Bespin She touuuch
[15:33:54] DJSlime111 now he wont have to run
[15:33:55] Bespin @@@@@@@
[15:34:00] Flareuim FLora gifs are cute and gud
[15:34:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat Of course, flareuim
[15:34:13] EnergisticAnomaly Trainrush of electroswing is the ultimate song
[15:34:13] Bgrmystr2 sounds like an excuse, Things
[15:34:15] DJSlime111 wherre do you get those gifs?
[15:34:16] ItsActuallyKopyKat Issa flora
[15:34:18] ThingsAreMoving ikr
[15:34:22] unsteddyphoenix from the store
[15:34:26] Flareuim GUD
[15:34:26] Bgrmystr2 chat not fast. reading is too slow
[15:34:27] DJSlime111 oh
[15:34:27] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-toomuchcoffee:
[15:34:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat You pay the man! @Djslime
[15:34:31] SpazztasticKiwi Raine sneezes and everything starts falling domino style
[15:34:35] MarvTheHugPharaoh :ctwokinds-nibsdance:
[15:34:43] ThingsAreMoving I'm telling ya, the actual prosthesis is made of glass, not the display box, lol
[15:34:47] Flareuim shi caps lock
[15:34:53] ItsActuallyKopyKat noice
[15:34:53] FenceEqualizer Is anyone going to ask why this shop is in a mainly human town?
[15:35:00] SpazztasticKiwi Flora gifs you say? :ctwokinds-FloDance:
[15:35:06] Bgrmystr2 how would you know Fence
[15:35:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat No fence, no
[15:35:12] PotatoRights The glass needs to be lick proof Tom
[15:35:14] Xexanoth It's just the Keidran section of the Shop Fence
[15:35:17] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-flat::ctwokinds-flat: Flora gifs?
[15:35:26] Bespin Cute sketch
[15:35:29] SiliconCarbide maybe its on the third mansion floor?
[15:35:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat Ouch!@
[15:35:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat @Thingsaremoving
[15:35:37] SpazztasticKiwi I’m not flat! :ctwokinds-sleepoverA:
[15:35:38] SiliconCarbide traces secret enterprise
[15:35:40] Flareuim Off
[15:35:41] FenceEqualizer The mansion has it all
[15:35:47] ItsActuallyKopyKat :D :D
[15:35:48] Matth3w23 I love the glow on the leg 🙂
[15:35:50] Flareuim Oof
[15:35:52] CrRAR lol
[15:35:53] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-sleepoverB: "I want to be flaaaat"
[15:35:54] Twokinds Done
[15:35:58] Bespin Sdorbs
[15:35:58] DJSlime111 its golden
[15:35:59] CrRAR nice
[15:35:59] Zakuru gg tom
[15:36:00] MarvTheHugPharaoh Nicely Done TOm
[15:36:00] NeonMitsumi Very fancy.
[15:36:02] SiliconCarbide very nice
[15:36:02] ThingsAreMoving shiny / 10
[15:36:02] SpazztasticKiwi Fabulous
[15:36:04] ItsActuallyKopyKat It's perfect
[15:36:05] IthzChannel Shiny leg
[15:36:06] Matth3w23 Very nice!
[15:36:08] Flareuim NiOce tom
[15:36:09] DJSlime111 10/10
[15:36:13] unsteddyphoenix Great job lol
[15:36:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat Thanks Tom!
[15:36:16] DJSlime111 111/10
[15:36:20] Flareuim Markiplier tld me to say nice tom
[15:36:21] MallardDuckAvia Even flat pancakes can be big if you stack them
[15:36:25] PotatoRights Is it Innovation Inc. Lick-Proof-Glass?
[15:36:27] Bgrmystr2 you didn't put your foot in your mouth on this one Tom. Well done. :ptv-excited:
[15:36:28] ThingsAreMoving Legendary leg, +100% to speech skill
[15:36:30] unsteddyphoenix 1.5/2
[15:36:31] FenceEqualizer The leg of legend, you know it's legendary cause it glows
[15:36:33] IthzChannel the detail is great
[15:36:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat Ha ha bgr
[15:36:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat foot in mouth
[15:36:42] ItsActuallyKopyKat ha
[15:36:53] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-eyeroll::ctwokinds-NataniHAHA:
[15:37:01] Bgrmystr2 lol Kopy, ignore all the other feet jokes while you're at it :v
[15:37:04] Bgrmystr2 go right head
[15:37:07] Bgrmystr2 I won't mind
[15:37:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat I will then! hmmph
[15:37:16] ThingsAreMoving "done" he says
[15:37:18] ThingsAreMoving lol
[15:37:23] MarvTheHugPharaoh Tom
[15:37:26] unsteddyphoenix Ahh the glove
[15:37:29] MarvTheHugPharaoh Spoils my dude
[15:37:29] ItsActuallyKopyKat I am not complaining
[15:37:31] FenceEqualizer Don't mind it bgr yours just stood up from the rest
[15:37:34] Bgrmystr2 while you're at it, ignore mine too
[15:37:37] SpazztasticKiwi *shopkeep glares hidden in a corner*
[15:37:37] ThingsAreMoving Izzat the infinity glove?
[15:37:41] Bgrmystr2 tom plssss
[15:37:43] NeonMitsumi ffs
[15:37:45] unsteddyphoenix Spoilers: theres a glove in EndlessBattle
[15:37:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat Zen: "And with a snap of my fingers..."
[15:37:47] Bgrmystr2 xD
[15:37:48] DJSlime111 lol they're just LEGGING it
[15:37:50] Flareuim plz No
[15:37:54] Bespin infinity gauntle
[15:37:55] Bgrmystr2 plz yes
[15:37:55] MarvTheHugPharaoh Kopy XD
[15:37:57] NeonMitsumi Zen's leg doesn't feel so good.
[15:37:58] Bespin geuntlet
[15:38:00] Bespin fucc
[15:38:03] BadFoMo @ThingsAreMoving The what?
[15:38:07] Channelfiction So twokinds is part of the MCU I knew it!
[15:38:08] Matth3w23 This drawing was a great feet.
[15:38:10] DJSlime111 *gauntlet*
[15:38:11] ThingsAreMoving the gauntlet
[15:38:11] PotatoRights Infinity Gauntlet confirmed?
[15:38:12] EnergisticAnomaly what about wings?
[15:38:14] Flareuim StOp I'm not ready and have heard to muc of the infinity guanlet
[15:38:24] MallardDuckAvia No spoilers. I haven't watched the movie yet
[15:38:29] Bespin Very powerful weapon!
[15:38:30] DJSlime111 me neither
[15:38:35] BluePhantom90 well hurry it up
[15:38:36] Justanotheruser7118 Hi everyone!
[15:38:36] thestooge Is that the infinity gauntlet?
[15:38:38] Bgrmystr2 it's not like the gauntlet is a spoiler for the movie..? srsly
[15:38:40] Matth3w23 Hello!
[15:38:42] PotatoRights Squidward dies in infinity war
[15:38:42] Bespin Thanos would be pleased
[15:38:44] Bgrmystr2 everyone knows about it
[15:38:45] NCDragonWolf Spoiler Alert- Iron Man is in Infinity War
[15:38:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol exactly bgr
[15:38:47] FenceEqualizer "Done." Tom 2018
[15:38:52] Bespin Lol
[15:38:57] Channelfiction Spoiler thanos is the villain
[15:38:58] MallardDuckAvia The last Avengers movie I watched was Age of Ultron
[15:39:02] SpazztasticKiwi “Done” never actually means done
[15:39:08] MallardDuckAvia I'm really behind
[15:39:13] SpazztasticKiwi Tis a rule of Tom
[15:39:14] TerraTheWizard sometimes it does
[15:39:15] MarvTheHugPharaoh Raine "We don't have any cash do we..." Kat "Nope" Raine then magic breaks the glass and grabs the leg "LEG IT"
[15:39:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat Spoiler alert, The avengers are in the movie
[15:39:17] PotatoRights Spider Man Kissel Squidward
[15:39:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat xD marv
[15:39:28] Bgrmystr2 Spoilers, it's a Marvel movie
[15:39:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat marv pls
[15:39:31] PotatoRights *kills
[15:39:36] Bespin Lol
[15:39:36] DJSlime111 shoot accidentally closed the tab
[15:39:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat ripper dj
[15:39:45] ThingsAreMoving lolz
[15:39:49] PotatoRights I’m serious
[15:39:51] BadFoMo @MarvTheHugPharaoh Haha.
[15:39:51] CrRAR ooo a DIY project
[15:39:56] FenceEqualizer Stop spoiling the movie! I didn't even know it was Marvel
[15:40:01] MallardDuckAvia I said no spoilers!!! Now I know the name of the vilan
[15:40:06] ItsActuallyKopyKat "Used like new" "missing parts"
[15:40:07] Justanotheruser7118 Lol
[15:40:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat xD
[15:40:09] SpazztasticKiwi “Used” u cheeky man u
[15:40:11] PotatoRights Missing: 6 parts
[15:40:19] Bgrmystr2 lolo
[15:40:19] PotatoRights All infinity stones
[15:40:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat yeah potato
[15:40:27] SpazztasticKiwi :ctwokinds-smug:
[15:40:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat that's the joke lol
[15:40:34] unsteddyphoenix Have you actually seen Infinity war Tom?
[15:40:36] EnergisticAnomaly Soo is that leg of legendary rarity then?
[15:40:39] ThingsAreMoving Power boulders sold separately
[15:40:39] Twokinds no
[15:40:44] Bgrmystr2 didn't think so lol
[15:40:47] MallardDuckAvia Is your comic in the Marvel universe now?
[15:40:48] unsteddyphoenix Lol yeah
[15:40:50] unsteddyphoenix Fair enough~
[15:40:51] PotatoRights Lol
[15:40:54] SpazztasticKiwi Tom isn’t an outdoors person
[15:40:55] DJSlime111 111/111
[15:40:56] BadFoMo ...and a 5th finger.
[15:40:57] MarvTheHugPharaoh have you seen Ragnarok yet Tom?
[15:40:58] ItsActuallyKopyKat Trace is marvel confirmed
[15:41:00] SpazztasticKiwi Or movie person
[15:41:00] Twokinds I'm going to see it at the theater with Sage this week
[15:41:05] SpazztasticKiwi Whoo
[15:41:05] NCDragonWolf I'd like to see Zen holding the Infinity Gauntlet now.
[15:41:06] Matth3w23 Enjoy!
[15:41:06] Channelfiction Black panther keidran
[15:41:06] MarvTheHugPharaoh good
[15:41:06] ThingsAreMoving Have fun!
[15:41:07] Bgrmystr2 nice
[15:41:09] unsteddyphoenix Ohh thats cute~
[15:41:10] Bespin you can find out the entire plot of infinity war just by memes
[15:41:11] Bgrmystr2 enjoy it
[15:41:11] DJSlime111 !!!!
[15:41:14] Flareuim I've heard from fortnite and haven't stopped hearing sin
[15:41:16] NeonMitsumi xD Teddy
[15:41:22] goldgardian No... Zen with the infinity BOOT
[15:41:25] Matth3w23 Blooming reddit is awful for spoilers.
[15:41:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat Tom x Sage :ptv-shipit:
[15:41:27] NCDragonWolf XD
[15:41:28] thestooge Ragnarok is still in theatres?
[15:41:28] Bgrmystr2 xD Gold
[15:41:32] ThingsAreMoving lol Kat
[15:41:37] PotatoRights Spoiler alert: Spider Man kills Squidward
[15:41:45] Bgrmystr2 potato nooooooo
[15:41:46] goldgardian Nuuu spoilerz!!
[15:41:50] ItsActuallyKopyKat potato shhh
[15:42:00] PotatoRights Jk
[15:42:02] thestooge Infinity spoilers with no context
[15:42:04] WarToWin Hello
[15:42:06] ItsActuallyKopyKat Excellent warmup!
[15:42:08] Bespin ubble gun
[15:42:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat No no spoilers!
[15:42:11] Bespin bubble
[15:42:13] MallardDuckAvia I saw Ragnorok last week
[15:42:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat no no no
[15:42:17] DJSlime111 you cannot have any rights!!!!!! @PotatoRights
[15:42:17] PotatoRights Honestly how would he kill squidward
[15:42:25] NCDragonWolf Spoiler Alert- Black Panther lives in Wakanda
[15:42:30] DJSlime111 I like this song!
[15:42:32] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-florajiggle::ctwokinds-florajiggle::ctwokinds-florajiggle:
[15:42:40] Bespin Spoiler alert captain america exists
[15:42:40] Bgrmystr2 a lot of people do, dj
[15:42:43] Matth3w23 Does squid Ward fight with his clarinet?
[15:42:43] MarvTheHugPharaoh :ctwokinds-sleepoverB:
[15:42:44] MarvTheHugPharaoh :ctwokinds-florajiggle:
[15:42:45] ItsActuallyKopyKat That's because issa good song
[15:42:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat :V
[15:42:55] BadFoMo Hmm?
[15:42:57] Matth3w23 *squidward
[15:42:59] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-eyeroll:
[15:43:01] Bespin Keeeeith
[15:43:06] NeonMitsumi Are all sketches in same file? lmao
[15:43:10] Bespin ooh
[15:43:12] ItsActuallyKopyKat of course!
[15:43:12] PotatoRights Spoiler alert: someone wins and someone loses like in all action movies
[15:43:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat Different layers
[15:43:28] gone46 oh my
[15:43:28] DJSlime111 the lyrics for this song are
[15:43:29] DJSlime111 Hello hello, I am Silphy, how goes? You're a thing, And I'm just a cat. Oh! 1-2-1-2 Dance with me, You're beautiful, and you know, I love talking synths. So! 1-2-1-2 Pretty music note box, Can't resist a melody like this, Nope! You've got style, I've go
[15:43:29] thestooge Wow that was fast
[15:43:30] unsteddyphoenix Haha
[15:43:42] ThingsAreMoving "layers after layers, you can go on & on & on..."
[15:43:45] unsteddyphoenix Wait I like "Natani catching Keith with a pillow" a lot more
[15:43:47] DJSlime111 dang it it didnt fit!
[15:43:53] Lukewci25 Hi people
[15:43:55] ThingsAreMoving o/
[15:43:55] DJSlime111 hi
[15:43:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat there is a character limit, dj
[15:44:00] SpazztasticKiwi She’s got a nice pair of...eyes
[15:44:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat Hi luke
[15:44:06] ItsActuallyKopyKat Eyes, yes
[15:44:13] ItsActuallyKopyKat Her eyes are to die for
[15:44:17] Bespin ah
[15:44:20] Bgrmystr2 uh huh kiwi
[15:44:21] Bespin no eyyes
[15:44:22] unsteddyphoenix I really like her....huge breasts
[15:44:23] unsteddyphoenix Wait
[15:44:26] unsteddyphoenix I fucked it up
[15:44:26] Bespin Yea same
[15:44:27] BadFoMo @NeonMitsumi If true... good God, how big is that file? And how is it still running?
[15:44:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[15:44:29] ThingsAreMoving unfteddy!
[15:44:30] ProsePro7 Oh? Sexy Natani
[15:44:31] Bgrmystr2 hahaha phoenix sameeeeeee
[15:44:37] ItsActuallyKopyKat good one teddy
[15:44:38] FenceEqualizer Damn it unsteddy
[15:44:46] NeonMitsumi @BadFoMo And hopefully there's a backup
[15:44:46] w0lfmare *Facepalm*
[15:44:54] MarvTheHugPharaoh :ctwokinds-nataniAAAAshake:
[15:44:54] EnergisticAnomaly Her hair is nice
[15:44:55] MarvTheHugPharaoh :ctwokinds-florajiggle:
[15:44:57] Bgrmystr2 it's obv not true, Fomo, it's just photoshop having lots of things open
[15:44:58] Twokinds brb
[15:45:00] ItsActuallyKopyKat Ohhhh
[15:45:01] NeonMitsumi Lmao Marb
[15:45:04] NeonMitsumi Git gud
[15:45:05] ThingsAreMoving marv, decapitated
[15:45:06] Bespin her everything is nice
[15:45:08] ItsActuallyKopyKat marv's gif train got ruined
[15:45:11] MarvTheHugPharaoh My boobs got cute :D
[15:45:13] Ordithus Oh my <3
[15:45:14] MarvTheHugPharaoh D:
[15:45:15] EnergisticAnomaly XD
[15:45:17] PalmettoPathfinder1 A sexy character appears. It uses seduction on the viewers! It's super effective!
[15:45:22] SpazztasticKiwi Tom get snak? Or feed cat
[15:45:27] ThingsAreMoving Marv got unboobed
[15:45:27] w0lfmare Looks like she'll have to get two fancy peglegs though
[15:45:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat what happened to her eyes OwO
[15:45:35] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-natbutt:
[15:45:37] Ordithus Lol w0lf
[15:45:37] RyanReaper Sexy ;3
[15:45:39] PotatoRights MARVElous fail
[15:45:39] ItsActuallyKopyKat and two fancy glass eyes
[15:45:40] ThingsAreMoving they blank
[15:45:41] DJSlime111 she kinda looks evil
[15:45:53] unsteddyphoenix sass at maximum
[15:45:54] BadFoMo ...Dirp her!
[15:45:59] Bespin ^
[15:46:00] Bespin Do it
[15:46:02] EnergisticAnomaly Derpify
[15:46:02] Bespin hahaha
[15:46:04] SpazztasticKiwi Is something moving the mouse
[15:46:08] PalmettoPathfinder1 Natani uses seduction on us. It's super effective!
[15:46:09] Bgrmystr2 derp is spelled with an e
[15:46:12] ItsActuallyKopyKat the cat is drawing
[15:46:13] SpazztasticKiwi Nm
[15:46:19] Matth3w23 It's attracted to cheese
[15:46:19] FenceEqualizer Darp
[15:46:22] ThingsAreMoving Drup
[15:46:24] EnergisticAnomaly Dorp
[15:46:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat the cat knows how to draw the Keith
[15:46:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat darp
[15:46:29] BluePhantom90 having them stare at each other with their pillows
[15:46:29] PotatoRights Durp
[15:46:35] Bgrmystr2 dyrp lul
[15:46:36] BadFoMo @ItsActuallyKopyKat Dang it, I was about to say that.
[15:46:37] RyanReaper What happened to the polls?
[15:46:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat whomp whomp lol
[15:46:51] ThingsAreMoving The polls came and wenty
[15:46:51] SpazztasticKiwi You’re doing amazing Holly :ctwokinds-katdryer:
[15:46:52] MarvTheHugPharaoh whomp whomp, show me
[15:46:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat I have lightning fingers @badfomo
[15:46:54] DJSlime111 pƎɹԀ
[15:46:55] Bgrmystr2 this was the vote, Ryan
[15:46:59] Lukewci25 Hmm... is it possible to see the delay?
[15:47:04] BadFoMo @RyanReaper Had them at that start.
[15:47:08] ProsePro7 We not doing polls today? Is it all Tom's pick?
[15:47:10] PotatoRights Potato
[15:47:11] Bgrmystr2 you can see the delay Luke
[15:47:14] Bgrmystr2 no Prose this was a poll
[15:47:17] NeonMitsumi No, you donute
[15:47:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat The polls came already
[15:47:20] ThingsAreMoving Prose there was one voting done already
[15:47:21] MviluUatusun BRB. Gotta go get some dinner.
[15:47:26] ProsePro7 Cool
[15:47:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat this was voted
[15:47:34] FenceEqualizer What is this a collection of body pillows?
[15:47:35] ItsActuallyKopyKat happy noms mvilu
[15:47:42] BadFoMo We started with a Tom Pick; and now we're doing the Vote.
[15:47:44] DJSlime111 Hǝ˥lO ǝΛǝ⅄oNǝ
[15:47:48] MarvTheHugPharaoh good noms Mvilu
[15:47:54] Bgrmystr2 dj pls
[15:47:56] ItsActuallyKopyKat its keith and natani, cuddling while their body pillows look on
[15:47:58] Lukewci25 @Bgrmystr2 I mean like on twitch. Delay between me and a streamer.
[15:47:58] PalmettoPathfinder1 I once saw what medieval fantasy would look like. The screen would be a crystal ball, the keyboard would be a plank of wood with rune crystals on it, and the mouse would be....a mouse with it's being bitten by a snake whose tail was connected to the cry
[15:48:02] Keeeef Hi
[15:48:04] PalmettoPathfinder1 Stal ball
[15:48:04] Bgrmystr2 if you're gonna do it upsidedown, do it right
[15:48:08] ItsActuallyKopyKat @Fence
[15:48:11] Justanotheruser7118 I wasnt here; what were the votes again?
[15:48:12] Mippy Ugh! DJ stop
[15:48:13] CrRAR lol daki pillow collection?
[15:48:15] DJSlime111 MH∀┴¿
[15:48:18] NeonMitsumi @Lukewci25 Send a message and time it lol
[15:48:19] Wyvern088 "night of the living body pillows"
[15:48:20] PotatoRights Spoiler alert: infinity war is a great movie
[15:48:20] Bgrmystr2 just look at the chat Luke
[15:48:23] Bgrmystr2 in the stream
[15:48:32] Bgrmystr2 and see how long it takes
[15:48:34] FenceEqualizer Thanks
[15:48:34] Bespin Hey neon join the discord chat with us hehe uwu
[15:48:35] DJSlime111 ʞO
[15:48:38] PalmettoPathfinder1 Yeah that's what a medieval fantasy computer would look like.
[15:48:44] CrRAR Is real Zen gonna be stuffed in among them?
[15:48:44] sunblaze spoiler alarm it has 2 parts :D
[15:48:45] ThingsAreMoving Check for all the previous votes
[15:48:54] DJSlime111 ʞO
[15:48:55] Bespin oh god those yes
[15:48:58] Bespin eyes
[15:48:58] NeonMitsumi Okay, give me a moment lol
[15:49:00] sunblaze I had several that just qwent huh that was it? after the credits :D
[15:49:04] Matth3w23 Spoiler alert: Infinity war actually doesn't run for an infinite amount of time.
[15:49:06] ItsActuallyKopyKat Why are we writing upside down now
[15:49:07] Katfeathers I must 'ave goten in just after the poll anounce
[15:49:10] Lukewci25 Well, I see the delay at the chat. That why I'm asking if there is any option to measure it. ;)
[15:49:12] Bgrmystr2 we're not, Kopy
[15:49:16] MallardDuckAvia Spoiler alert. Infinity War is a movie
[15:49:17] DJSlime111 ʞpI
[15:49:26] Bgrmystr2 Mallard plss
[15:49:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat Sass levels are over 9000
[15:49:37] DJSlime111 ˥Ǝ˥
[15:49:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat I mean
[15:49:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat look at her
[15:49:42] Mippy DJ's just being dumb KopyKat
[15:49:45] Matth3w23 Spoiler alert: Infinity war is actually about a bunch of sidewards numbers.
[15:49:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat good god
[15:49:47] NCDragonWolf Spoiler Alert- Inifinty War is part of the MCU
[15:49:54] NCDragonWolf Infinity*
[15:49:56] BadFoMo ...Are they thoes Scooby Doo Paintings?
[15:49:58] ItsActuallyKopyKat poor keith...stuck with all that sass
[15:49:59] DJSlime111 ⅄ƎH
[15:50:04] ThingsAreMoving Ⓛⓞⓛ ⓢⓒⓡⓤⓑⓢ
[15:50:08] Bgrmystr2 DJ can you stop :u
[15:50:08] MallardDuckAvia Yes Bgr?
[15:50:11] BadFoMo *they like thoes
[15:50:11] ItsActuallyKopyKat omg things
[15:50:15] DJSlime111 wait... what
[15:50:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat get on his level dj
[15:50:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat ha
[15:50:31] DJSlime111 how did u do that @thingsaremoving?
[15:50:33] Bgrmystr2 Mallard, if you didn't get it, then ya gotta internet more lol
[15:50:37] ItsActuallyKopyKat magic muahahahahha
[15:50:40] CrRAR oh lord this would be creepy to wake up to.
[15:50:41] ThingsAreMoving by the power of the internet
[15:50:48] Bgrmystr2 if you tell him, things, he'll do that for the next hour
[15:50:49] unsteddyphoenix Always watching....
[15:50:53] Bgrmystr2 please don't xD
[15:50:57] Bespin :eyes:
[15:50:57] ThingsAreMoving I'm not telling
[15:50:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat teddy pls
[15:51:04] DJSlime111 ☹⚐☹
[15:51:06] NeonMitsumi @Bespin wtf did I join
[15:51:07] Bgrmystr2 :thumbsup:
[15:51:18] Bespin Idk even
[15:51:23] MallardDuckAvia I don't understand what you mean.
[15:51:25] DJSlime111 ☝☜❄ ⚐☠ 💣✡ ☹✞☹
[15:51:31] ItsActuallyKopyKat hoo boy
[15:51:31] CrRAR it's worse than teh frankendoodle
[15:51:43] Keeeef Is that wingdings
[15:51:46] Mippy :purple_heart::purple_heart:
[15:51:47] ThingsAreMoving Zalgo was worse
[15:51:47] ItsActuallyKopyKat I guess we're doing the sad emoji spam now
[15:51:55] SpazztasticKiwi 🍪 :ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[15:52:00] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[15:52:01] CrRAR :)
[15:52:01] SpazztasticKiwi Not sad emote
[15:52:02] unsteddyphoenix oh my god
[15:52:02] EnergisticAnomaly ʙʟᴇᴘ
[15:52:10] unsteddyphoenix Why is that an emoji
[15:52:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat :cookie::ctwokinds-renirawr:
[15:52:26] BadFoMo Dakis(?): Soon.
[15:52:27] unsteddyphoenix oh wait its a cookie
[15:52:29] unsteddyphoenix Whoops
[15:52:33] CrRAR lol
[15:52:38] NCDragonWolf Dr. Who!
[15:52:39] ThingsAreMoving :cookie: :ctwokinds-reniderp_flip:
[15:52:40] NeonMitsumi facepaws.
[15:52:42] DJSlime111 ☟☜☹☹⚐ ☜✞☜☼✡⚐☠☜✏✏✏✏
[15:52:42] SpazztasticKiwi Good job
[15:52:43] FenceEqualizer ....what did you think it was?
[15:52:45] CrRAR Did you think it was a face with a bite missing?
[15:52:54] unsteddyphoenix Yesh
[15:52:58] ItsActuallyKopyKat nice
[15:53:00] CrRAR lol
[15:53:01] Bgrmystr2 phoenix... how
[15:53:05] Mippy Am I the onlt one just seeing squares instead of emoji"s? It's honestly kind of funnt
[15:53:06] Bgrmystr2 it's obv a cookie xD
[15:53:07] SpazztasticKiwi Do you need 👓 unsteddy?
[15:53:08] ThingsAreMoving Teddy you need some help, man
[15:53:10] Bgrmystr2 it has no eyes or a mouth
[15:53:11] unsteddyphoenix Look its got two eyes and a mouth!
[15:53:13] Bgrmystr2 or nose, even
[15:53:13] CrRAR can't U N S E E
[15:53:17] Bgrmystr2 No it doesnt'!
[15:53:20] Keeeef When is the next season of Doctor Who coming out?
[15:53:21] EnergisticAnomaly ᴀɢᴘᴘᴀᴀʜʜ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇɴᴛ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴅʀ ᴡʜᴏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀᴋᴇs ᴍᴇsᴀᴅ
[15:53:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat or...any facial feature tbh
[15:53:30] DJSlime111 YAY I have sound again
[15:53:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat poor anomaly
[15:53:35] snowsongwolf Yay I finally has avatar uploaded.
[15:53:38] unsteddyphoenix :hushed: its doing this face but slightly diagonal :cookie:
[15:53:42] FenceEqualizer ....well the cookie emote is now ruined
[15:53:45] ItsActuallyKopyKat hmmm
[15:53:45] FenceEqualizer For me
[15:53:48] CrRAR Keith: "Na-Natani... I'm scared."
[15:53:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat don't see it lol
[15:53:58] ThingsAreMoving nope, teddy
[15:54:02] Bgrmystr2 All I see is a chocolate chip cookie
[15:54:03] SpazztasticKiwi “Nat. It’s watching me sleep”
[15:54:04] ItsActuallyKopyKat Natani: "Shhh....let them watch."
[15:54:06] unsteddyphoenix Bah
[15:54:12] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-smug::ctwokinds-smug:
[15:54:15] CrRAR The cookie face looks brainlessly distraught
[15:54:17] Bgrmystr2 sorry mate :/
[15:54:19] ThingsAreMoving Natani: "SNNNRK!"
[15:54:22] CrRAR very sad
[15:54:24] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^^
[15:54:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat Things lol
[15:54:27] Katfeathers IIRC the UK gets new Who in Oct
[15:54:33] DJSlime111 ♄℮łʟ☺ ε♥ℯґ¥◎ηℯ‼‼‼
[15:54:34] unsteddyphoenix rip cookie
[15:54:35] CrRAR haha things
[15:54:44] Mippy I ave no idea what the cookie looks like as all I see are squares
[15:54:46] FenceEqualizer It's reminding me of those monsters in princess Monnokee (And I am sure I butchered that)
[15:54:49] Keeeef What's with do?
[15:54:50] ItsActuallyKopyKat Rip mippy
[15:54:53] NeonMitsumi @DJSlime111 It's time to stop.
[15:54:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat dj...mate...please
[15:55:03] ThingsAreMoving Mippy you need win10 for this
[15:55:07] DJSlime111 ☠☜✞☜☼
[15:55:21] Keeeef He said never in wingdings
[15:55:22] SpazztasticKiwi DJ you’re becoming a pest
[15:55:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat there aren't any mods on eitherrrrr
[15:55:31] ItsActuallyKopyKat ugh
[15:55:36] ProsePro7 Techno Sax
[15:55:42] ThingsAreMoving :saxophone::ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[15:55:45] InTheLionsDen :notes::saxophone::ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[15:55:47] BadFoMo Inb4 B&?
[15:55:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat *j u s t r e l a x*
[15:55:48] thestooge I already like this new song!
[15:55:50] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-nibsax:
[15:55:53] SpazztasticKiwi Quick Tom, conjure a mod
[15:55:55] Matth3w23 Random question, is there a twokinds discord?
[15:55:55] DJSlime111 Yeah im done
[15:56:00] DJSlime111 IDK
[15:56:02] MarvTheHugPharaoh no
[15:56:11] BadFoMo Uh, never mind.
[15:56:12] goldgardian that was quick....
[15:56:16] unsteddyphoenix ~justrelax~
[15:56:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat there are several or none, depending on who you ask
[15:56:20] ThingsAreMoving Matthew, don't go there. It's a silly place.
[15:56:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat @matthew
[15:56:30] NeonMitsumi lmao
[15:56:31] ItsActuallyKopyKat I say there are none
[15:56:48] Bgrmystr2 @thestooge this isn't even a new song
[15:56:51] Ordithus Heh boobs
[15:56:54] Bgrmystr2 it's been here for a while now
[15:56:55] DJSlime111 TOM make a Discord, please
[15:56:59] MarvTheHugPharaoh no
[15:57:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat Tig ol biddies
[15:57:06] ThingsAreMoving yeah... nah
[15:57:09] unsteddyphoenix Tom make a discord but invite noone
[15:57:12] ThingsAreMoving ^
[15:57:13] unsteddyphoenix And just, take a screenshot of it
[15:57:14] qwe304 @Matth3w23 i could tell you but then I'd have to kill you
[15:57:16] Questionbox2018 y'all gay
[15:57:17] qwe304 just kidding
[15:57:18] SpazztasticKiwi B:ctwokinds-karenOOO:bs
[15:57:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat Or he'd send out invites that go nowhere
[15:57:22] EnergisticAnomaly ʙᴜᴛ ᴅᴏ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʙᴏᴜɴᴄᴇ
[15:57:24] NeonMitsumi lmao
[15:57:24] Bgrmystr2 kiwiiiii xD
[15:57:32] Mippy Would not be a TK stream without boobs
[15:57:32] ThingsAreMoving question do you even know where you are m8
[15:57:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat "This discord room does not exist"
[15:57:34] Twokinds Wats discord
[15:57:39] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^^
[15:57:39] ThingsAreMoving a disease
[15:57:41] EnergisticAnomaly ^^
[15:57:43] TerraTheWizard chaos
[15:57:45] GameForge oshit
[15:57:49] Bespin Oh no
[15:57:49] unsteddyphoenix Its like AOL but slightly more modern
[15:57:54] MarvTheHugPharaoh XD
[15:57:55] Keeeef He'll send invites to his bathroom
[15:57:56] FoxxTrotter Me no use Discord.
[15:57:59] Bgrmystr2 who even used AOL anyway
[15:58:00] FenceEqualizer A place of Sin Tom
[15:58:00] DJSlime111
[15:58:06] NeonMitsumi It's Skype 2.0
[15:58:06] Wyvern088 the thing that killed skype
[15:58:09] Katfeathers a sillyer place than M.P. Camalott
[15:58:11] ThingsAreMoving It's like mIRC but with voice
[15:58:12] Zakuru only the twokinds discords are trash
[15:58:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat :T
[15:58:14] SpazztasticKiwi Accurate representation of couples sleeping
[15:58:19] Bgrmystr2 Microsoft killed skype, Wyvern
[15:58:21] Bgrmystr2 not Discord
[15:58:21] FenceEqualizer Skype killed itself >.>
[15:58:21] Bespin One tk discord is nice
[15:58:25] Bgrmystr2 Discord took advantage of it
[15:58:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat One of them doesn't exist, kiwi?
[15:58:26] BadFoMo Tom, make a TwoKinds MineCraft server.
[15:58:28] ThingsAreMoving Skype killed skype!
[15:58:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat That's me!
[15:58:33] unsteddyphoenix Most accurate would be one of them not asleep
[15:58:34] Wyvern088 did they...? did they really?
[15:58:38] Mippy A MLP character
[15:58:40] Bgrmystr2 yes Wyvern
[15:58:41] Bgrmystr2 yes they didd
[15:58:42] NeonMitsumi Heck
[15:58:45] Twokinds Wats minecraft
[15:58:48] DJSlime111 someones already making a MC server
[15:58:49] Bgrmystr2 Tom pls
[15:58:51] Bgrmystr2 stahp
[15:58:55] SpazztasticKiwi Block simulator
[15:58:55] Zakuru ^
[15:58:56] unsteddyphoenix Its like roblox but worse
[15:58:56] snowsongwolf @FenceFqualizer It may have killed itself but Microstopruiningmyprograms\ didn't help.
[15:58:57] MarvTheHugPharaoh the most graphics demanding game there is
[15:58:58] DJSlime111 lel
[15:59:02] NCDragonWolf lol
[15:59:05] Keeeef Tom is under rock
[15:59:05] FenceEqualizer Lego simulator
[15:59:09] Bgrmystr2 "worse" you mean the people, phoenix?
[15:59:10] EnergisticAnomaly Hi yes id like a natini body pillow, when do you plan to sell?
[15:59:10] ThingsAreMoving Tom, It's like scarcraft but with claymore mines
[15:59:11] Wyvern088 okay fine, discord killed the hollow empty shell once known as skype
[15:59:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat Tom lives under a cat
[15:59:15] ThingsAreMoving starcraft*
[15:59:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat he cannot move
[15:59:19] BadFoMo It's a game your brother ues to play whild drunk.
[15:59:21] Keeeef Punch and put sim
[15:59:25] Bgrmystr2 discord didn't kill anything, wyvern
[15:59:27] BadFoMo *use
[15:59:30] SpazztasticKiwi Tom is a rock confirmed
[15:59:32] BadFoMo *while
[15:59:35] Bgrmystr2 skype was already dying by the time discord came out
[15:59:41] ThingsAreMoving ^
[15:59:44] DJSlime111 @ItsActuallyKopyKat no he livesunder a Flora
[15:59:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat Flora is a cat
[15:59:54] WereKeidran okay, I'm back
[15:59:55] DJSlime111 IK
[15:59:56] ItsActuallyKopyKat I am still correct
[15:59:56] ThingsAreMoving Ventrillo, mumble and teamspeak killed skype
[15:59:57] MviluUatusun Is that Zen and Kat in the bed?
[15:59:59] Keeeef Which side?
[16:00:04] NeonMitsumi No, you donut.
[16:00:04] Channelfiction Keith and Nat
[16:00:05] MarvTheHugPharaoh kaith and nat
[16:00:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[16:00:07] MallardDuckAvia Minecraft is a religion
[16:00:12] ItsActuallyKopyKat don't let marv catch you saying that
[16:00:22] Bgrmystr2 Things..
[16:00:23] ItsActuallyKopyKat he'll keel you
[16:00:25] FenceEqualizer I swear she must saw the roof off with her snoring
[16:00:26] DJSlime111 I actually got my name from MC
[16:00:28] ThingsAreMoving yes, bgr?
[16:00:29] Bgrmystr2 that's not how any of it works
[16:00:30] MarvTheHugPharaoh keel haul
[16:00:35] Channelfiction I feel like going to bed with a girl while a body pillow of your sister and her boyfriend would be kind of weird
[16:00:37] Keeeef W
[16:00:38] BadFoMo Wait, I got one. Tom, make a TwoKinds Comic.
[16:00:40] MviluUatusun Oh, okay. I wasn't sure if the ones against the wall were just looking through doorways. Don't ask.
[16:00:42] snowsongwolf Skype killed skype. It was a perfectly mediocore video chat program and then they started "adding features" like video advertizements.
[16:00:57] EnergisticAnomaly I still use skype.
[16:00:58] ItsActuallyKopyKat correct, channel fiction
[16:00:58] Bgrmystr2 the video wasn't even the good part
[16:01:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat That is correct
[16:01:04] Bgrmystr2 the audio was the best part of it
[16:01:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^
[16:01:11] Bgrmystr2 rest was average
[16:01:14] Mippy I never used Skype
[16:01:14] snowsongwolf Or smart audio settings that keep killing your recording setup. Scuse me while I brush this salt off...
[16:01:17] ThingsAreMoving I only use skype for international phone calls
[16:01:19] Keeeef Natani really has one big mouth there
[16:01:22] Bgrmystr2 every other program is pretty trash audio quality
[16:01:23] ItsActuallyKopyKat These boobs keep getting bigger
[16:01:27] ThingsAreMoving it's pretty good for that kind of things
[16:01:31] Bgrmystr2 then discord happened lol
[16:01:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat They're like those magic boobs that flora got early in the comic
[16:01:48] FenceEqualizer And it was good
[16:01:49] ThingsAreMoving bgr i humbly disagree, mumble had good audio quality
[16:01:50] snowsongwolf In our testing we found mumble had the best audio codecs and the least delay, but it's difficult to administer.
[16:01:52] BadFoMo @Keeeef All the better to eat Keith with?
[16:01:55] ItsActuallyKopyKat when Tom had a substitue artist
[16:01:59] SpazztasticKiwi Inflata-boobs
[16:02:00] ThingsAreMoving but the program itself was awkwadr
[16:02:07] SpazztasticKiwi Get yours today
[16:02:10] ThingsAreMoving awkward even
[16:02:25] Bgrmystr2 I've used mumble. Audio was garbage
[16:02:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat only 19.99 plus shipping and handling, plus a monthly subscription of 9.99/mo
[16:02:30] Keeeef @BadFoMo need all that bacon
[16:02:30] Matth3w23 Did Tom choose this Playlist, or is it user chosen?
[16:02:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat @kiwi
[16:02:32] DJSlime111 ...
[16:02:34] Bgrmystr2 same with every version of teamspeak I used
[16:02:35] MviluUatusun Oh, that looks better and more intimate, Tom.
[16:02:38] Xexanoth Todays Sketch: "Proud Parents looking at their Children"
[16:02:43] FenceEqualizer Arn't those just balloons
[16:02:45] ItsActuallyKopyKat you can send him suggestions, matthew
[16:02:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat but he picks em
[16:02:52] ThingsAreMoving dunno, why bgr. I couldn't complain tbh
[16:03:02] Matth3w23 Ah, okay.
[16:03:02] Channelfiction Bodypillows" They don't need us anymore, at least we have each other"
[16:03:05] DJSlime111 can anyone see my profile photo, I just changed it
[16:03:05] PhilTheIdle check back later
[16:03:08] ItsActuallyKopyKat be back later, i gotta cook
[16:03:10] Bgrmystr2 prolly cuz you didn't have an audio system to make out the probelms in the audio signal
[16:03:18] unsteddyphoenix goodluck~
[16:03:18] PhilTheIdle is gone.
[16:03:19] Bgrmystr2 problems* even
[16:03:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat :D <3
[16:03:30] Keeeef @DjSlime11 I'm on the app
[16:03:30] SpazztasticKiwi Nat’s pillow knows what’s up
[16:03:33] Sunfish43 Yay cuddling and creeepy pillows
[16:03:35] ThingsAreMoving are you saying i was lacking... ears?
[16:03:37] ThingsAreMoving lol
[16:03:44] DJSlime111 ok keeeef
[16:03:52] ThingsAreMoving jk
[16:03:54] EnergisticAnomaly I need a nat pillow
[16:03:58] Bgrmystr2 no, just probably a wide range of speakers :v
[16:03:58] eriklol29 cute
[16:04:00] Wyvern088 my audio system consists of headphones
[16:04:04] Wyvern088 and thats it
[16:04:06] ThingsAreMoving no speakers, only headsets
[16:04:07] MviluUatusun Can't say that about Basitins, Things, can we?
[16:04:13] Bgrmystr2 and there's the prob, things :P
[16:04:21] DJSlime111 full surround sound sterio
[16:04:22] Bgrmystr2 no wonder lol
[16:04:26] snowsongwolf Well if you're using a communication program through speakers, that's not a great setup to begin with.
[16:04:33] DJSlime111 I think
[16:04:34] Bgrmystr2 you'd be surprised, snow
[16:04:39] Bgrmystr2 with a decent mic
[16:04:40] ThingsAreMoving well like i said i had no problem
[16:04:41] Bgrmystr2 it's not bad
[16:04:43] Keeeef imagine Natani finding out about people wanting her body pillow.
[16:04:48] snowsongwolf No, no I wouldn't.
[16:05:04] Kamaro12 it's not already weird enough that her boyfriend wants a body pillow version of her?
[16:05:06] Sunfish43 He might like it if he found out it made him rich
[16:05:12] Bgrmystr2 then you'd need to try a speaker setup with a decent mic
[16:05:13] ThingsAreMoving I wouldn't use this kind of set up as well, but whatever you prefer, bgr
[16:05:14] PotatoRights Imagining
[16:05:17] DJSlime111 4th wall: nat: you dont want the pillow
[16:05:18] Wyvern088 imagine natani finding out shes a character who has been seen nude by thousands of people
[16:05:26] Wyvern088 shed kill us all
[16:05:27] DJSlime111 lol
[16:05:45] snowsongwolf As someone who already takes over an hour trying to remove the 120mm fan noise from my videos I'd like to think I take audio fairly seriously already.
[16:05:45] Bgrmystr2 if you have a mic that only picks up voices in the room, not audio from your equipment, then it's not an issue to have sound from your speakers
[16:05:49] goldgardian It'd be like Doom. but with Natani instead of doomguy, and us instead of demons
[16:05:49] Kamaro12 I feel like any character that became aware that they were a character would have a lot more mentally scarring issues than that :P
[16:05:52] ThingsAreMoving Perk of having fur, you don't sweat-stick to your partner during sleepy times.
[16:05:52] SpazztasticKiwi What guy is thrilled other men are drooling over his girl, even in pillow form
[16:06:02] DJSlime111 we need more 4th wall breaking sketches
[16:06:02] unsteddyphoenix Theyre really wasting this opportunity though.
[16:06:05] TheMightyDerp Natini breaks the fourth wall
[16:06:12] Keeeef The pillow should be called Thotani
[16:06:18] Bgrmystr2 that's the problem with using a condenser, snow
[16:06:18] Sunfish43 XD
[16:06:21] unsteddyphoenix Imagine being intimate with your partnet...on top of body pillows of you and your partner
[16:06:24] Bgrmystr2 picks up ALL the things
[16:06:27] ThingsAreMoving Keeeef pls
[16:06:33] Bespin Hmmm yes unsteddy
[16:06:38] unsteddyphoenix That sounds amazing
[16:06:39] Zakuru pretty cute
[16:06:43] Zakuru keith has best sleeping face
[16:06:46] Kamaro12 unsteddy: I mean, it might as well be the case :P
[16:06:47] Bgrmystr2 xD Phoenix
[16:07:02] snowsongwolf That's not how sound works.
[16:07:04] NeonMitsumi Oh, look they made those body pillows into a real things!
[16:07:05] MviluUatusun This must be just before they woke up a few pages (weeks?) ago.
[16:07:09] TheMightyDerp Thats adorable
[16:07:17] Bgrmystr2 That's exactly how sound works, and my audio system proves it
[16:07:20] Sunfish43 Looks great, thanks for choosing mine guys :3
[16:07:31] snowsongwolf It doesn't matter how directional your mic is, and mine is, unless you are recording in an empty field there is no way to completely remove reflections.
[16:07:38] DJSlime111 when is page 1208 coming out?
[16:07:44] SpazztasticKiwi Sweat stick isn’t a problem when it’s winter time and you snuggle with heated blankets
[16:07:45] NeonMitsumi In 3 years
[16:07:49] Bespin Yep
[16:07:52] ThingsAreMoving True, Kiwi
[16:07:58] Matth3w23 New twokinds product: small scale versions of these body pillows?
[16:07:59] SpazztasticKiwi Or in the summer when you have ac
[16:07:59] Sunfish43 Actually it looks damn amazing. Great doesn't give it justice
[16:08:01] Bgrmystr2 I do. By adjusting the audio very little
[16:08:11] Keeeef Now that I think about it, this means Evans and Mike saved the pillows from the ship fire and saw these. Imagine what they thought of it.
[16:08:19] Bgrmystr2 people only hear my voice, and nothing else. Even when I'm talking they don't hear themselves or any audio / sounds I'm playing
[16:08:22] WereKeidran brb
[16:08:24] NCDragonWolf XD
[16:08:26] Keeeef Eval*
[16:08:32] BadFoMo @DJSlime111 When it's done. ...Like Duke nukem Forever.
[16:08:49] BadFoMo *Nukem
[16:09:11] Keeeef is
[16:09:12] TerraTheWizard duki nuki
[16:09:15] ProsePro7 Dang Tom you're getting fast
[16:09:18] ThingsAreMoving Hail to the king, baby!
[16:09:21] Twokinds Done
[16:09:24] CrRAR lol the sleep blinder looks kinda like the "deal with it" shades from the side.
[16:09:29] Bespin Great
[16:09:31] Keeeef Yuy
[16:09:31] DJSlime111 nice
[16:09:31] Bespin Cute
[16:09:32] MarvTheHugPharaoh Very cuddly Done Tom
[16:09:34] FoxxTrotter NYCE. :0)
[16:09:35] SiliconCarbide so cute :D
[16:09:35] SpazztasticKiwi “Done” he says. Wait for it
[16:09:37] Bgrmystr2 nicely done, tom
[16:09:38] TorqueEmUp Well when you have to draw KANDAT every week like 3 or 4 times, you get good at it. lol
[16:09:39] ThingsAreMoving Comfy / 10
[16:09:40] Sunfish43 Looks great Tom! Thanks for voting for my suggestion chat!
[16:09:49] Bgrmystr2 I don't think that's how anything works, Torque
[16:09:49] unsteddyphoenix Big comfy
[16:09:50] SpazztasticKiwi Snuggly/10
[16:09:50] Matth3w23 Nice!
[16:10:06] ThingsAreMoving well done Tom, good suggestion, Tom!
[16:10:16] DJSlime111 👍
[16:10:17] PotatoRights Interesting
[16:10:17] Bgrmystr2 the content of the image has nothing to do with him drawing it fast lol. It's just sheer speed from years of practice
[16:10:22] CrRAR much daki
[16:10:25] CrRAR very restful
[16:10:27] Xexanoth cuddles/10
[16:10:29] WereKeidran back
[16:10:32] CrRAR wb
[16:10:33] ThingsAreMoving wb
[16:10:35] Sunfish43 cuddles <3
[16:10:37] BadFoMo Yo.
[16:10:38] Mippy Yes
[16:10:41] CrRAR yo yo
[16:10:42] TorqueEmUp Does it really matter what I said. It was obvious I was joking
[16:10:48] tkpolls [New poll!] Round 3 [Duration: 5 minutes] -
[16:10:49] InTheLionsDen Next scene has the pillows fallen over and on the floor against each other.
[16:11:04] Bgrmystr2 yes it does ! ! :ptv-pouty:
[16:11:08] Bgrmystr2 :v
[16:11:09] unsteddyphoenix "The team"
[16:11:14] MarvTheHugPharaoh BUSTY RENI!!!!!!!!!!!!
[16:11:15] NightMeaty22 Hello
[16:11:16] unsteddyphoenix So like, everyone? :thinkingL
[16:11:18] CrRAR haha lionsden
[16:11:29] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[16:11:35] NeonMitsumi wtf are Brownie poins
[16:11:35] SpazztasticKiwi :ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[16:11:37] NeonMitsumi *points
[16:11:46] Keeeef :thinking:
[16:12:10] unsteddyphoenix youve never heard the phrase?
[16:12:12] MviluUatusun I don't think I can explain it properly, Neon.
[16:12:19] ThingsAreMoving an imaginary accolade
[16:12:20] NeonMitsumi UD time, I guess.
[16:12:30] ThingsAreMoving afaik
[16:12:31] Flareuim back
[16:12:40] PotatoRights Wb
[16:12:41] BadFoMo Yo.
[16:12:48] EclipseArt Hi
[16:12:52] BadFoMo Hi.
[16:12:57] TheMightyDerp Im back
[16:13:02] EclipseArt oh, it's the chanel name, not SunDraco
[16:13:08] NeonMitsumi I like how me moved from Natini to Nitani
[16:13:10] Sunfish43 Brownie Points are when you do an activity blatantly and obnoxiously showing praise to someone that attempts to make someone like you
[16:13:18] tkpolls [Poll] Round 3 [2.5 minutes left] -
[16:13:23] Bgrmystr2 Sun no lol
[16:13:24] InTheLionsDen :ctwokinds-nibsdance:
[16:13:26] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[16:13:33] Bgrmystr2 Brownie points are literally just bonus points
[16:13:35] Zakuru interesting ones here
[16:13:45] NeonMitsumi Is this Laura one?
[16:13:46] ZoopBoopLoop Vote Clovis or Red!
[16:13:48] Twokinds :ctwokinds-nibsdance:
[16:13:50] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[16:13:50] TheMightyDerp Oh noo what happened with my profile pic.
[16:13:52] SiliconCarbide think its kat
[16:13:52] MarvTheHugPharaoh REni
[16:13:53] BadFoMo Laura?
[16:13:55] MarvTheHugPharaoh Busty
[16:14:00] Zakuru im confused about reni's vote
[16:14:10] Bgrmystr2 getting brownie points generally means you went above and beyond on whatever it was.
[16:14:11] MarvTheHugPharaoh She busty thats all you need
[16:14:23] Kamaro12 ...wait, who is Kieran?
[16:14:28] Sunfish43 Laura with a R A C K
[16:14:29] DJSlime111 Karen
[16:14:29] Zakuru i...
[16:14:29] ThingsAreMoving I'm all for Reni tbh
[16:14:32] Zakuru dont get it
[16:14:34] Menke Kieran = Guard that Reni thinks is cute
[16:14:36] Zakuru i voted for it because im curious
[16:14:41] unsteddyphoenix nice~
[16:14:42] ProsePro7 If Clovis wins Im gonna scream
[16:14:43] Kamaro12 I thought that was Kei
[16:14:45] NeonMitsumi Laura one is the most polite one there. lol
[16:15:03] Mippy A fair amount of Adelaid this round
[16:15:10] ZoopBoopLoop votes Clovis
[16:15:12] BadFoMo Tiger Trace lost in the snow?
[16:15:17] Zakuru grilled cheese ready~
[16:15:22] CrRAR <3
[16:15:22] Sunfish43 Tiger Trace <3
[16:15:22] ThingsAreMoving Yum, Zak
[16:15:23] Zakuru and its trace chart i think ~
[16:15:30] Zakuru =w= im happy
[16:15:40] swack24 kitty trace
[16:15:54] tkpolls [Poll results] Round 3 [Winner:] Unaware of his reputation Adira commissions a portrait from Eric
[16:15:56] Tharkis i like kitties \o/
[16:15:58] Xexanoth man this vote was tough :/
[16:15:59] ZoopBoopLoop Neat
[16:16:00] Bgrmystr2 well okay
[16:16:02] Zakuru interesting
[16:16:03] CrRAR awww yis
[16:16:04] Kamaro12 oh...not what I expected
[16:16:04] Bespin k
[16:16:04] unsteddyphoenix aww
[16:16:05] CrRAR XD
[16:16:08] Sunfish43 nice throwback to CH 18
[16:16:09] MarvTheHugPharaoh Nooo meh dragon tits ;-;
[16:16:09] Wyvern088 'busty' trace?
[16:16:11] ProsePro7 Good one!
[16:16:14] snowsongwolf For some reason today I keep thinking Fate/Stay Night. "Trace ON!"
[16:16:16] MallardDuckAvia Is human flora in this sketch too?
[16:16:18] PotatoRights So which tk character should I “pugtatoify”?
[16:16:21] Bgrmystr2 hmmm 8th
[16:16:29] ThingsAreMoving huh... 3rd
[16:16:31] MviluUatusun What!? We had a poll and I didn't vote. Rediculous.
[16:16:31] unsteddyphoenix Busty reni so far down, curse the ignorant masses~ /s
[16:16:32] BadFoMo So muck for the TF.
[16:16:38] gone46 i didn't see that one but let's do this
[16:16:40] swack24 aww
[16:16:42] Bgrmystr2 phoenix pls
[16:16:45] FenceEqualizer My Busty Reni ;_;
[16:16:53] PalmettoPathfinder1 Oh. The dragons Crown didn't win. :(
[16:16:54] unsteddyphoenix Someday...
[16:16:59] SiliconCarbide we need more reni sketches
[16:16:59] Tharkis busty reni 1.0 was funny
[16:17:02] MarvTheHugPharaoh Busty reni will live again, just have faith
[16:17:11] Bgrmystr2 it already exists, it's there
[16:17:14] Bgrmystr2 go look at it lol
[16:17:15] MviluUatusun BBS.
[16:17:16] Xexanoth btw didn't we already have Nora vs Adelaide
[16:17:30] js199456 Adira drawn by Eric this should be fun
[16:17:34] unsteddyphoenix The tongue-pulling?
[16:17:38] Xexanoth yep
[16:17:48] Lukewci25 Oh... it is Trace. I nearly have forgotten how he looks like
[16:17:50] Mippy Nice to see my favourite human chacater get some love
[16:17:52] Bgrmystr2 that's what I recall, but that was nora messing with the wrong basitin
[16:17:53] Keeeef Where?
[16:17:53] PalmettoPathfinder1 One day Dragon's Crown cosplay will one day win! It's not my request but still I hope it wins someday.
[16:17:57] unsteddyphoenix Illegal move, rematch demanded
[16:17:59] swack24 we need moar Fem Trace
[16:18:03] Bgrmystr2 not the wrong basitin picking a fight with a dragon
[16:18:11] FenceEqualizer Faith ruined will now ask for Busty Natani
[16:18:14] swack24 perferbly in dragon or Tiger form
[16:18:23] Bgrmystr2 so.. normal natani then, Fence?
[16:18:27] FenceEqualizer Yes
[16:18:31] ThingsAreMoving Even more busty Natani?
[16:18:32] Bgrmystr2 :thinking:
[16:18:44] ThingsAreMoving sounds like an easy win
[16:18:46] Bgrmystr2 even more?~! :ptv-shock:
[16:18:53] Bespin Tiger trace ref
[16:18:54] unsteddyphoenix Sounds like she wont be able to walk
[16:18:54] Bespin :)
[16:18:58] BadFoMo @unsteddyphoenix I voted for it. ...mostly for the tribal paint part, but still.
[16:19:07] Zakuru whoops
[16:19:09] FenceEqualizer Bad back Nantani
[16:19:09] ThingsAreMoving A giant boob with dichromatic eyes, basically.
[16:19:12] Bgrmystr2 depends on how big the tobonhonkeros are, phoenix :v
[16:19:15] BadFoMo *A little late, I know.
[16:19:20] unsteddyphoenix hahaha
[16:19:32] unsteddyphoenix such a good video
[16:19:35] Bgrmystr2 ikr?
[16:19:52] FenceEqualizer Lol no worries fomo just kidding around shall not give up the dream
[16:19:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat I'm back!
[16:19:57] ThingsAreMoving wb
[16:19:57] Bgrmystr2 wb
[16:20:00] ItsActuallyKopyKat Cooking some spaghett
[16:20:01] Matth3w23 Which drawing is this? I've forgotten...
[16:20:05] DJSlime111 there should be a part two of "Suddenly, Tails!"
[16:20:05] MallardDuckAvia Where do I vote?
[16:20:08] Kamaro12 tiger trace ref?
[16:20:09] DJSlime111
[16:20:14] Kamaro12 mallard:
[16:20:14] DJSlime111 tkpolls
[16:20:15] Tharkis i always vote for any suggestions with transformations in them, they're always fun :ctharkis-uneasy:
[16:20:21] ThingsAreMoving Mallard
[16:20:26] TheMightyDerp Welp, i cant change my icon for some reason..
[16:20:27] ThingsAreMoving lol late
[16:20:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat Is this a transformation?
[16:20:33] Zakuru iiips
[16:20:41] Zakuru h
[16:20:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat nice
[16:20:46] FenceEqualizer Plus Marv and Phoenix has given me hope! :ptv-sneakysmirk:
[16:20:52] ItsActuallyKopyKat *have
[16:20:52] Xexanoth refresh your browser MightyDepr
[16:20:52] BadFoMo @DJSlime111 Funny you should say that. I was thinking of requesting that in July.
[16:20:53] ThingsAreMoving Why does Trace have kitty ears?
[16:20:58] Xexanoth *Derp
[16:21:00] Zakuru >_>
[16:21:07] PotatoRights Gtg, cya guys
[16:21:09] NeonMitsumi What is this lol
[16:21:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat Oh, tiger trace?
[16:21:09] ThingsAreMoving o/
[16:21:10] Kamaro12 things: it's a tf
[16:21:17] ThingsAreMoving I'm scared
[16:21:23] Kamaro12 I think this is the tiger trace ref
[16:21:27] Zakuru it iiiss
[16:21:29] unsteddyphoenix legg
[16:21:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat Tiger trace~!
[16:21:38] PotatoRights Bye
[16:21:39] ThingsAreMoving Stiltlegged Trace
[16:21:40] EclipseArt long leg
[16:21:46] DJSlime111 tom, which one is this?
[16:21:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-traceflohug:
[16:21:55] NeonMitsumi long boi
[16:21:57] EclipseArt tbh
[16:21:58] BadFoMo @Tharkis A little late, but so do I.
[16:21:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat It's a tall trace
[16:22:02] Keeeef It's a Tall Boi
[16:22:16] Xexanoth Trace will be a Daddy Long-Legs :ptv-uneasy:
[16:22:22] Kamaro12 hue
[16:22:23] Bgrmystr2 :ptv-shock: no
[16:22:30] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-sadtrace2: Dat ain't my leg, guys...
[16:22:32] EclipseArt Trace and Flora is the cutest couple
[16:22:35] Flareuim tiger trace???
[16:22:36] Bgrmystr2 things pls xD
[16:22:37] BadFoMo Hmm... Spider Keidran...
[16:22:46] Bgrmystr2 that's not how keidran work fomo
[16:22:48] Mippy XD Things
[16:23:09] Zakuru brb
[16:23:10] Sunfish43 XD mofo
[16:23:19] Flareuim i think it is tiger trace
[16:23:24] ThingsAreMoving Krab people
[16:24:02] BrunoYcaro hello people
[16:24:04] BadFoMo @Bgrmystr2 Spiders Of Unusual Size in the TwoKinds world then.
[16:24:06] ThingsAreMoving o/ Bruno
[16:24:12] swack24 yay Kitty Trace
[16:24:23] Matth3w23 Has there been a tigress trace yet? 😛
[16:24:23] Dadrobit Howdy y'all!
[16:24:26] Flareuim i was right :D tiger trace
[16:24:27] BadFoMo Yo.
[16:24:28] ThingsAreMoving o/ Dad!
[16:24:29] Bgrmystr2 hey dadro
[16:24:29] Bespin cute boi
[16:24:35] TheMightyDerp Did it freeze?
[16:24:35] unsteddyphoenix yo daddy
[16:24:35] Bespin uwu
[16:24:39] Mippy HI dAD
[16:24:40] swack24 very few Tigress Trace been drawn
[16:24:52] DJSlime111 I think it's this one,
[16:24:53] DJSlime111 Flora having trouble seeing Tiger Trace while they are out on a winter walk.
[16:24:56] FenceEqualizer Fomo reminded me, wasn't there someone who tried to Keidrenfy Roberto?
[16:25:00] Bespin Its the ref
[16:25:03] Bespin Tiger trace ref
[16:25:09] Xexanoth oh shit, i nearly forgot, i made an edit: (i hope at least some of you find it funny :ptv-laugh: )
[16:25:10] CrRAR Last one of tigress trace was posing for Eric I think
[16:25:10] ThingsAreMoving There was an attempt, Fence
[16:25:11] Dadrobit Needs more Sythe riding a super sized Nibbly tbh
[16:25:15] BadFoMo @FenceEqualizer I think there was.
[16:25:24] Flareuim i will bye this ref
[16:25:44] FenceEqualizer Also I am sad that I now recognize the crab by the name Roberto.
[16:25:45] goldgardian I'm still trying for Karen.
[16:25:46] TheMightyDerp Bluh picarto seems to be hating me today...
[16:25:46] NeonMitsumi You tried Xexa
[16:25:46] ThingsAreMoving i will hello the other one, then
[16:25:53] CrRAR yes there is a request for the crab man.
[16:26:09] CrRAR ...or the man-crab.
[16:26:14] Xexanoth pff not my fault you don't have humor XD
[16:26:18] Mippy cRAB A
[16:26:28] CrRAR xD
[16:26:29] ThingsAreMoving Derp change your dns settings to and
[16:26:31] BadFoMo Lobster Men?
[16:26:35] ThingsAreMoving worked for me
[16:26:42] FenceEqualizer Happeh Crab
[16:26:42] BadFoMo ...from Mars?
[16:26:58] Mippy Crabman sounds like a D-list super hero
[16:26:59] TheMightyDerp Dns?
[16:27:03] ThingsAreMoving google it
[16:27:06] CrRAR haha
[16:27:09] TerraTheWizard or use
[16:27:10] kav2k Google DNS? This is so old,
[16:27:28] ThingsAreMoving or use the cloud flare one, like the others
[16:27:33] Bgrmystr2 lol we lack the humor of like.. a 7 year old, xex? Oh no, how will we survive? :V
[16:27:39] Bgrmystr2 :ptv-snicker:
[16:27:52] CrRAR lol Xex
[16:28:00] DJSlime111 @ThingsAreMoving I googled it...
[16:28:09] TheMightyDerp ??
[16:28:25] DJSlime111 was this it?
[16:28:26] DJSlime111
[16:28:32] Bgrmystr2 christ
[16:28:33] Bgrmystr2 no
[16:28:37] Bgrmystr2 go away with that
[16:28:38] ThingsAreMoving wot
[16:28:40] MarvTheHugPharaoh LINK!!!! :ctwokinds-nataniAAAAshake:
[16:28:42] unsteddyphoenix never that
[16:28:45] NeonMitsumi NO LINKS
[16:28:46] EclipseArt lol
[16:28:46] Dadrobit why tho
[16:28:49] FenceEqualizer Heathen!
[16:28:51] Bgrmystr2 learn how to link before doin that
[16:28:53] DJSlime111 no this
[16:28:55] Mippy UGH! Unrelated link
[16:28:59] MarvTheHugPharaoh No links
[16:29:00] unsteddyphoenix so we trolling now
[16:29:01] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-LauraCry: you make :urn: sad
[16:29:02] NeonMitsumi Delete yourself
[16:29:03] TerraTheWizard stop pasting huge links >.<
[16:29:04] UnknownEnd Grrr
[16:29:06] unsteddyphoenix Is that what we're doing
[16:29:10] Justanotheruser7118 Get the banhammer
[16:29:11] FenceEqualizer Burn the witch!
[16:29:13] TerraTheWizard that's not the emote i typed picarto....
[16:29:16] Bgrmystr2 agree w/ fence
[16:29:16] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-wakemeup::cneonmitsumi-wakemeup::cneonmitsumi-wakemeup:
[16:29:21] DJSlime111 lol
[16:29:25] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-nataniAAAAshake::ctwokinds-floAAA:
[16:29:29] DJSlime111 LOL
[16:29:31] MarvTheHugPharaoh look what you did, you broke nyoom
[16:29:34] Flareuim i will bye this trace ref
[16:29:45] Flareuim i pay gu money
[16:29:48] Bespin heh
[16:29:51] Bespin epic
[16:29:51] Bgrmystr2 If you bye it, will it go away from you, flare?
[16:29:52] NeonMitsumi I was broken way before this.
[16:30:04] Bgrmystr2 lol implying neon was ever together to begin with?
[16:30:08] ItsActuallyKopyKat Whooo tiger trace~~ <3
[16:30:14] GameForge yeep
[16:30:15] NeonMitsumi Break my life into pieces
[16:30:16] DJSlime111 ʎɹɹos
[16:30:16] MallardDuckAvia What was the link to?
[16:30:24] ThingsAreMoving Zelda
[16:30:26] FenceEqualizer This is my last resort
[16:30:26] Flareuim bgrmystr2 what?
[16:30:33] Dadrobit He's trying to make a referee disappear before the next big sportsball game.
[16:30:46] Bgrmystr2 bye = goodbye, meaning someone is leaving
[16:30:57] Flareuim srryi ment buy
[16:31:01] Bgrmystr2 :u
[16:31:08] Xexanoth the link was just random shitposting @Mallard
[16:31:15] ThingsAreMoving no commisions as far as I know, Flare
[16:31:15] MallardDuckAvia Oh ok
[16:31:16] DJSlime111 are we allowed to suggest songs?
[16:31:23] ThingsAreMoving try your luck with Nora cards, lol
[16:31:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat you've asked that already dude
[16:31:33] FenceEqualizer Hah
[16:31:37] DJSlime111 me?
[16:31:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat yeah you
[16:31:42] MarvTheHugPharaoh you
[16:31:45] Mippy @Flareuim Ooooo no gramma?
[16:31:45] FenceEqualizer Nora cards are on lock down
[16:31:47] ItsActuallyKopyKat tom has an email
[16:31:47] DJSlime111 shoot
[16:31:48] ThingsAreMoving youuuu
[16:31:50] Bgrmystr2 there's an email for that
[16:31:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat you send him suggestion
[16:31:54] DJSlime111 give me a min
[16:31:57] ItsActuallyKopyKat and he picks ones he likes
[16:32:05] ZahnHolley Hoi
[16:32:08] ThingsAreMoving o/ Zahn
[16:32:08] Bgrmystr2 hey zahn
[16:32:14] FoxxTrotter Heya, Zahn.
[16:32:16] Zakuru hi zahn
[16:32:20] FenceEqualizer Yo Zahn
[16:32:22] Sammit Hi Zahn
[16:32:24] ThingsAreMoving lol that mailbox must be overflowing
[16:32:29] CrRAR Trace looked like he had the mana leg for a minute there.
[16:32:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat Zahn!! \o/
[16:32:37] ItsActuallyKopyKat Yeah crrar
[16:32:39] ItsActuallyKopyKat he did
[16:32:43] DJSlime111 just found the popout chat
[16:32:48] GameForge nice
[16:32:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat congratulations!
[16:32:50] ZahnHolley Good to seeya all
[16:32:51] ThingsAreMoving gz
[16:32:53] Bgrmystr2 was it really that hard to find? lol
[16:32:59] Mippy LOL
[16:33:00] ThingsAreMoving likewise, Zahn
[16:33:03] DJSlime111 im new srry
[16:33:12] Bgrmystr2 :thinking:
[16:33:13] ItsActuallyKopyKat I mean
[16:33:13] DJSlime111 created this account like a week ago
[16:33:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat It's a button
[16:33:21] ThingsAreMoving Dj do you have five sisters, per chance?
[16:33:22] Bgrmystr2 well, inspect the buttons!
[16:33:24] FenceEqualizer Are you also 13?
[16:33:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat It tells you what it does
[16:33:30] MallardDuckAvia Do Kiedren have dew claws?
[16:33:31] Bgrmystr2 XD Things
[16:33:34] Dadrobit "Don't be sorry, be better." -Kratos probably
[16:33:37] Leilani waves. ^^
[16:33:39] ItsActuallyKopyKat And fence, lol
[16:33:40] ThingsAreMoving o/
[16:33:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat Hiya leilani
[16:33:48] Bgrmystr2 I don't think it's him fence
[16:33:51] Matth3w23 Back, my wifi phone decided to stop working for a few minutes...
[16:33:51] Leilani hi all <3
[16:33:52] Dadrobit o/ Lei
[16:33:55] FoxxTrotter Hi, Leilani.
[16:33:56] Bgrmystr2 ie shouldn't be here this whole week, but
[16:34:00] Bgrmystr2 it remains to be seemn
[16:34:04] Mippy @djsLIME111 WE lIKE TO PICK ON EACH OTHER. its all in good fun
[16:34:04] Bgrmystr2 seen* even
[16:34:07] Leilani Lovely spring day. <3
[16:34:19] DJSlime111 ...
[16:34:30] FoxxTrotter Is here, now that the rain is finally gone. :0P
[16:34:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat Just...try to lurk more if you don't know what's going on
[16:34:37] ThingsAreMoving i believe it's called banter, but I might be wrong.
[16:34:37] DJSlime111 howd you know fenceequalizer?
[16:34:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat That usually helps
[16:34:41] Leilani nods to Trotter. <3
[16:34:46] FenceEqualizer God of war, the only game where I wanted a hug son button
[16:34:46] ThingsAreMoving lol Dj
[16:34:56] FenceEqualizer DJ pls!
[16:35:07] Bgrmystr2 Fence knows cuz every time it rains somewhere in the world, it rains for him too
[16:35:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat wait no way
[16:35:13] Bgrmystr2 and when it stops, it stops for him too
[16:35:13] Leilani Did some mulching, planting, and picked up some hanging flowers. I love spring.
[16:35:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat another 13 year old
[16:35:20] Bgrmystr2 his weather is always changing.
[16:35:24] ItsActuallyKopyKat xD
[16:35:30] Zakuru a smol
[16:35:38] unsteddyphoenix Damnit lol
[16:35:41] Sunfish43 smol vs tol
[16:35:44] DJSlime111 lel
[16:35:45] Leilani Well, TK knows about Ohio's just nuts lol
[16:35:46] unsteddyphoenix There always has to be at least one nowadays
[16:35:49] Dadrobit Here we go again.
[16:35:57] ThingsAreMoving Unsoiled one!
[16:36:01] Justanotheruser7118 Gtg everyone, ty for the stream Tom
[16:36:10] Sunfish43 see ya!
[16:36:10] NeonMitsumi Seeya 7118
[16:36:10] Xexanoth spring means allergies, so fuck spring
[16:36:15] unsteddyphoenix later
[16:36:16] Dadrobit o/ 7118
[16:36:18] ThingsAreMoving +1 Xex
[16:36:20] Leilani Xexa: I get them too.
[16:36:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat Disconnected click here to Tiger Trace is a tall boi.
[16:36:28] FenceEqualizer Later
[16:36:29] ItsActuallyKopyKat Dangit
[16:36:32] Mippy Ohhh...looks like I might get some rain. Might cool it down a bit
[16:36:33] ThingsAreMoving lol Kat
[16:36:37] Leilani Xexa: I'll take spring allergies over winter flus :P
[16:36:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat You know what I mean
[16:36:44] Katfeathers all times mean allergys
[16:36:45] Bgrmystr2 lol kopy
[16:36:47] ThingsAreMoving I prefer having the flu
[16:36:56] ItsActuallyKopyKat I prefer being healthy!
[16:36:58] ThingsAreMoving 4 days of feeling like shit and then freedom
[16:36:58] Xexanoth just stay inside all the time, then you don't get the flu ^^
[16:37:01] DJSlime111 Winter is better
[16:37:03] Leilani Kat: I'm allergic to my but cannot part with them.
[16:37:08] Zakuru begone smol
[16:37:12] ThingsAreMoving allergies cling to me for one and a half month
[16:37:15] Matth3w23 I prefer summer. It's got a long holiday in it
[16:37:17] Zakuru get that load of lies outta here
[16:37:17] js199456 I didnt know Tiger Trace won the last round????
[16:37:17] Leilani Xexa: Because I'm not a hermit like you :P
[16:37:19] ThingsAreMoving grass pollen
[16:37:19] ItsActuallyKopyKat I *was* allergic to cats, and then I got a cat, and now I'm not.
[16:37:22] swack24 more Trace in diffrent forms is awesome
[16:37:24] DJSlime111 I dont care about the cold
[16:37:27] Katfeathers savie that Leilani
[16:37:31] unsteddyphoenix Woah really Kopy?
[16:37:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat Yeah
[16:37:36] unsteddyphoenix Tom should just do that??
[16:37:41] unsteddyphoenix I dont get it
[16:37:42] ThingsAreMoving Is that how it works, Kopy?
[16:37:42] Xexanoth Leilani: but inside is where all the fun stuff is XD
[16:37:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat Yeah!
[16:37:45] Bgrmystr2 kopy died and is now a computer
[16:37:47] Bgrmystr2 that's why
[16:37:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat yeah...
[16:37:54] Bgrmystr2 see
[16:37:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat :/
[16:37:55] Leilani Xexa: Such as...? :)
[16:37:56] unsteddyphoenix :O
[16:37:57] ThingsAreMoving I need to inhale as much pollen as possible, then!
[16:38:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat correct!
[16:38:09] Katfeathers alas for m'self smokers + comunity living
[16:38:10] Leilani Things: it's the pollen that kills me :P
[16:38:14] Xexanoth Boardsgames, Videogames, Books, My stereo to play music :)
[16:38:18] NeonMitsumi Now they are Kopymachine
[16:38:23] Bgrmystr2 xDD
[16:38:27] Matth3w23 Guess you built up a resistance to cats then.
[16:38:34] ThingsAreMoving I thought Palm was confirmed to be an AI
[16:38:35] ItsActuallyKopyKat I am... tech kitty
[16:38:35] Leilani Xexa: I don't play video games, and not a fan of board games. *^^*
[16:38:39] ThingsAreMoving we got another one up in here?
[16:38:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat Iron Kat
[16:38:47] ItsActuallyKopyKat Fear me
[16:38:55] Matth3w23 Are board games games who have nothing to do?
[16:38:57] DJSlime111 nope
[16:38:59] Xexanoth Leilani: :ptv-shock::ptv-shock::ptv-shock:
[16:39:12] DJSlime111 lel
[16:39:14] Leilani Matt: Don't knock them. When I was a kid, board games ruled the world. :)
[16:39:20] Bgrmystr2 IronKopy.. hmm
[16:39:22] ThingsAreMoving I can send you some delicious packets if you share your ip, Kat :ctwokinds-reniderp::ctwokinds-flat::ctwokinds-reniderp_flip:
[16:39:25] ThingsAreMoving blip blop
[16:39:29] unsteddyphoenix boardgames are still pretty chill
[16:39:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat :D
[16:39:35] Bgrmystr2 :ptv-ohmy: things whyy
[16:39:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat Packets are my fav
[16:39:38] Matth3w23 He, I know. I love em too but gotta do puns 😜
[16:39:39] Bgrmystr2 those are the wrong packets
[16:39:41] Leilani I love uno still, and Scrabble <3
[16:39:44] Bgrmystr2 don't be fooled kopy!
[16:39:50] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-NoraEyebrows::ctwokinds-NoraEyebrows:
[16:39:55] Matth3w23 Carcassonne anyone?
[16:39:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat I'm not, don't worry
[16:39:59] BadFoMo TwoKinds Boardgame when?
[16:40:00] Leilani is highly competitive in Scrabble. *^^*
[16:40:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat I know what I'm about
[16:40:09] ThingsAreMoving the best packets cooked over high gpu heat
[16:40:16] TheMightyDerp Welp, this is a tad bit annoying that im unable to change my pfp back..
[16:40:16] Xexanoth Settlers, Exploding Kittens....
[16:40:20] Zakuru is hungry
[16:40:23] qwe304 would anyone like to see my progress on my coloring of the emo/goth kat sketch?
[16:40:31] Mippy I 6think the last board game I played was Clue
[16:40:31] Tharkis yay kitty :ctharkis-2pls:
[16:40:35] Bgrmystr2 you just go into your account page and change it, @Mighty
[16:40:40] Leilani I would like to, Qwe. ^^
[16:40:45] Bgrmystr2 and then you refresh your cache
[16:40:49] Bgrmystr2 and it should be there
[16:40:50] Matth3w23 Tom's may not but good at scrabble, but he's good at scribble. Especially looking at these sketches which he's doing.
[16:40:51] Leilani Mippy: I LOVED Clue <3
[16:40:54] Bgrmystr2 if not, contact picarto support
[16:41:09] TheMightyDerp Its not letting me.. it keeps saying “error:” no matter what i pick
[16:41:10] Katfeathers is old enough to remember a time before Pac Man
[16:41:14] Leilani Mippy: one of the few master logic games. ^^
[16:41:20] BadFoMo I like Clue.
[16:41:26] Matth3w23 Hey, has anyone seen clue the movie? It's pretty funny.
[16:41:27] Leilani snugs Kat, her fellow 70s person ^^
[16:41:32] ZahnHolley Its raining and i got myself allwet for taking the dogs out for a walk.
[16:41:32] Xexanoth Clue is pretty cool, the only problem is that it drains you pretty fast
[16:41:34] Bgrmystr2 prolly wrong filetype, again contact their support email
[16:41:35] ThingsAreMoving Before pac man children payed with rocks, yes?
[16:41:39] FoxxTrotter I haven't played any board games in a very long time.
[16:41:43] Leilani Things: and Slinkies.
[16:41:56] unsteddyphoenix can recommend
[16:42:00] ThingsAreMoving Slinkies were for the rich and fancy
[16:42:04] ThingsAreMoving I played with mud
[16:42:07] Leilani lol
[16:42:09] ThingsAreMoving was great
[16:42:11] unsteddyphoenix Theres so many weird convoluted board games out there
[16:42:14] unsteddyphoenix its good shit
[16:42:18] Matth3w23 Does Warhammer 40k count as a board game?
[16:42:22] Leilani Operation was cute.
[16:42:24] DJSlime111 like jumanji?
[16:42:25] Katfeathers forgrt thee not "Log"
[16:42:25] TheMightyDerp Even the one i was previously using isnt working... so, i’ll try to contact em.
[16:42:26] Mippy I just wish I got to play games more often but it's hard getting the friends around as we live in different provinces
[16:42:27] TerraTheWizard it's all fun and games until your slinky has tied itself into a ball
[16:42:43] DJSlime111 ...
[16:42:45] FenceEqualizer That's when the slinky was ruined
[16:42:48] BadFoMo @Xexanoth That's where the computer and VHS games come in.
[16:42:51] ThingsAreMoving rip slinky
[16:42:54] FenceEqualizer Was no coming back from that
[16:42:56] Leilani Mippy: you know what's saddest? all these old board games we grew up with - you cna play them online now.
[16:43:05] Katfeathers heh
[16:43:06] Leilani Mippy: they literally took the family out of board games.
[16:43:07] DJSlime111 imagine a Twokinds version of Jumanji!
[16:43:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat @Otherwise download speeds are too slowwwwwwThingsaremoving I don't want your packages unless they come with upgraded dongles
[16:43:12] ThingsAreMoving I made mudballs and threw them at other kids
[16:43:13] ItsActuallyKopyKat oh no
[16:43:18] TerraTheWizard then you untangle it & you have that one bit that won't go the right shape anymore
[16:43:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat I meesed that right up
[16:43:22] ThingsAreMoving huh Kat
[16:43:25] Mippy @Leilani.... Whaaaa?!
[16:43:25] FenceEqualizer You never lived until you see people get into fisticuffs over monopoly
[16:43:28] swack24 Kitty trace so cute!
[16:43:29] Xexanoth or just simple games like exploding kittens @BadFoMo
[16:43:29] ThingsAreMoving you need to upgrade your RAM I think
[16:43:35] ItsActuallyKopyKat Uhuhuhuhuh
[16:43:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat yeah
[16:43:43] FenceEqualizer "I swear to god if you take hotel boulevard"
[16:43:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat I dont even know
[16:43:52] Leilani Park Place is mine.
[16:43:56] Leilani Stay off the lawn ^^
[16:44:09] Xexanoth to be fair, monopoly is just a shitty game to beginn with
[16:44:11] Dadrobit Eh, didn't really take away the family. That's on you if you stopped playing with them.
[16:44:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat it was always my personal mission to get boardwalk
[16:44:18] DJSlime111 imagine a Twokinds version of Jumanji!
[16:44:23] Leilani Monopoly taught kids to be greedy little brats lol
[16:44:24] TerraTheWizard monopoly was DESIGNED to be a shitty game
[16:44:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat but i never had anyone to play with, so I played with myself
[16:44:33] unsteddyphoenix :O
[16:44:39] ThingsAreMoving monopoly is a friendship killer
[16:44:40] Dadrobit PHRASING
[16:44:40] ItsActuallyKopyKat no
[16:44:41] NeonMitsumi wewlad
[16:44:45] TerraTheWizard also monopoly has a 12% chance for the game to go on forever
[16:44:45] ItsActuallyKopyKat no i played against myself
[16:44:48] Leilani Things: preach ^^
[16:44:51] FenceEqualizer Just like Mario Party
[16:44:52] ItsActuallyKopyKat whew that came out wrong
[16:44:56] unsteddyphoenix That sounds really boring and sad.
[16:45:04] Mippy We use to hand out $500 bills when my brother whent to the washroom
[16:45:04] ItsActuallyKopyKat It was, it really was
[16:45:06] NeonMitsumi Who won at the end?
[16:45:08] Xexanoth #TitleofyouSexTape @KopyKat
[16:45:10] Flareuim just screemed at myself bc someone hit me with a pillow and i moaned
[16:45:11] ThingsAreMoving lol Neon
[16:45:12] Xexanoth *your
[16:45:14] Leilani Okay, guys had to love Battleship :)
[16:45:16] Flareuim m broken and scared
[16:45:17] unsteddyphoenix Nobody wins that game
[16:45:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat I never won :((
[16:45:18] DJSlime111 Twokinds version of Jumanji, anyone?
[16:45:22] FenceEqualizer "Imma take your star..."
[16:45:22] Katfeathers aye
[16:45:25] DJSlime111 anyone?
[16:45:25] ThingsAreMoving The bank always wins
[16:45:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^^
[16:45:40] ItsActuallyKopyKat what he said
[16:45:53] Xexanoth Twokinds version of Jumanji ends with me in basitin Jail for illegal touching of Ears
[16:45:53] ItsActuallyKopyKat I'd end up getting bored and go do something else
[16:45:54] Katfeathers a life lesson there Things
[16:46:06] Mippy Battleship was fun. Maping out in your head where your friends ships were...those were the days
[16:46:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat So yeah, the bank ended up with everything in the end
[16:46:11] Leilani The Game of Life, who didnt love that game, and making all those babies in your car? :)
[16:46:19] ItsActuallyKopyKat Whew leilani
[16:46:19] unsteddyphoenix Kopy...I hope...things are going better lol
[16:46:22] FoxxTrotter Never played Life.
[16:46:27] ThingsAreMoving Making babies in your car? :ctwokinds-MikeLewd:
[16:46:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat Oh yeah much better now
[16:46:30] FoxxTrotter Sorry! was a cool game.
[16:46:32] unsteddyphoenix Just imagining a kid solo-monopoly has made me really sad
[16:46:35] Leilani I love Sorry
[16:46:42] Xexanoth Game of Life is chill, because it's 90% random anyways
[16:46:43] FoxxTrotter Chutes and Ladders as well.
[16:46:44] TerraTheWizard game of life feels like it was one of those boardgames that felt old when it was new
[16:46:45] Leilani Mousetrap was insane but fun ^^
[16:46:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat now I play monopoly against myself and some computers! on my computer!
[16:46:52] unsteddyphoenix aaaaa
[16:46:53] FenceEqualizer Well...that's kinda depressing
[16:46:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat Being an AI is nice
[16:46:57] Leilani Terra: it was fun for the day.
[16:46:57] ThingsAreMoving you are a computer, Kat
[16:47:00] Mippy I only ever played Life on one of thse disks that use to come in cereal
[16:47:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat IronKat ftw
[16:47:02] NeonMitsumi beep boop
[16:47:05] Xexanoth @Terra Game of life was invented in 18xx
[16:47:06] BadFoMo When I read/hear Monopoly, I remember my friend asking if his mother had change for a $500; and then snaping back "No I don't have change for a 500!".
[16:47:08] Wyvern088 The backstabbing savegery that was phase 10
[16:47:19] BadFoMo *$500
[16:47:22] Leilani wait, how old is Monopoly? it has to be 1940s, right?
[16:47:24] ItsActuallyKopyKat Like ARA, I require no social interaction to function.
[16:47:35] Matth3w23 We found a judge dredd board game recently. It mainly involved laughing at each other's misfortune.
[16:47:35] Katfeathers something the like
[16:47:39] Dadrobit FK character?
[16:47:41] Bgrmystr2 Kopy lolo
[16:47:43] ThingsAreMoving yer an install wizard, KopyKat
[16:47:45] ItsActuallyKopyKat Yeah, the FK character
[16:47:50] FenceEqualizer Who wants to make a twokinds Monopoly. All the hateful fun of Monopoly except with your twokinds favorites
[16:47:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat :D Things
[16:47:52] MallardDuckAvia I don't like monopoly because it supports capitalism.
[16:47:56] ThingsAreMoving xD
[16:47:58] ItsActuallyKopyKat I really am lol
[16:48:01] TerraTheWizard :thinking:
[16:48:05] Dadrobit GTFO duck
[16:48:06] FoxxTrotter @Leilani - 1935 on Monopoly.
[16:48:08] ItsActuallyKopyKat I smell a commie
[16:48:10] Leilani wow 1935
[16:48:13] ItsActuallyKopyKat and I can't smell
[16:48:15] Matth3w23 Socialism monopoly? I'd like to play that 😂
[16:48:18] Leilani so...just during the Great Depression
[16:48:22] Leilani interesting!
[16:48:23] FenceEqualizer Just don't land on Clovis avenue greedy bastard...
[16:48:24] DJSlime111 anyone?
[16:48:31] Dadrobit Socialism Monopoly? Everyone loses!
[16:48:38] MallardDuckAvia Communism is only good economic system
[16:48:39] GameForge its clovis boardwalk
[16:48:40] Leilani Communist Monopoly. lol
[16:48:42] DJSlime111 Twokinds version of Jumanji
[16:48:45] Mippy How about comunist Monopoly?
[16:48:45] ItsActuallyKopyKat Yeah...people were like... "this economy sucks! We need to make a board game about it!"
[16:48:46] GameForge NO
[16:48:48] ThingsAreMoving No, Dj
[16:48:48] FoxxTrotter I also liked Trivial Pursuit, although that is a more recent board game.
[16:48:49] MetalAppleSauce Clovis is the Chance space
[16:48:49] Matth3w23 Woo-hoo, political jokes incoming!
[16:48:50] CrRAR Everything is everyones'!
[16:48:50] Leilani Jinx, Mippy
[16:48:51] TerraTheWizard lolwut
[16:48:55] Wyvern088 socialism monopoly, where every third square is 'go to jail'
[16:48:58] Xexanoth Holy Crap, Game of Life was invented in 1860 O.o
[16:49:02] TerraTheWizard hwat
[16:49:04] Leilani 1860????
[16:49:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat h'wat
[16:49:08] Leilani faints
[16:49:08] BadFoMo @DJSlime111 What would that be like?
[16:49:20] Xexanoth i mean i knew it was 18xx but i expected 189x
[16:49:22] unsteddyphoenix damn traces hips though
[16:49:22] Leilani I had no idea it was that old!
[16:49:23] DJSlime111 Jumanji but Twokinds
[16:49:23] Katfeathers meh the only good econ is one that is na highjacked
[16:49:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat it would be like jumanji duhh
[16:49:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat but with twokinds character
[16:49:34] Matth3w23 I play Conway's game of life 😏
[16:49:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat characters*
[16:49:42] ThingsAreMoving unfteddy keeing an eye out for what is important here
[16:49:44] Leilani so the Game of Life was invented, and the very next year, we went to Civil War. Bravo! :)
[16:49:50] Mippy I had this Pokemon board game at one point...I don't think we ever layed it correctly
[16:49:53] BadFoMo I've only played that game once.
[16:50:02] unsteddyphoenix Im just sayin, those hips are incapable of falsehoods
[16:50:07] CrRAR lol
[16:50:07] BadFoMo And that was yeas ago.
[16:50:09] Bespin tiger boot
[16:50:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat "You have a high waist!" "He's got feminine hips!"
[16:50:12] Tharkis :ctharkis-uneasy:
[16:50:14] Bespin hehe
[16:50:14] BadFoMo *years
[16:50:16] ThingsAreMoving those hips were made to dance!
[16:50:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat Whew lad
[16:50:28] Sunfish43 This is fantastic.
[16:50:29] Xexanoth btw anyone knows Mansions of Madness? Fun Game
[16:50:29] Leilani of course, the oldest board game in the world is chess. Or Go. :)
[16:50:34] Dadrobit Tom knows no other way.
[16:50:35] TerraTheWizard remembered one of the rules for MouseTrap. if the ball got stuck it count's as you survived the trap
[16:50:39] Katfeathers yep
[16:50:43] CrRAR lol
[16:50:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat Chess, hell yeah
[16:50:48] Kamaro12 this trace really does look feminine
[16:50:51] ThingsAreMoving Xex MoM is really great, but expensive af
[16:50:52] Matth3w23 Dunno, there's probably one older than chess.
[16:50:54] Flareuim trace has a nice back~
[16:50:57] Sunfish43 Tiger trace is adorable, and has a butt to compete with the other characters.
[16:51:02] Wyvern088 Game of thrones Monopoly, complete with 'red wedding' chance cards
[16:51:03] Xexanoth Yay sadly most of these games are
[16:51:04] Kamaro12 is this just the default body structures for tigers regardless of gender or something?
[16:51:06] FenceEqualizer Hey, eyes up
[16:51:06] Leilani I would say "Go" is oldest...
[16:51:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat also a fun mental excercise to play against oneself
[16:51:12] Xexanoth luckily if you play em alot it's worth it ^^
[16:51:16] Dadrobit Yeah, definitely older than Chess or Go. Just that we don't know the rules to them all anymore.
[16:51:21] Leilani there are records that indicate a game of chess was played in the 1400s...
[16:51:25] Flareuim tiger trace does have a butt~
[16:51:29] Leilani so...maybe Go is older...?
[16:51:31] Matth3w23 What happens if cavemen played a form of board game?
[16:51:36] BadFoMo Go?
[16:51:39] DJSlime111 tic tac toe
[16:51:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat (what on earth is go)
[16:51:47] Leilani Go is a chinese game, I believe, with chips.
[16:51:48] swack24 yay
[16:51:49] Xexanoth Go aka Chinese Chess
[16:51:52] ThingsAreMoving go is a japanese strategy game
[16:51:56] swack24 now make him female
[16:51:56] ThingsAreMoving or chinese
[16:51:58] ItsActuallyKopyKat oh
[16:51:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat ok
[16:52:03] Leilani Chinese, not Japanese. :P
[16:52:04] ThingsAreMoving pretty complex
[16:52:09] Katfeathers chess as we knowit now, but precurrsers go back further
[16:52:13] Xexanoth
[16:52:13] Leilani easy to play hard to master ^^
[16:52:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat can you play against yourself?
[16:52:15] Matth3w23 Go is a really complex thing. We've only recently managed to program an ai to master it.
[16:52:18] ValSalianResident Anyone wanna take bets on what kind of clever censorship Tom will use for tiger boi?
[16:52:23] Mippy @Flareuim Well ...yeah....everyone has to poop
[16:52:23] Tharkis the oldest chess set recovered is from around 700, at the beginning of the viking age
[16:52:24] Sunfish43 It can't be monopoly because cavemen didn't have the lifespan to complete a full game
[16:52:26] DJSlime111 just looked up go, its a programming language
[16:52:29] Dadrobit The Royal Game of Ur is the oldest-known board game for which the original rules survive. The oldest sets, discovered in Iraq in the 1920s, date to around 2600 B.C.
[16:52:39] Leilani UR! Oh yes!
[16:52:40] Tharkis but the game surely pre-dates the chess set by quite some time
[16:52:48] Sunfish43 oo I gotta look up UR now
[16:52:48] BadFoMo UR?
[16:52:53] DJSlime111
[16:52:59] Leilani 2600 BC...its nice to know we were playing games back then too ^^
[16:52:59] NeonMitsumi You and your damn links
[16:53:00] MarvTheHugPharaoh ree
[16:53:00] Bgrmystr2 srsly DJ?
[16:53:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat ooh long links are my fav
[16:53:02] ThingsAreMoving DJ, stahp pls
[16:53:05] Dadrobit pls no links
[16:53:10] Flareuim STOP THE LINKS PLZ
[16:53:13] Matth3w23 By the way, have you heard of the caveman version of rock, paper scissors? Stone, stone, stone. Nobody ever won...
[16:53:20] Leilani lol
[16:53:20] ThingsAreMoving lol Mat
[16:53:28] unsteddyphoenix only link good things :T
[16:53:32] ThingsAreMoving ^
[16:53:34] Leilani Stone, dinosaur... stick... fire...
[16:53:36] Xexanoth i literally posted the link to the wikipedia page of the board game go....
[16:53:41] Wyvern088 this is a Link free zone, zelda's cool tho
[16:53:49] Mippy I'll give you that one Matt
[16:53:49] Xexanoth ^ +1
[16:53:52] ValSalianResident What's wrong with the german word for Left?
[16:53:53] Twokinds Done
[16:53:54] MviluUatusun Oh. I've played Go before. It's a fun and interesting board game.
[16:53:54] Leilani No Lynx allowed.
[16:53:57] TerraTheWizard rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock
[16:54:02] MarvTheHugPharaoh Very well Done tom
[16:54:03] DJSlime111 nice
[16:54:04] BadFoMo @unsteddyphoenix ...Like the things I upload?
[16:54:05] Flareuim ILL BUY THAT REF
[16:54:06] Bespin Cuttte
[16:54:08] Leilani Dont go there, Terra. ^^
[16:54:08] ThingsAreMoving hips / 10
[16:54:09] FoxxTrotter Looke great, Tom.
[16:54:11] ItsActuallyKopyKat nice one, tom
[16:54:14] MviluUatusun What about bobcats, Leilani?
[16:54:17] Dadrobit Fun fun fun/
[16:54:17] Flareuim Looks gud tho
[16:54:18] Xexanoth Nice Staff
[16:54:19] unsteddyphoenix Like the things I link
[16:54:22] Bespin Cute boi
[16:54:24] Leilani yes, lovely, TK <3
[16:54:24] Matth3w23 Go on maths gear, they have dice for RPSLS..
[16:54:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat is it time to vote again?
[16:54:30] Matth3w23 Looks nice!
[16:54:33] ThingsAreMoving nah, KAt
[16:54:37] FenceEqualizer Nope time for winner
[16:54:37] Xexanoth vote already happened
[16:54:39] ThingsAreMoving this was Tom's pick
[16:54:43] thestooge BRB It's steak time!
[16:54:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat ah
[16:54:47] TerraTheWizard :thumbsup:
[16:54:47] DJSlime111 what's next?
[16:54:48] IthzChannel i love the way tom draws paws
[16:54:53] unsteddyphoenix nice job nice job~
[16:54:59] IthzChannel they look so soft
[16:55:06] ValSalianResident When's voting?
[16:55:07] Flareuim what is stooges pfp,
[16:55:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat I live the way tom draws~~
[16:55:09] DJSlime111 tom
[16:55:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat love****
[16:55:13] FenceEqualizer ._.
[16:55:16] NeonMitsumi We voted for this one already.
[16:55:18] unsteddyphoenix I also live that
[16:55:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat tsk
[16:55:25] DJSlime111 wat's dis?
[16:55:25] ValSalianResident Ech, okay
[16:55:25] Matth3w23 He draws paws very well. I normally just stick with the two lines.
[16:55:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat thanks, teddy
[16:55:29] Xexanoth i also love how he draws butts :ptv-snicker:
[16:55:35] ThingsAreMoving I live for sundays and the streams!
[16:55:36] NeonMitsumi " Unaware of his reputation Adira commissions a portrait from Eric"
[16:55:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat butts r gud
[16:55:38] DJSlime111 wat's dis?
[16:55:40] Leilani lol that would be my comic book,
[16:55:41] ValSalianResident Tom really likes his paws, doesn't he?
[16:55:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat reeee
[16:55:50] ItsActuallyKopyKat dj is a pink now
[16:55:57] ItsActuallyKopyKat you'd best behave, dj
[16:55:58] Xexanoth i mean, who doesn't like paws @Val
[16:55:58] Flareuim trace has a nice butt, tiger trace that is ~
[16:55:59] ThingsAreMoving Pinksmol
[16:56:04] ItsActuallyKopyKat pink is a sacred color
[16:56:05] DJSlime111 im not pink
[16:56:10] IthzChannel lewd people
[16:56:12] ItsActuallyKopyKat pffft
[16:56:18] DJSlime111 ...
[16:56:18] ThingsAreMoving I like being white, lol
[16:56:18] Xexanoth he's going full Disco, watch out people
[16:56:23] Dadrobit Marv was pink for a while, can't be that sacred anymore.
[16:56:29] ItsActuallyKopyKat oof
[16:56:32] CrRAR oboy Adira gets her freak on
[16:56:32] DJSlime111 ill go white
[16:56:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat actually you're right
[16:56:37] MarvTheHugPharaoh PINK \o/
[16:56:39] IthzChannel yay! Adria!
[16:56:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat I am not pink either
[16:56:42] Dadrobit \o/
[16:56:43] Xexanoth Gold is the best color anyways
[16:56:44] FenceEqualizer Marv will always be Gold in my eyes
[16:56:47] Matth3w23 I'm not pink
[16:56:48] ValSalianResident Snep time boys.
[16:56:49] MallardDuckAvia I just ate half a family sized Takis as a a snack and now regretting it
[16:56:53] DJSlime111 good point
[16:56:54] Leilani clings to her powder blue. ^^
[16:56:57] Flareuim what
[16:57:00] MarvTheHugPharaoh I'm a treasure to fence XD
[16:57:02] Xexanoth well, why did you eat that much?
[16:57:06] Matth3w23 I'm blue da ba di da ba Dai...
[16:57:08] Flareuim yellow\o/
[16:57:10] MallardDuckAvia I'm hungry
[16:57:11] MetalAppleSauce Meh
[16:57:12] ThingsAreMoving Marv can take on whatever color he wants, he'll always be huggable
[16:57:13] Dadrobit You're a treasure to many of us tbh
[16:57:14] Flareuim wut
[16:57:16] MetalAppleSauce I'll stick with bluegreen
[16:57:18] Katfeathers may the blue be wit yaz
[16:57:20] Flareuim im confused
[16:57:22] MetalAppleSauce thank you very much
[16:57:24] MarvTheHugPharaoh :blush:
[16:57:25] MallardDuckAvia They are spicy though
[16:57:26] Flareuim best to notnask then
[16:57:29] DJSlime111 Yo listen up, here's the story About a little guy that lives in a blue world And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue Like him, inside and outside Blue his house with a blue little window And a blue Corvette And everything is blue for
[16:57:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat I am a rose color
[16:57:35] unsteddyphoenix I'll stick with green
[16:57:35] DJSlime111 I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
[16:57:36] Matth3w23 He
[16:57:38] Leilani For dinner tonight...we found salmon at Costco, and goign to make a ceasar salad below it. smoking the salmon outside on wood. <3
[16:57:38] Mippy Living green
[16:57:39] ItsActuallyKopyKat oh no
[16:57:40] Dadrobit pls no
[16:57:42] DJSlime111 I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
[16:57:45] ItsActuallyKopyKat pls
[16:57:46] Xexanoth Flareuim being confused is the standard operation modus for this chat
[16:57:46] MarvTheHugPharaoh reee
[16:57:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat pls no
[16:57:48] Zakuru no thanks
[16:57:49] DJSlime111 I have a blue house with a blue window Blue is the color of all that I wear Blue are the streets and all the trees are too I have a girlfriend and she is so blue Blue are the people here that walk around Blue like my Corvette, it's in and outside Blue are
[16:57:49] FenceEqualizer Alright putting DJ in the corner
[16:57:51] NeonMitsumi Can we get rid of this guy?
[16:57:53] Mippy NO DJ
[16:57:55] MetalAppleSauce why hello there spam
[16:57:56] Dadrobit Banhammer pls
[16:57:56] Bgrmystr2 DJ. god damn
[16:57:57] DJSlime111 I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
[16:57:57] ItsActuallyKopyKat dj no
[16:58:03] unsteddyphoenix Yeah how do bans work, do we formally request them?
[16:58:04] Xexanoth Don'T worry guys
[16:58:05] Leilani DJ, stop please.:(
[16:58:06] Xexanoth im gonna fix it
[16:58:10] thestooge This the Adira body pillow?
[16:58:11] MetalAppleSauce You wish to drop the hammer!
[16:58:11] unsteddyphoenix Is there a sheet we should fill out?
[16:58:12] Flareuim security, get hi out of here
[16:58:16] DJSlime111 I have a blue house with a blue window Blue is the color of all that I wear Blue are the streets and all the trees are too I have a girlfriend and she is so blue Blue are the people here that walk around Blue like my Corvette, it's in and outside Blue are
[16:58:17] Flareuim srry i had to
[16:58:22] DJSlime111 I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
[16:58:23] Xexanoth *I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie World"
[16:58:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat DUDE
[16:58:26] ThingsAreMoving @Twokinds Halp with the spammer pls
[16:58:27] Zakuru :upside_down:
[16:58:27] MallardDuckAvia My mouth is dying. Help me
[16:58:28] TerraTheWizard dj, stop
[16:58:32] unsteddyphoenix Tom save us from the nothing we've become
[16:58:32] MetalAppleSauce How is he not gone yet
[16:58:36] Dadrobit Can I have mod rights for just a second, Tom? I'll be quick.
[16:58:36] TheMightyDerp Wait, how do you change name color?
[16:58:37] Matth3w23 You can /ignore if you need to.
[16:58:38] Flareuim DJ STO PLZ
[16:58:39] Leilani Moderator, help!
[16:58:47] Bgrmystr2 xD
[16:58:50] ItsActuallyKopyKat no mods
[16:58:51] NeonMitsumi It doesn't help the fact you can see it on the screen.
[16:58:52] Leilani oh...ignore, brilliant idea... *^^*
[16:58:54] DJSlime111 dang it they dropped my last message
[16:58:59] FenceEqualizer DJ wants that attention
[16:59:00] Bgrmystr2 good
[16:59:03] Matth3w23 In the settings tab @TheMightyDerp
[16:59:04] FoxxTrotter No mods at the moment. Fluff is streaming right now.
[16:59:07] NeonMitsumi They dropped you when you were born as well.
[16:59:11] Bgrmystr2 ow
[16:59:13] Zakuru ouch
[16:59:15] Dadrobit Dropped almost as hard as when you were born
[16:59:16] MetalAppleSauce True
[16:59:16] Bgrmystr2 brutal neon
[16:59:20] unsteddyphoenix ahaha
[16:59:20] BadFoMo Little late, but TwoKinds version of Fireball Island and/or The Grape Escape (or simliar PlyDo game)?
[16:59:21] Flareuim BURNED
[16:59:21] ThingsAreMoving Neon bringing out the big guns
[16:59:22] unsteddyphoenix Both went for it
[16:59:23] DJSlime111 Somebody once told me
[16:59:23] Dadrobit damn, neon ninja
[16:59:24] ItsActuallyKopyKat Whew, i forgot about the /ignore
[16:59:27] MetalAppleSauce Dad got sniped
[16:59:29] Bgrmystr2 a bit late on that, dadro lol
[16:59:30] DJSlime111 the world is gonna roll me
[16:59:32] Zakuru ./ignore
[16:59:36] DJSlime111 I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
[16:59:40] ItsActuallyKopyKat thanks, zak
[16:59:42] MetalAppleSauce ah piss
[16:59:43] NeonMitsumi ;P
[16:59:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat or whoever reminded me
[16:59:45] DJSlime111 She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
[16:59:51] Flareuim CHANGE YOUR COLLOR
[16:59:52] DJSlime111 In the shape of an "L" on her forehead
[16:59:56] MetalAppleSauce he's on to allstar, for those who ignored him
[16:59:59] Matth3w23 STAAAP
[17:00:00] Leilani ok blocked.
[17:00:03] Zakuru idk if he's dumb or just a reaaaal smol who doens't have internet ettique
[17:00:06] Leilani whew... that was messy. :(
[17:00:08] Flareuim U WESTERM SPY
[17:00:09] DJSlime111 ok im done
[17:00:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat my goodness
[17:00:21] unsteddyphoenix You shouldnt be done you should be banned
[17:00:24] unsteddyphoenix Man
[17:00:29] DJSlime111 please un-ignore me
[17:00:31] TheMightyDerp It doesnt show as an option...
[17:00:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat manned ban
[17:00:36] Flareuim agreeing with unsteady
[17:00:37] ThingsAreMoving Once again I would like to thank the devs for the ignore option
[17:00:37] ItsActuallyKopyKat @Teddy
[17:00:41] Mippy how dose one ignor?
[17:00:42] MetalAppleSauce asking for unignore
[17:00:44] Leilani Derp: click on the name in the user list. ^^
[17:00:44] MetalAppleSauce lol
[17:00:46] Dadrobit Aye, w/ unsteddy
[17:00:49] Leilani and it'll say "ignore"
[17:01:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat mippy, use /ignore [username]
[17:01:04] unsteddyphoenix I hate kids so much~
[17:01:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat that's the other way
[17:01:08] Leilani or that works too
[17:01:10] ThingsAreMoving or click on the profile picture and select ignore
[17:01:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat ty leilani
[17:01:16] Matth3w23 Glad I never was a kid
[17:01:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat :)
[17:01:19] unsteddyphoenix same
[17:01:21] Leilani phoenix: they need guidance. :P
[17:01:24] Dadrobit Big same
[17:01:27] Leilani and...belts.
[17:01:31] ThingsAreMoving I was a man the day I was born.
[17:01:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat But they don't get it! or those!
[17:01:33] SpazztasticKiwi Youth - not even once
[17:01:33] Matth3w23 Totally still don't count as one now, but...
[17:01:34] Zakuru guidance is something you cannot provide
[17:01:39] Leilani I miss corporal punishment.
[17:01:41] ThingsAreMoving My parents didn't show up unfortunately...
[17:01:44] Leilani God I miss it so much ^^
[17:01:46] PotatoRights W
[17:01:47] DJSlime111 ill find a way in...
[17:01:49] totallynotTrace wtf is goin on? I just got here and people are talking about how to ignore people
[17:01:50] ItsActuallyKopyKat Teddy was a man when he was born...all kiwis are
[17:01:55] Zakuru ignore it trace
[17:01:58] DJSlime111 ......
[17:02:00] ItsActuallyKopyKat It's like something in the water in NZ
[17:02:00] FenceEqualizer No spanking the kids that's abuse
[17:02:03] PotatoRights Whelp, I’m back for a little bit
[17:02:03] DJSlime111 .........
[17:02:04] ThingsAreMoving Teddy is a kiwi?
[17:02:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat Yep
[17:02:09] MallardDuckAvia finds a way
[17:02:09] Dadrobit Mhmm, pops had a nice leather belt with a silver buckle adorned with a jeweled unicorn. I'm gonna remember that mark till the day I die.
[17:02:11] ItsActuallyKopyKat <3
[17:02:11] TheMightyDerp I meant name color...the first option i have is accout name, but there’s no option for name color..
[17:02:12] Leilani Fencxe: didn't used to be. *^^*
[17:02:13] Katfeathers so much can be explaind by a lack of belts
[17:02:13] unsteddyphoenix Yeah we fall out with a beer in one hand wearing gumboots
[17:02:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^
[17:02:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat You kiwis are wild
[17:02:38] SpazztasticKiwi 🥝
[17:02:44] Matth3w23 And now we're talking about violence as punishments... This chat is great 😂
[17:02:45] FluffKevlar time to behave
[17:02:53] ItsActuallyKopyKat FK!
[17:02:54] ThingsAreMoving \o/ Fluff!
[17:02:55] Leilani Hihi Fluff :)
[17:02:58] unsteddyphoenix lol hey fluff
[17:02:59] Tharkis hoi Fluff
[17:02:59] Dadrobit \o/ Fuff
[17:03:01] FoxxTrotter Heya, Fluff.
[17:03:01] NeonMitsumi Praise Fluff
[17:03:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat We were just talking about ARA
[17:03:03] Leilani i'm behaving :P
[17:03:03] MarvTheHugPharaoh Fluuuuf \o/
[17:03:03] Zakuru fluffy has come to save us
[17:03:04] TerraTheWizard ohai fluff
[17:03:05] Xexanoth Hi Fluffy
[17:03:05] FenceEqualizer Yay! The police is here!
[17:03:06] IthzChannel itz Fulff!
[17:03:07] Katfeathers alas there were those that over used the belts
[17:03:09] Tharkis i ... was behaving :ctharkis-uneasy:
[17:03:12] BoxStealthFox \o/
[17:03:22] Leilani Fluff: Where were you, young man? :P
[17:03:23] PotatoRights :potato:
[17:03:28] MallardDuckAvia I will behave
[17:03:28] ThingsAreMoving I for one welcome our fluffy overlords!
[17:03:30] FluffKevlar im streaming, lol
[17:03:31] FoxxTrotter He was streaming, Leilani.
[17:03:33] unsteddyphoenix Fluffs pretty bust tho
[17:03:36] Leilani ahhhh
[17:03:36] unsteddyphoenix *busy
[17:03:42] Katfeathers allo Fluff
[17:03:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat busty, too teddy
[17:03:44] unsteddyphoenix I guess noone else was online
[17:03:45] ThingsAreMoving busty FK?
[17:03:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat lool
[17:03:59] unsteddyphoenix Ive seen it
[17:04:00] Bgrmystr2 that's happened, Things
[17:04:04] Leilani I'm going to go prepare salmon feesh. <3 Have a wonderful Sunday all
[17:04:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat <o///o>
[17:04:07] PotatoRights Am I invisible?
[17:04:10] Leilani otterhugs.
[17:04:11] Dadrobit o/ Lei
[17:04:12] ItsActuallyKopyKat whew lad
[17:04:12] unsteddyphoenix byebye~
[17:04:13] FoxxTrotter C-ya, Leilani.
[17:04:17] Katfeathers enjoy
[17:04:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat Bye liel
[17:04:19] ItsActuallyKopyKat leil*
[17:04:20] CrRAR bye
[17:04:21] ThingsAreMoving I shall find it and view it
[17:04:28] DJSlime111 im almost back in
[17:04:32] DJSlime111 ...
[17:04:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat This adira face is suuuper detailed
[17:04:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat I love it
[17:04:48] Matth3w23 Doesn't half take a while...
[17:04:58] ThingsAreMoving Where's Heresy when sneps are being drawn?
[17:05:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat ok ok I gotta eat my spaghetti now... be back in a bit
[17:05:05] ThingsAreMoving enjoy!
[17:05:06] ItsActuallyKopyKat o/
[17:05:08] ItsActuallyKopyKat :D
[17:05:13] Matth3w23 See you!
[17:05:20] DJSlime111 im almost un-ignored
[17:05:23] SpazztasticKiwi 🍝
[17:05:29] PotatoRights Y u mention spaghetti? I hungry now
[17:05:56] Matth3w23 Insert somebody toucha my spaghet meme here.
[17:05:57] TheMightyDerp Aah whatever, i cant find it
[17:06:01] SpazztasticKiwi Tom goin fast 💨 on that neck fluff
[17:06:03] Dadrobit Just had noodles, all good here
[17:06:14] PotatoRights Yeah, I’m invisible
[17:06:18] DJSlime111 *hears spaghetti* papyrus: smashes wall down!!!!
[17:06:18] NeonMitsumi Flooooooooooof :cneonmitsumi-katgoesnyooooom:
[17:06:19] Mippy Getting slightly hungry
[17:06:19] FenceEqualizer Lasagna here
[17:06:33] FenceEqualizer 6 hours to make but god is it worth it.
[17:06:41] MallardDuckAvia Your all eating dinner already but I'm on the west coast and it's only 3
[17:06:43] ThingsAreMoving I made some tagliatelle from scratch today. It was pretty great.
[17:06:51] SpazztasticKiwi :ctwokinds-katdryer: fluff is good
[17:06:59] Mippy Gotta get supper in a few hours
[17:07:02] PotatoRights :potato:
[17:07:25] FenceEqualizer Food is good food is great
[17:07:32] Matth3w23 How long do these streams normally last? Got school tomorrow, and I don't want to stay up to late.
[17:07:37] MallardDuckAvia Lasagna is the best other than Brazilian food
[17:07:40] PotatoRights I still think a bag of warm mashed potatoes makes a better pillow
[17:07:41] Mippy Food is what I eat at eight
[17:07:44] ThingsAreMoving Mat, 7 sketches usually
[17:07:45] SpazztasticKiwi Can be up to 5 hours
[17:07:53] ThingsAreMoving we on #4
[17:08:09] Bgrmystr2 "up to" 4-7 hours from what I've seen Kiwi
[17:08:10] Matth3w23 Ah OK. Probably ought to go off "soon".
[17:08:21] DJSlime111 can you guys just... Un-block me???
[17:08:24] Bgrmystr2 just depends on the sketch lenths
[17:08:26] DJSlime111 pls
[17:08:32] ThingsAreMoving there will be a recording you can see tomorrow
[17:08:35] PotatoRights What sketch # are we on?
[17:08:36] Bgrmystr2 they can't see you to unblock you, and you did that to yourself dj
[17:08:42] TerraTheWizard 4
[17:08:46] FenceEqualizer Was going to say
[17:08:50] ThingsAreMoving wut, bgr
[17:08:58] Bgrmystr2 wut, things
[17:09:01] ThingsAreMoving the boi still there?
[17:09:02] FenceEqualizer Then again they could see DJ from Toms chat
[17:09:11] Zakuru he's crying
[17:09:30] PotatoRights Well I doubt anyone can hear me
[17:09:41] ThingsAreMoving I'll consider unblocking him when I see he's behaving on Tom's chat.
[17:09:47] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-LauraCry::ctwokinds-LauraCry:
[17:09:53] DJSlime111 Zakuru, FenceEqualizer are you hackers or something?
[17:09:53] Xexanoth well, it's a text chat Potato, so hearing you will be pretty tough
[17:09:56] Mippy Absolutly right Potato
[17:09:57] Zakuru he's a kid after all
[17:10:10] TerraTheWizard lol xex
[17:10:13] FenceEqualizer Errr what?
[17:10:31] Xexanoth i will however be pretty amazed if you manage to pull that off
[17:10:38] Dadrobit Nah, you're just annoying to literally everyone here.
[17:10:40] FenceEqualizer Oh umm yes I am the L33t h@x0rs
[17:10:42] Matth3w23 Say, if pototarights disconnected, that would mean potatorights left. No? Just funny to me then...
[17:10:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat I just realized that I can watch this and eat, sooo I'm back
[17:10:48] Bgrmystr2 xD Fence
[17:10:52] ThingsAreMoving wb Kat
[17:10:56] unsteddyphoenix Kopy youre a genius
[17:11:01] DJSlime111 FenceEqualizer, you knew I was 15
[17:11:01] Dadrobit wb kopy
[17:11:01] TerraTheWizard hi again kopy, lol
[17:11:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat Is Adira posing for Eric or something?
[17:11:08] FoxxTrotter Yes.
[17:11:10] TerraTheWizard how's the spaghett?
[17:11:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat :D I am also a computer
[17:11:13] Mippy yup
[17:11:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat eating digi-paster
[17:11:15] unsteddyphoenix checks out
[17:11:19] PotatoRights Not that funny matt
[17:11:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat pasta*
[17:11:27] ThingsAreMoving "Draw me like one of your french girls"
[17:11:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat the spaghett is an excellent simpulation
[17:11:34] Matth3w23 The epiphany of realization of multitasking
[17:11:36] DJSlime111 lol
[17:11:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat @Terra
[17:11:40] TerraTheWizard splended
[17:11:52] ItsActuallyKopyKat omg
[17:11:56] ItsActuallyKopyKat simulation*
[17:12:01] TerraTheWizard i also can't spell
[17:12:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat can't type with one hand lol
[17:12:05] Sarandiel spaghetti simulator?
[17:12:06] TheMightyDerp .
[17:12:07] SpazztasticKiwi Wouldn’t this be Eric’s first mother portrait?
[17:12:14] TheMightyDerp Oh, there we go
[17:12:17] Dadrobit Nah, Adelaide was done as well.
[17:12:17] Xexanoth He did Adelaide already
[17:12:18] ThingsAreMoving and I was googling what the hell did simpulation meant
[17:12:19] ThingsAreMoving lol
[17:12:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat he already did Adelaide
[17:12:24] Dadrobit Best mom came first.
[17:12:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat sorry things
[17:12:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat llol
[17:12:29] ThingsAreMoving rip
[17:12:37] unsteddyphoenix big mom best mom
[17:12:39] TheMightyDerp Now i just need my profile pic to work -.-
[17:12:43] CrRAR lol
[17:12:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat reload your browser, derp
[17:12:58] NeonMitsumi Draw me like one of your baguette girls
[17:12:58] ThingsAreMoving Derp try ctrl+f5 and then go to settings
[17:12:59] PotatoRights When did he did Adelaide?
[17:13:00] ItsActuallyKopyKat whew, she's hawt
[17:13:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-maddiessparkles::ctwokinds-maddiessparkles:
[17:13:10] Katfeathers aye
[17:13:12] Dadrobit phrasing?
[17:13:21] ItsActuallyKopyKat Long time ago, Potato
[17:13:27] unsteddyphoenix when do he be doing that tho
[17:13:32] PotatoRights Link?
[17:13:33] Matth3w23 I wonder how Maeve would react if she saw this...
[17:13:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat and dadro, I know what i said :ctwokinds-NoraEyebrows:
[17:13:37] FenceEqualizer Dude, I said 13. And it was a guess
[17:13:45] MallardDuckAvia How do I change profile pic? It says it isn't formatted correctly or something
[17:13:58] Dadrobit Not you kopy, the one saying Eric did Adelaide.
[17:14:00] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol ducky
[17:14:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat you gotta format it correcty lol
[17:14:10] DJSlime111 I was just joking
[17:14:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat Oh ok dadro
[17:14:16] TheMightyDerp First off, im on mobile, second ive refreshed a whole bunch even logged out and in, i changed my username, and it reset my profile pic for some reason and every time i try to change it it comes up “error:”
[17:14:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat hmmm
[17:14:27] TerraTheWizard @potato
[17:14:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat use a computer lolll
[17:14:34] PotatoRights Thanks
[17:14:34] FenceEqualizer Honestly this is actually somewhat tasteful for Eric.
[17:14:50] MallardDuckAvia I do have it formatted. It's a square of the correct size
[17:14:50] unsteddyphoenix She physically cant lift the tail enough
[17:15:08] ThingsAreMoving you saying Adira is weak?
[17:15:12] ThingsAreMoving rudephoenix
[17:15:12] TheMightyDerp Id use a computer, but the picture i want to use isnt on there. I cant even change it to my previous ppicture either.
[17:15:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat Idk what to say then, ducky
[17:15:17] unsteddyphoenix Im saying her tail is like two of her
[17:15:27] ThingsAreMoving she can handle it
[17:15:30] TerraTheWizard extra f l o o f y
[17:15:31] FenceEqualizer Just more to love
[17:15:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat IronKat has failed you
[17:15:39] DJSlime111 Just email it to the PC
[17:15:40] Xexanoth but her tail is 90% air....
[17:15:48] Dadrobit Throw her in a pool, it'll de-floof for a while.
[17:15:48] PotatoRights Adria is 1000% fluff
[17:15:50] CrRAR just don't get it wet
[17:15:57] FenceEqualizer People could get lost into her tail
[17:15:58] Xexanoth and 1% Maeve Saliva
[17:16:03] unsteddyphoenix but be even heavier!
[17:16:04] ThingsAreMoving Don't tumble-dry your Adira.
[17:16:06] McClaw "Draw me like your French snowmews"? :P
[17:16:11] ItsActuallyKopyKat Mmmmm
[17:16:14] DJSlime111 Lol
[17:16:15] SteelWings yay for lovely floofy Snowmews :3
[17:16:15] MallardDuckAvia And 100% reason to remember the name
[17:16:21] Xexanoth ^
[17:16:25] PotatoRights Getting it wet= a wet fuzz ball
[17:16:26] Katfeathers It haz Mo-tail?
[17:16:29] Bgrmystr2 xF Mallard
[17:16:31] Bgrmystr2 ..xD*
[17:16:31] Dadrobit Get one of the wolf terrorists, they've got some heating capacity.
[17:16:33] TrexM hey
[17:16:35] Bgrmystr2 hate this keyboard srsly
[17:16:37] unsteddyphoenix mo' tails mo
[17:16:39] Matth3w23 Imagine adira experiencing static electricity...
[17:16:39] unsteddyphoenix problems
[17:16:42] ItsActuallyKopyKat You'd think they'd learn from tumble drying the Kathrin, ey things?
[17:16:45] unsteddyphoenix Not that im not super into it
[17:16:50] Dadrobit o/ Trex
[17:16:51] Xexanoth Someone needs to suggest that Matt
[17:16:53] TrexM how is everyone?
[17:16:54] FenceEqualizer Someone get Brutus
[17:16:54] MarvTheHugPharaoh wolf terrorist name is cute boi
[17:16:54] ThingsAreMoving Exactly, Kat
[17:16:56] Bgrmystr2 heya Trex
[17:17:04] MarvTheHugPharaoh Hi Trex
[17:17:12] ThingsAreMoving o/ Trex
[17:17:12] PotatoRights Tom forgot to make the glass in the 1st sketch “lick proof”
[17:17:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat o/ trex
[17:17:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat what is with you and lick proof glass????
[17:17:35] Mippy No one cares Potato
[17:17:38] PotatoRights It’s a reference to a game
[17:17:40] ItsActuallyKopyKat you've said it like 100 times
[17:17:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat what game
[17:17:45] Dadrobit Anything is lickable if you're brave enough.
[17:17:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^
[17:17:51] CrRAR just get nintendo to bitter-coat those tanks like they're cartridges,
[17:17:54] FenceEqualizer Lewd Robit
[17:17:55] DJSlime111 Cactus
[17:17:55] CrRAR no lickies
[17:17:55] PotatoRights Idk, can’t remember
[17:18:08] MallardDuckAvia Just cover in rat poison and your lick proof
[17:18:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat Then why refrence it?!
[17:18:11] CrRAR *their
[17:18:12] Katfeathers even the flag pole in the dead of winter
[17:18:33] PotatoRights Because I can
[17:18:34] Dadrobit Good thing I'm a human, rat poison should be no problem.
[17:18:36] ThingsAreMoving Cover the glass with broken glass to lick proof it
[17:18:42] Dadrobit #QualityLogic
[17:18:43] TerraTheWizard oh no
[17:18:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat brilliant Dadro
[17:18:45] TrexM as much as I like to stay and hang out I have to go to a family event
[17:18:46] PotatoRights Good idea
[17:18:48] FenceEqualizer That's not how poison works!
[17:18:53] ItsActuallyKopyKat you try it first
[17:18:53] Mippy lala Dad
[17:19:03] IthzChannel bye trex
[17:19:05] ThingsAreMoving If poison is out of date, is it more or less poisonous?
[17:19:06] ItsActuallyKopyKat bye trex
[17:19:07] totallynotTrace van der graaf generator + Adira = 100% FLOOF
[17:19:08] MallardDuckAvia Enough can still kill humans. It's just branding
[17:19:12] Dadrobit cya Trex
[17:19:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat on of life's great mysteries, Things
[17:19:23] FenceEqualizer Later Trex
[17:19:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat You hsould test it lol
[17:19:29] ItsActuallyKopyKat one*
[17:19:33] ThingsAreMoving Nah, I'm cool
[17:19:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat and *should
[17:19:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat yeesh
[17:19:45] unsteddyphoenix kopy just telling multiple people to eat poison
[17:19:48] Xexanoth hmm i have a great saying for this shit, but it's impossible to translate :/
[17:19:49] unsteddyphoenix No chill at all
[17:19:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat hnggg
[17:19:53] Katfeathers brb
[17:19:54] IthzChannel mehehe adria is so gracefull
[17:19:56] FenceEqualizer Kopy, low key trying to murder
[17:19:57] Xexanoth sometimes i hate languages
[17:19:58] PotatoRights Can someone send me a link to the fuzz grenade kat pic?
[17:19:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat they leave it wide open
[17:20:05] ItsActuallyKopyKat it's too easy
[17:20:14] ThingsAreMoving What Did I ever say to you to deserve such harsh treatment? :ctwokinds-LauraCry:
[17:20:21] TheMightyDerp I just tried to change it on pc, still the same issue.
[17:20:23] unsteddyphoenix stop the bullying
[17:20:29] IthzChannel 1
[17:20:32] Dadrobit Insert "wide open" mom joke here.
[17:20:33] TrexM can you gus vote for the Bob ross sythe and peapod nibbly for me, please and thank you!
[17:20:38] NeonMitsumi This one?
[17:20:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat Yeah, no on etook that bait, Dadro
[17:20:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat omg
[17:20:47] TrexM guys*
[17:20:52] PotatoRights Yep thanks
[17:20:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat *no one took*
[17:20:55] FenceEqualizer Say no to cyber bullying #wherethecyber?
[17:21:11] Dadrobit pls no cybering in the chat thanks
[17:21:15] Xexanoth Say yes to Cyber Yiff
[17:21:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat Oh
[17:21:20] NeonMitsumi
[17:21:21] Dadrobit pls no
[17:21:21] ThingsAreMoving Kat finish processing those packets, before trying to synthesise a response
[17:21:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat yeah...I'm spreading my resources too thinly
[17:21:52] ItsActuallyKopyKat Plus this Adira is suuuper distracting
[17:21:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat i mean
[17:22:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat whew
[17:22:02] unsteddyphoenix gotta etake the ebait
[17:22:04] ThingsAreMoving Looks like Adira is spreading her resources just right.
[17:22:11] ItsActuallyKopyKat :UUUUUUUUUUUUU
[17:22:13] Zakuru :joy:
[17:22:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat BRUH
[17:22:16] Katfeathers back
[17:22:18] TerraTheWizard lol
[17:22:19] Matth3w23 Is it me, or is her hamstring massive?
[17:22:25] unsteddyphoenix THICC
[17:22:26] Zakuru its called
[17:22:26] Flareuim okey doky, well adira is lokkin....nice
[17:22:27] Zakuru thicc
[17:22:28] ProsePro7 This one is getting a color vote from me
[17:22:33] Flareuim THICC
[17:22:37] FenceEqualizer Ummm she's thiccer then I remembered
[17:22:38] MallardDuckAvia Thicccckque
[17:22:41] DJSlime111 is this the fuzz grenade thingy?
[17:22:42] DJSlime111
[17:22:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat why color the snow lep?
[17:22:45] Zakuru ok then, its fluff
[17:22:47] Zakuru all of it fluff
[17:22:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat She's black and white
[17:22:54] Mippy I'm suppose to get thunder in about a half hour guys...wish me luck
[17:22:58] NeonMitsumi Nope, Slime.
[17:22:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat That's like trying to color a zebra
[17:23:06] DJSlime111 good luck
[17:23:07] CrRAR all the luck~
[17:23:08] Dadrobit Thunder is fun.
[17:23:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat luck, mippy
[17:23:17] ThingsAreMoving I'd paint a zebra pink and yellow
[17:23:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat thunder is great
[17:23:21] ThingsAreMoving If I had the chance
[17:23:22] Dadrobit I miss having weather.
[17:23:23] CrRAR Do you have your thunderbuddie ready?
[17:23:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat you would!
[17:23:25] FenceEqualizer Thunder sucks
[17:23:27] MallardDuckAvia War Thunder is most fun
[17:23:32] TerraTheWizard dad lives in space now?
[17:23:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat You on the moon? @dadrobit
[17:23:38] Matth3w23 Do you prefer thunder or lightning?
[17:23:41] Dadrobit Arizona, close enough.
[17:23:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol terra
[17:23:46] FenceEqualizer Actually lightning sucks, thunder is just loud
[17:23:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat great minds
[17:23:52] MallardDuckAvia I live in Arizona
[17:23:54] PotatoRights Thunder matt
[17:23:56] TerraTheWizard :P
[17:24:00] PotatoRights Thunder
[17:24:00] Dadrobit Eyyyy
[17:24:01] SpazztasticKiwi We’re getting storms now
[17:24:06] ThingsAreMoving Thunderbold and lightning are very very frightening
[17:24:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat Las Vegas, reporting in
[17:24:11] ThingsAreMoving thunderbolt*
[17:24:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat A few clouds, but nothing stormy
[17:24:18] Mippy Dose my pillow count as a Thunderbuddy?
[17:24:20] CrRAR lol Things
[17:24:21] Sarandiel Dance magic dance?
[17:24:25] MallardDuckAvia Where in AZ?
[17:24:31] Matth3w23 Thunderbirds are better.
[17:24:35] ThingsAreMoving o/ Cr
[17:24:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat Within state boundaries lol
[17:24:43] MallardDuckAvia Blue angles are better
[17:24:43] Dadrobit Mesa/AJ area.
[17:24:48] Matth3w23 Oi, is that a labyrinth reference?
[17:24:51] TerraTheWizard pff, no
[17:24:52] MallardDuckAvia I live in Mesa too
[17:24:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat I like my angles Green
[17:24:58] ItsActuallyKopyKat Or red, maybe
[17:25:03] MallardDuckAvia Over by falcon field
[17:25:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat @MallardDuckAvia
[17:25:10] totallynotTrace sounds like AZ is located in the boiling sea of dust
[17:25:22] CrRAR indeed
[17:25:29] DJSlime111 nice name totallynotTrace
[17:25:33] Katfeathers a fair chunk iirc
[17:25:34] PotatoRights Logicially speaking the thunder is the sound from lightning so you mean lightning bolt @thingsaremoving
[17:25:37] Dadrobit Not far, I'm right on the AJ border by the 60
[17:25:40] TerraTheWizard @totallynotTrace r u trace??!?
[17:25:50] MallardDuckAvia Blue angles are the best. They preformed at Luke days in AZ
[17:25:53] ItsActuallyKopyKat You guys are neighbors?!
[17:26:04] Zakuru im... feeling sleepy
[17:26:09] totallynotTrace what, no. who told you that
[17:26:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat Maaaalllllaaaarrrddddd
[17:26:20] MallardDuckAvia Are you by Red Mountain High School?
[17:26:22] ThingsAreMoving Potato pls, look up bohemian rhapsody and listen to it
[17:26:24] ItsActuallyKopyKat It's *Angels
[17:26:26] Dadrobit There are a couple of us actually. JohnnyFox and InfinitEdge are as well.
[17:26:30] DJSlime111 wait... totallynotTrace are you good trace or Evil Trace?
[17:26:40] MallardDuckAvia Cool
[17:26:44] totallynotTrace runs and hide from the army of kiedran comming my way
[17:26:45] Dadrobit Kind of, closer to Skyline.
[17:26:51] Mippy ave no idea about AZ
[17:26:55] Dadrobit Mother taught at Red Mountain though.
[17:27:09] MallardDuckAvia Oh ok. I've been to Skyline before.
[17:27:18] PotatoRights How do you do that @totallynottrace ?
[17:27:26] MallardDuckAvia They had the seim thing there right?
[17:27:28] Xexanoth ./me Potato
[17:27:28] NeonMitsumi ­
[17:27:31] TerraTheWizard it's a mystery
[17:27:34] Xexanoth leave the dot out
[17:27:42] Dadrobit Yeah, they have their own water park there now.
[17:27:44] PotatoRights thanks everyone
[17:27:51] Matth3w23 says this sentence is false.
[17:27:53] CrRAR o7
[17:27:55] PotatoRights What sketch are we on?
[17:28:00] BadFoMo $
[17:28:00] TerraTheWizard 4 @potato
[17:28:08] RunsNakedThroughSwamps .
[17:28:13] BadFoMo *#4
[17:28:14] DJSlime111 is this it?
[17:28:15] Xexanoth you know how old you are when people don't know basic text chat commands
[17:28:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[17:28:24] MallardDuckAvia That one is the best in Mesa in my opinion
[17:28:31] ItsActuallyKopyKat Mmkay, done with spaghetti. Should be typing correctly now
[17:28:32] DJSlime111 I SAID IM NEW!!!!!
[17:28:39] PotatoRights should not have asked
[17:28:40] TerraTheWizard ok, calm down
[17:28:42] Xexanoth it's like: That was the first thing i learned when i was using IRC XD
[17:28:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat Resources allocated
[17:28:48] Dadrobit School or Water Park?
[17:28:51] MallardDuckAvia Allosaurus
[17:28:57] MallardDuckAvia Water park
[17:29:06] Matth3w23 realizes that the /me command is now becoming annoying.
[17:29:06] DJSlime111 waterpark
[17:29:07] BadFoMo Feild trip?
[17:29:08] Dadrobit Over Sunsplash?!?
[17:29:10] ThingsAreMoving I learned how to slap others with trouts during my time with IRC, Xex
[17:29:22] PotatoRights agrees with matthew
[17:29:27] TerraTheWizard feesh
[17:29:30] MallardDuckAvia I meant school water park. Sun splash is way better
[17:29:33] PotatoRights matth3w
[17:29:34] Xexanoth that and how to post Goatse @Things
[17:29:37] DJSlime111 doesnt agree with matthew
[17:29:39] RunsNakedThroughSwamps Remember MUDs?
[17:29:39] ThingsAreMoving ...
[17:29:40] TerraTheWizard xex no!
[17:29:45] Dadrobit Ahhh, okay, I getcha lol.
[17:29:49] ThingsAreMoving lemonparty aw well
[17:29:52] ThingsAreMoving as
[17:29:58] Xexanoth and meatspin of course
[17:30:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat nuuu
[17:30:04] ThingsAreMoving good days
[17:30:10] MallardDuckAvia I live closer to stapely though so I'm usually there
[17:30:19] DJSlime111 hears the word school and runs away to china
[17:30:21] Xexanoth feels really old now :(
[17:30:32] MallardDuckAvia Did you have days added because of the teacher strike?
[17:30:42] ThingsAreMoving Xex time to retire and wither away
[17:30:45] ItsActuallyKopyKat because you are old, xex >:T
[17:30:46] PotatoRights shouldn’t have asked
[17:30:52] TerraTheWizard fun thing about all those websites is i have no idea what's actually on them, never clicked the links, lol
[17:30:52] unsteddyphoenix pls
[17:30:54] DJSlime111 HELLO EVERYONE IN THE FUTURE!!!!
[17:31:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat Good job terra
[17:31:04] Matth3w23 We never had a teacher strike. But that's because we used pins when bowling.
[17:31:05] ItsActuallyKopyKat you are the only one
[17:31:06] TerraTheWizard dj, pls stop
[17:31:06] Mippy Angelfire anyone?
[17:31:08] Xexanoth asking is how you learn stuff, so yes you should always ask ^^
[17:31:16] Dadrobit Nah, I graduated years ago. But my folks were part of the strike.
[17:31:20] Bgrmystr2 Dj if you don't know how to use the command properly, then don't use it
[17:31:25] MallardDuckAvia Oh ok
[17:31:32] Dadrobit No days added for the kids. but the teachers have to make up the lost days.
[17:31:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat What's he doing now lol
[17:31:34] DJSlime111 says HELLO EVERYONE IN THE FUTURE!!!!
[17:31:37] ThingsAreMoving dunno
[17:31:39] NeonMitsumi At least we have @FluffKevlar to get rid of him now.
[17:31:40] ItsActuallyKopyKat nvm I see
[17:31:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^
[17:31:47] Matth3w23 And the spam has started again...
[17:31:48] Zakuru >_>
[17:31:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat FK pls
[17:31:49] Xexanoth Fluffy is buys streaming
[17:31:53] Xexanoth *busy
[17:31:57] ItsActuallyKopyKat *busty
[17:32:01] BluePhantom90 Too bad Heresy isn't here. He loves Adira
[17:32:01] TerraTheWizard owo
[17:32:01] Xexanoth that too
[17:32:13] unsteddyphoenix Yeah he'd probably only see it if its lots of spam again
[17:32:34] PotatoRights Anyone else irl sitting in a chair at their grandparents’ house? No? Ok
[17:32:34] Mippy Heresy gonna be salty
[17:32:46] Matth3w23 He, I only know this song from geometry dash...
[17:32:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat Where is heresey??
[17:32:49] NeonMitsumi Heresy always misses Adira, lol
[17:32:57] ThingsAreMoving One day we're gonna hit more than 1k viewers and we won't be able to talk freely like now
[17:32:58] MarvTheHugPharaoh -_-
[17:32:59] ValSalianResident Oh boy
[17:33:00] Zakuru If i was this kids parent i would smack him upside the head at this point
[17:33:03] FoxxTrotter Heresy was on the chat earlier.
[17:33:05] TerraTheWizard well that fucked my chat....
[17:33:06] Wyvern088 are you... trying to get banned?
[17:33:07] BadFoMo Good lord.
[17:33:09] BoxStealthFox ./ignore is a thing, just a reminder
[17:33:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat one day, things...but not today!
[17:33:10] Mippy @PotatoRights All my grandparents are dead
[17:33:12] Edinku Hmmm
[17:33:17] Edinku Hello! Hola!
[17:33:19] unsteddyphoenix Lol I wonder if picarto would get a "sub mode"
[17:33:22] Matth3w23 Is there a slow chat option?
[17:33:22] ValSalianResident Man, there are shitposters here too?
[17:33:22] PotatoRights ;-;
[17:33:31] ThingsAreMoving Yes, Val
[17:33:34] Dadrobit Can't ignore since he's on the big screen as well.
[17:33:41] ThingsAreMoving every community has them at some point
[17:33:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat Shitposters are everywhere, unfortunately
[17:33:49] ValSalianResident We've had some problems with those recently on /tkg/ too
[17:33:53] unsteddyphoenix Just here they never get banned lol
[17:33:55] NeonMitsumi The bigger it is, the worse it gets.
[17:33:57] ValSalianResident More than usual in fact
[17:34:02] unsteddyphoenix We actually have barely any, but they all stick around
[17:34:05] Xexanoth you're all acting as if no one in this chat ever shitposts -.-
[17:34:07] SpazztasticKiwi As it’s about to rain, I just saw a tiny toad. Baby toad - so cute
[17:34:15] Zakuru daw :3c
[17:34:17] ThingsAreMoving I never shippost
[17:34:21] DarthRexKing kitty.
[17:34:21] Dadrobit I NEVER shitpost thank you very much
[17:34:24] ItsActuallyKopyKat I post my ships!
[17:34:33] Zakuru did someone say ships?
[17:34:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat Example: Tom x Sage
[17:34:38] unsteddyphoenix I have never shinposted
[17:34:39] Xexanoth :ptv-shipit:
[17:34:39] ThingsAreMoving xD
[17:34:40] Bgrmystr2 :cruise_ship::ptv-shipit::ship: I shippost
[17:34:43] RunsNakedThroughSwamps Na'rella best ship
[17:34:48] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-violentnewspats:
[17:34:54] Matth3w23 I find this sketch odd. I think it's because it's the first time I've see adira without her usual clothes.
[17:34:55] Zakuru oooo
[17:34:58] ThingsAreMoving Bad shipposters!
[17:34:59] BadFoMo I don't think I've ever seen a 'bar thing-y' at the bottom of the chat before.
[17:35:00] Mippy Waite...Shitpost or Shippost? Becaue I ay be guilty of one
[17:35:02] TerraTheWizard picarto why you reset my volume when i reload the page >:V
[17:35:07] SpazztasticKiwi And Bagheera was playing with the kittens this morning. It looks like he has finally gotten over his hatered
[17:35:07] GameForge this is gud
[17:35:10] ValSalianResident Poop posting
[17:35:13] GameForge floofy neck thing
[17:35:19] ValSalianResident Like literally
[17:35:19] PotatoRights I do neither
[17:35:29] ValSalianResident Is fucking gross
[17:35:33] Bespin adira lookin fine
[17:35:36] GameForge wait... i need a sketch of the neck thing being removable, and trace just completely supried
[17:35:42] GameForge that would be 10/10
[17:35:48] MallardDuckAvia You all get toads but we get spine covered lizards called horney toads and venomous Gila Monsters
[17:35:51] ThingsAreMoving Chest tuft is not for removals
[17:35:53] DJSlime111 11/103
[17:35:54] Ordithus <3 snep mom
[17:35:56] PotatoRights Well may be gone for a little, may come back, so if not, cya
[17:35:56] Dadrobit Get a razor and it's totally removable floof.
[17:35:57] ItsActuallyKopyKat adira is always looking fine
[17:36:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat wheeew
[17:36:03] DJSlime111 sorry wrong button
[17:36:07] ThingsAreMoving Dad! :ctwokinds-renirawr:
[17:36:08] DJSlime111 11/10
[17:36:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-clovisgirl_shake::ctwokinds-clovisgirl_shake:
[17:36:26] Dadrobit Yes?
[17:36:28] ProsePro7 Would the term Milf apply here?
[17:36:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat absolutely
[17:36:33] Matth3w23 The neck floof is like the things they wore in elizabethan times (for UK peoples 😛)
[17:36:34] SpazztasticKiwi No
[17:36:34] MarvTheHugPharaoh no
[17:36:35] ItsActuallyKopyKat Prose
[17:36:40] unsteddyphoenix DAD!
[17:36:41] Bespin ue\\\Yep
[17:36:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat would too!
[17:36:45] Katfeathers OOOOh yah
[17:36:48] Dadrobit YES?
[17:36:51] Mippy If you are into that then yeas Prose
[17:36:54] unsteddyphoenix Hey how's it goin?
[17:37:04] Dadrobit Pretty good. Thanks! You?
[17:37:06] ThingsAreMoving Just checking the comm lines, carry on
[17:37:13] TerraTheWizard beep boop
[17:37:14] Katfeathers heh
[17:37:20] ProsePro7 HAHA
[17:37:21] unsteddyphoenix Good to hear, not bad myself~
[17:37:24] ItsActuallyKopyKat Boop beep!
[17:37:40] MetalAppleSauce Beep boop bop
[17:37:41] MallardDuckAvia If you are ever bit by a rattlesnake don't worry. I was bit by a spider twice as venomous a couple weeks ago and didn't even see a doctor for a week
[17:37:43] Mippy Hmm...My sister just got back from the park. XD
[17:37:56] ItsActuallyKopyKat hmmm
[17:38:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat that sounds irresponsible
[17:38:04] TerraTheWizard doubt.png
[17:38:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^
[17:38:12] unsteddyphoenix One time I got shot in the head and didnt see a doctor for a month people are such babies~
[17:38:21] ItsActuallyKopyKat Well teddy
[17:38:25] ThingsAreMoving I just realized, we didn't have any text on any of today's sketches yet.
[17:38:29] Matth3w23 Random question again: which stream is usually busier? The Sunday, or Friday one?
[17:38:35] ItsActuallyKopyKat You can build up a resistance to bullets by shooting yourself with smaller ones first
[17:38:35] unsteddyphoenix this one
[17:38:37] ThingsAreMoving Sunday
[17:38:39] NeonMitsumi Sunday.
[17:38:41] Zakuru sunday
[17:38:42] IthzChannel hope you took Aspirin at least
[17:38:45] Zakuru look at that view count
[17:38:53] unsteddyphoenix makes sense to me~
[17:38:57] FenceEqualizer One time I broke my knee caps but I just walked it off.
[17:38:57] ThingsAreMoving we quarter thousand, yo!
[17:38:58] DJSlime111 251
[17:38:59] MallardDuckAvia No seriously. They had to disinfect it but that's all.
[17:39:13] ItsActuallyKopyKat I started with .22 years ago, slowly worked my way up to .45 acp
[17:39:16] MallardDuckAvia Brown recluse spider. Look it up
[17:39:25] TerraTheWizard sunday stream is busier for 2 reasons
[17:39:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat Mallard
[17:39:27] Matth3w23 This is my first stream, so I have nothing to compare it to @Zakaru.
[17:39:33] TerraTheWizard people want to see their stuff draweded
[17:39:33] GameForge TEXT!
[17:39:37] Bgrmystr2 I 100% doubt you, Mallard
[17:39:40] Bgrmystr2 :u
[17:39:40] TerraTheWizard and it's a better time for EU peoples
[17:39:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat It's not just toxicity, you also have to take into account the amount of venom
[17:39:45] Bgrmystr2 cuz we have those around here
[17:39:47] unsteddyphoenix "Compared to that blep one you had....yes."
[17:39:48] ThingsAreMoving \o/ text!
[17:39:53] Dadrobit Tried walking off a broken back once, got about three steps tbh. Didn't go so well after.
[17:39:55] ItsActuallyKopyKat a spider bite is not going to be nearly as much as a snake bite
[17:39:56] BadFoMo ...Free?
[17:40:10] BadFoMo Eric: ...Yes.
[17:40:13] ValSalianResident Oof ow. Spider bite. Hurt.
[17:40:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat this is 100% professional
[17:40:22] Xexanoth uhm, that sound stupid Dad
[17:40:26] IthzChannel and then meave walked in
[17:40:27] gone46 absolutely professional
[17:40:32] ThingsAreMoving Terra depends, I'm in the UK right now, and if I didn't work afternoons I wouldn't be able to watch the stream.
[17:40:36] ValSalianResident So are links just straight up not allowed here or what?
[17:40:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat floof /10
[17:40:42] MallardDuckAvia I guess size matters.
[17:40:43] DJSlime111 Wait until cameras are invented in the TK universe. Eric's mind will be blown
[17:40:46] GameForge @itzchannel oh no
[17:40:55] Dadrobit I was 15. Smart I was not.
[17:41:00] ThingsAreMoving Val only Twokinds related links
[17:41:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat they are, but they should be relevant to the conversation
[17:41:08] ItsActuallyKopyKat and not 500 characters long
[17:41:08] Bgrmystr2 what Kopy said
[17:41:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat shorten your links plz
[17:41:19] Bespin ^^^
[17:41:23] Bgrmystr2 long links are obnoxious
[17:41:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat I learned that one the hard way lol
[17:41:34] ValSalianResident Eh, got it.
[17:41:36] Zakuru isn't there a site that shortens it for you?
[17:41:37] js199456 Adira is looking Hot!!
[17:41:39] ItsActuallyKopyKat yep!
[17:41:40] TerraTheWizard well the sunday stream starting at 9pm is better than the other one that usually starts at 2am, lol
[17:41:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat @Zakuru
[17:41:43] Bespin hehe
[17:41:47] Bgrmystr2 yeah but you generally don't need it Zak
[17:41:56] ThingsAreMoving shortens them
[17:41:57] Bgrmystr2 for 90% of the time, you can get a shorter link
[17:41:58] Zakuru i never do, i just can't remember the name of it
[17:42:02] ThingsAreMoving if you need to
[17:42:05] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^^ things
[17:42:12] ValSalianResident Adira is a very aesthetically pleasing character.
[17:42:16] TerraTheWizard i thought google stopped their URL shortener?
[17:42:17] Bgrmystr2 most ppl use it cuz they're too damn lazy to get the actual link of w/e it is
[17:42:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat Uhhhh
[17:42:23] Bgrmystr2 instead of putting the google result link
[17:42:25] Bgrmystr2 which is super long
[17:42:32] Matth3w23 Hang on, so what are the stream times? 9pm Friday and...
[17:42:33] FatCowMom Hallo
[17:42:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat So is Kat, and Raine, and Adelaide, and Keith, and...
[17:42:37] Dadrobit brb
[17:42:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat basically everyone else
[17:42:54] ThingsAreMoving Adira is surprisingly innocent for her age
[17:43:03] unsteddyphoenix Everybody but Karen
[17:43:05] ItsActuallyKopyKat well she just runs a bar
[17:43:08] NeonMitsumi Lmao
[17:43:09] ThingsAreMoving or... what's the word I'm looking for
[17:43:13] ItsActuallyKopyKat Karen is too!
[17:43:16] ItsActuallyKopyKat The nerve!
[17:43:20] ThingsAreMoving ...naive?
[17:43:23] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-isthisevensfw: Karen's busy
[17:43:24] SiliconCarbide she might just be more reserved
[17:43:25] FenceEqualizer Modest?
[17:43:27] Mippy Yeah...pretty ush KopyKat
[17:43:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat yeah, naive
[17:43:31] thestooge @ThingsAreMoving even more surprising considering she has Maeve!
[17:43:35] ItsActuallyKopyKat she just runs a bar, things
[17:43:39] unsteddyphoenix I dont hate her but her colours...
[17:43:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat she doesn't know about the big bad world
[17:43:43] Bgrmystr2 9pm friday, 4pm sunday. Eastern Time. @Matth3w23
[17:43:43] Tharkis i like fluffy snow leopards :ctharkis-2pls:
[17:43:45] unsteddyphoenix She might as well be orange and purple
[17:43:45] ThingsAreMoving running a bar is not easy, lol
[17:43:55] Bgrmystr2 it's at the top of the chat if you're on a desktop client
[17:44:03] NeonMitsumi @unsteddyphoenix On it.
[17:44:09] unsteddyphoenix Please dont
[17:44:14] PotatoRights Well I’m back with new profile pic
[17:44:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat Neon, pleeeeasseee
[17:44:20] Matth3w23 Thanks Bgr. And I'm on mobile...
[17:44:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat please please do it
[17:44:23] ThingsAreMoving I thought barmaids knew all the best stories from all around the world?
[17:44:29] IthzChannel we are gonna need a wallpaper versio of this ^^
[17:44:32] unsteddyphoenix Oooh youre a bad influence
[17:44:39] PotatoRights It will appear soon
[17:44:43] Bgrmystr2 stop being on an inferior player then :U
[17:44:45] ItsActuallyKopyKat Maybe they do, things, but Adira does not
[17:44:53] DJSlime111 .
[17:44:56] NeonMitsumi I haven't made anything this stream lol
[17:44:57] ThingsAreMoving I still adore her.
[17:44:58] Twokinds Done
[17:45:05] Bespin nice
[17:45:05] ThingsAreMoving Best mom / 10
[17:45:06] MarvTheHugPharaoh Very Nicley Done
[17:45:08] Matth3w23 Looks great!
[17:45:09] DJSlime111 NICE
[17:45:09] ValSalianResident Lovely
[17:45:12] Tharkis purrdy kitty
[17:45:14] SiliconCarbide great sketch
[17:45:14] Bgrmystr2 Professional / 10 tom
[17:45:15] ValSalianResident Inb4 Maeve walks in
[17:45:16] Sammit Very nice
[17:45:16] unsteddyphoenix very :fire::ok_hand::fire:
[17:45:18] NeonMitsumi Floof! <3 :cneonmitsumi-katgoesnyooooom:
[17:45:18] Katfeathers applauds
[17:45:18] PotatoRights likes it
[17:45:21] ItsActuallyKopyKat Kitty Purry
[17:45:21] RunsNakedThroughSwamps Beautiful Eric--er Tom!
[17:45:22] SpazztasticKiwi Artistic/10
[17:45:24] SomeOtherTom <3 Looks great. Thanks for voting for it :)
[17:45:26] Matth3w23 But are you done done?
[17:45:31] ValSalianResident Nicely done Mark.
[17:45:31] Alkavine Professional? Probably not, but definitely flattering to a degree!
[17:45:35] IthzChannel one of my favorite charakters, and you naild it, as alwasy
[17:45:37] ItsActuallyKopyKat Floof / 100
[17:45:39] NeonMitsumi @SomeOtherTom Of course it's by you, hahaha
[17:45:43] IthzChannel nailed*
[17:45:43] Mippy Noice
[17:45:46] DJSlime111 gives 199475/10
[17:45:46] ThingsAreMoving FloofOverwhelming!
[17:45:52] Ordithus :ptv-hearts:
[17:45:54] unsteddyphoenix the man likes his spots
[17:45:56] ThingsAreMoving o/ Ord!
[17:45:56] unsteddyphoenix I respect it
[17:46:01] PotatoRights What’s next?
[17:46:04] ItsActuallyKopyKat right, teddy?
[17:46:04] SomeOtherTom Spots are life etc
[17:46:08] BadFoMo Vote.
[17:46:15] CrimsonHelsing Very well done, Tom! I lika dis
[17:46:26] tkpolls [New poll!] Round 5 [Duration: 5 minutes] -
[17:46:27] Ordithus Hi Things!
[17:46:36] ProsePro7 "applause"
[17:46:38] Bgrmystr2 This image. I like the it. :ok_hand:
[17:47:00] Dadrobit back
[17:47:02] Matth3w23 Wish I was a snow leapard. Then I wouldn't have to worry about spots.
[17:47:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat Whew, Kat and Zen!!!
[17:47:23] MarvTheHugPharaoh I see dads
[17:47:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat Whoooooooo
[17:47:33] ThingsAreMoving Wait, Male Mike and Evals kissing? :ctwokinds-MikeLewd::ctwokinds-MikeLewd::ctwokinds-MikeLewd:
[17:47:47] ValSalianResident Hm... These are a little meh in my opinion
[17:47:50] MarvTheHugPharaoh have not had a mike one in a while
[17:47:52] WereKeidran LT reed!
[17:48:03] Dadrobit Ayyyyy, Sythe riding a super sized Nibbly is a #QuailitySuggestion
[17:48:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat Red and Scythe omg
[17:48:11] PotatoRights Tom sometime please prove the existance of the Arctic Fox Keidran
[17:48:16] ItsActuallyKopyKat Sythe**
[17:48:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat Stupid autocorrect
[17:48:28] ThingsAreMoving I want Red to snuggle with the wolves!
[17:48:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^^
[17:48:34] unsteddyphoenix I like the one thats just a thing that happened in Freefall
[17:48:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat That's also a good one
[17:48:52] BadFoMo Come on Cute Snow Mew and Keith and Natani do a thing!
[17:48:53] ProsePro7 DBZ please
[17:48:56] tkpolls [Poll] Round 5 [2.5 minutes left] -
[17:49:08] gone46 omae wa mou shindeiru
[17:49:14] ThingsAreMoving NANI?!
[17:49:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat Red in the doghouse!
[17:49:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat although, karen with puppy eyes would be pretty neat too
[17:49:53] Kamaro12 oh god, that red one XD\
[17:49:53] BluePhantom90 lol The DBZ does sound funny
[17:49:55] ThingsAreMoving Red needs some of that rought treatment to cure him of his Keidranphobia!
[17:49:56] Dadrobit C'mon Sythe & Nibbs
[17:49:58] Kamaro12 I actually kinda love it
[17:49:58] PotatoRights Gtg, cya
[17:49:59] ThingsAreMoving rough*
[17:50:05] Kamaro12 ruff*
[17:50:06] Zakuru with DBZ im wonder if they'll just do the pose or an actual fusion
[17:50:11] KuroganeWatanoshi wait the results are in for this round already?
[17:50:12] ThingsAreMoving ruff
[17:50:12] Zakuru i wanna see an actual fusion
[17:50:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat Actual fusion!!!
[17:50:19] MviluUatusun Be back shortly. I need to take a shower and get ready for work.
[17:50:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat not yet, kuro
[17:50:28] KuroganeWatanoshi ah alright
[17:50:29] ItsActuallyKopyKat bye mvilu
[17:50:33] BadFoMo Bye.
[17:50:42] MarvTheHugPharaoh they fuse and end up looking like fat gotanks
[17:50:50] ItsActuallyKopyKat rip
[17:50:56] BadFoMo Gotanks?
[17:50:56] ItsActuallyKopyKat 30 seconds!!
[17:50:58] ThingsAreMoving Red + Sythe fuse and Say Ed...ward
[17:51:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat This is exciting!
[17:51:09] MetalAppleSauce Things no
[17:51:10] MetalAppleSauce why
[17:51:13] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-renirawr:
[17:51:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat Things yes!
[17:51:17] SomeDudeNamedQ lots of male/male options this time :P
[17:51:23] unsteddyphoenix oh hell yes
[17:51:23] ItsActuallyKopyKat indeed
[17:51:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat q
[17:51:25] unsteddyphoenix Beards leggo
[17:51:26] tkpolls [Poll results] Round 5 [Winner:] Human Raine and Red playing frisbee. Raine instinctively catches it with her mouth
[17:51:27] ValSalianResident B E A R D S
[17:51:28] BadFoMo "Ed-ward friend?"
[17:51:32] Zakuru beards X3
[17:51:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat Yessss!
[17:51:36] Kamaro12 XD
[17:51:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat MY second favorite ship
[17:51:41] Bgrmystr2 Oh it was close... ish
[17:51:43] ThingsAreMoving The beards are real
[17:51:44] BluePhantom90 lol Tom and beards lol
[17:51:45] Kamaro12 jeez, didn't think I'd be getting so many voted in
[17:51:47] Kamaro12 thanks guys
[17:51:47] Bgrmystr2 the top two are nice
[17:51:48] MuonNeutrino wait, 'raine instinctively catches it with her mouth' doesnt make sense for human raine
[17:51:49] MarvTheHugPharaoh dind't we already had raine catch a Frisbee
[17:51:55] Dadrobit 6th not bad
[17:51:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat I don't think soo....?
[17:52:05] ThingsAreMoving Dunno, lol
[17:52:08] Kamaro12 we had that beach pic with a frisbee in her mouth
[17:52:08] ProsePro7 Second place is so redundant
[17:52:09] MarvTheHugPharaoh pretty sure we did
[17:52:09] Dadrobit I know Natani caught a stick.
[17:52:11] Kamaro12 but besides that, no
[17:52:13] MallardDuckAvia Dang. No cat
[17:52:13] Alphawolf333 there's an image with a frisbee in her mouth
[17:52:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat Daddy trace!
[17:52:15] DJSlime111 Grows a beard
[17:52:16] DJSlime111 ... wait what just happened?
[17:52:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat whewh
[17:52:23] Ordithus Natani caught a stick once
[17:52:26] Zakuru ew no
[17:52:33] BadFoMo Eh, 8 votes isn't so bad, I guess.
[17:52:36] Bgrmystr2 lol Muon, it'd end up being a mental instinct when she's been keidran for so long lol
[17:52:39] MallardDuckAvia I wanted cat girl Kat and Flora
[17:52:40] WereKeidran suddenly beards!
[17:52:45] Bgrmystr2 xD Beards
[17:52:47] MetalAppleSauce This drink
[17:52:50] SomeOtherTom Beardy Trace looks... distinguished?
[17:52:51] MetalAppleSauce I like it
[17:52:58] Wyvern088 Natani will have the greatest beard
[17:52:58] MetalAppleSauce ANOTER!
[17:53:02] MuonNeutrino @Bgrmystr2 except she hasn't been keidran for long, was like a week tops
[17:53:03] ItsActuallyKopyKat Trace has gone from "Eh, kinda cute I guess" To "Whew, that's a fine man."
[17:53:03] DJSlime111 are you ready?
[17:53:04] thestooge Damn, my connection timed out and I didn't refresh the page until AFTER the poll!
[17:53:05] BluePhantom90 Got to do Flora's reaction to Trace having a beard
[17:53:16] Kamaro12 Muon, it's just a joke anyways :P
[17:53:17] Blusugar old man Trace
[17:53:22] Kamaro12 not like it's canon
[17:53:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-floraquestion::ctwokinds-traceflohug:
[17:53:29] Dadrobit Trace's got some gnarly duckface going on here
[17:53:31] RyanReaper I actually just shaved and while I was shaving I was wondering what Trace would look like with a beard XD
[17:53:31] SpazztasticKiwi Now Flora can feel what’s it’s like for Trace to kiss her
[17:53:36] RunsNakedThroughSwamps Flora: "Are you...turning into a keidran?"
[17:53:39] BadFoMo Also, how did mine tie twice AND end up the loseing one?
[17:53:45] thestooge @bluephantom90 I was just Gonna say that! XD
[17:53:45] GermanMovieFan Huh? Jedi-trace? Hello, by the way...
[17:53:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat Kiwi!
[17:53:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-MikeLewd::ctwokinds-MikeLewd:
[17:54:01] Kamaro12 which one was yours @BadFoMo ?
[17:54:08] GameForge we gon get KEITHDALF
[17:54:09] Dadrobit 50/50 split on the loser when there's a tie
[17:54:12] BluePhantom90 Can Keith even have a beard?
[17:54:16] GameForge Tthe mightiest wizard
[17:54:16] MetalAppleSauce Nora: "I've only seen this raw power once before"
[17:54:16] BrunoYcaro he could say: "hello there"
[17:54:20] CrRAR Trace is instantly distinguished and wise~
[17:54:26] GermanMovieFan Grace reminded my at Luke Skywalker, since I’m watching STAR WARS 8 right now...
[17:54:29] Dadrobit It's killed mine before as well.
[17:54:32] GameForge dumbletrace
[17:54:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat But...wouldn't his beard be blue as well?
[17:54:35] GermanMovieFan *trace
[17:54:36] MetalAppleSauce "Grace"
[17:54:39] ItsActuallyKopyKat That would look weird
[17:54:49] Xexanoth BEARDS!
[17:54:51] Kamaro12 ...oh I'm a dipshit
[17:54:55] GameForge its anime, it dont have to make sense
[17:54:57] MetalAppleSauce There's the unofficial name for femtrace, german
[17:55:01] HeresyArtStream My brother's wifi didnt want me to see my waifu getting drawn. :<
[17:55:03] ItsActuallyKopyKat hngg
[17:55:03] BadFoMo @Kamaro12 The one with Maeve, Keith and Natani at the beach.
[17:55:03] Kamaro12 I had the stream paused since he started drawing the adira one for some reason XD
[17:55:06] unsteddyphoenix Actually his beard is red
[17:55:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat Gameforge, it's MANGA
[17:55:09] ThingsAreMoving Looks similar to
[17:55:12] GermanMovieFan Trace is full of Grace
[17:55:13] Wyvern088 does he have a bald spot where his little triangle thing is?
[17:55:14] Kamaro12 bfm: ah. I liked that one
[17:55:15] unsteddyphoenix Thats why he doesnt grow it out
[17:55:18] Mippy @BluePhantom90 Judgeing by the bearded Basitins durring the island arc I'd say Keith can grow a beard
[17:55:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat get yer terms straight
[17:55:22] Kamaro12 I'll keep voting for it if you keep putting it in :D
[17:55:28] MetalAppleSauce Trace's beard is red, while Red's beard is light blue?
[17:55:30] CheeseRS I'm finally here... Hi everyone!
[17:55:32] ThingsAreMoving Kamaro! :ctwokinds-MikeLewd::ctwokinds-MikeLewd::ctwokinds-MikeLewd:
[17:55:36] unsteddyphoenix exactly
[17:55:38] CrRAR hello
[17:55:43] ThingsAreMoving o/ cheese
[17:55:47] ItsActuallyKopyKat Kamaro
[17:55:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat Phrasing
[17:55:52] ItsActuallyKopyKat plsss
[17:55:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat xD
[17:56:03] BadFoMo @Kamaro12 Thanks, but I think I'm going to change it later.
[17:56:04] TerraTheWizard LOL
[17:56:06] Bgrmystr2 xD Kopy
[17:56:11] SpazztasticKiwi Trace has a little bit more going on now...:ctwokinds-NoraEyebrows:
[17:56:13] GermanMovieFan May the beard be with you
[17:56:14] CheeseRS Nice beard
[17:56:17] Dadrobit Eh, I'm tempted to go delving to find an old sketch with older bearded Trace telling a fire side story. But I'm also lazy....
[17:56:21] DJSlime111 its the final boss, Trace with a beard
[17:56:23] iliar I've been trying for a long time to come up with a good idea for a sketch that would reveal the old relationship between Trace and Nora. And some guy just suggested "Nora’s and trace’s relationship before he lost his memory". I'm an idiot.
[17:56:28] ThingsAreMoving No shave November came early, eh?
[17:56:38] DJSlime111 wont stop making music puns
[17:56:39] CheeseRS It sure did
[17:56:39] ItsActuallyKopyKat It's no shave May!
[17:56:45] NeonMitsumi @iliar *pat pat*
[17:56:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat nMay*
[17:56:48] MallardDuckAvia Didn't Red and Raine win though?
[17:56:55] CheeseRS is asking for a waffle.
[17:56:55] ThingsAreMoving This is Tom's pick
[17:56:57] ItsActuallyKopyKat They did
[17:56:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat Tom pick
[17:57:04] MallardDuckAvia Oh ok
[17:57:05] GermanMovieFan It’s #MOUSTACHE-MAY!
[17:57:07] CrRAR "The Goat"
[17:57:12] TerraTheWizard baaaaa
[17:57:13] MetalAppleSauce #MayStache
[17:57:13] DJSlime111 is dead inside
[17:57:24] Katfeathers shaves no more
[17:57:31] CheeseRS Alabaster eh?
[17:57:35] TerraTheWizard rainbow chat
[17:57:36] CheeseRS Wait
[17:57:38] Matth3w23 Could be November in the twokinds universe, given that their time is at a different point compared to ours...
[17:57:40] Zakuru ew
[17:57:43] Zakuru ew ew ew keith no
[17:57:46] DJSlime111 left to shave
[17:57:46] Kamaro12 why is he drawing alabaster? :U
[17:57:46] Zakuru snip it now
[17:57:48] ThingsAreMoving Lumberjack Trace looks ready to eat some beaver for dinner
[17:57:49] CheeseRS It's Keith what was I thinking?
[17:57:52] InTheLionsDen Will Natani be one of the boys?
[17:57:56] CheeseRS Yes
[17:57:58] CrRAR Keith: "This does not represent my views or values."
[17:57:59] BluePhantom90 would be best to do all reations to the characters having beards. Flora with Trace, Keith with Nat and so on
[17:58:00] ItsActuallyKopyKat Nat's gonna tease the hell out of him, looking like a goat
[17:58:05] js199456 Did the beards win the votation?
[17:58:05] Blusugar Keith no like his goatee
[17:58:05] Wyvern088 epic wizard beard for Natani
[17:58:07] GermanMovieFan He looks so much like Luke Skywalker...
[17:58:08] CheeseRS I really want to see Natani with a beard...
[17:58:09] SpazztasticKiwi Oh no his hair is eating his face
[17:58:13] microbuss RAWR!!!
[17:58:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat Yes, natbeard ftw
[17:58:17] ThingsAreMoving Natani =! beard
[17:58:19] microbuss hiyas
[17:58:20] ThingsAreMoving pls
[17:58:20] RunsNakedThroughSwamps No wonder Natani made fun of Keith's beard right after the Na'rella blew up
[17:58:23] ThingsAreMoving o/ Buss
[17:58:24] CrRAR hellloooo
[17:58:31] CheeseRS #NATBEARD2018
[17:58:34] TerraTheWizard yeah, natani will have a handlebar mustache :ptv-kippi2:
[17:58:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat heya buss
[17:58:40] ThingsAreMoving xD
[17:58:48] RunsNakedThroughSwamps Ooo, and a sherlock pipe
[17:58:49] CrRAR Nat is one of the guys afterall
[17:58:51] CheeseRS Hi buss
[17:58:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat yes terra, yes!
[17:58:54] microbuss ohh shut up & give EVERYONE a beard!!
[17:58:56] unsteddyphoenix true true
[17:58:58] GermanMovieFan Bwahahahha, Keith looks hilarious with that goat bewrd
[17:59:00] DJSlime111 cant tell if he's looking at Luke skywalker or Trace Legacy
[17:59:01] GermanMovieFan Beard
[17:59:02] unsteddyphoenix Nats beard will the the manliest
[17:59:05] Kamaro12 I mean, we have that flora leif eriksson day sketch
[17:59:09] CheeseRS Trace Skywalker
[17:59:10] Kamaro12 could give nat the same treatment :P
[17:59:14] NeonMitsumi @unsteddyphoenix Choose your fighter :cneonmitsumi-chooseyourfighte:
[17:59:15] SpazztasticKiwi Keith = 🐐
[17:59:19] GermanMovieFan Trace Furwalker
[17:59:21] Kamaro12 lol neon
[17:59:22] ThingsAreMoving Neon YES
[17:59:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat Neon 10/10
[17:59:30] Matth3w23 Tom the pizza guy with a beard
[17:59:33] unsteddyphoenix huh
[17:59:35] MetalAppleSauce Keith is back in un-detailed eye mode because he does not approve of looking like the man who killed his mother
[17:59:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat Tom already has a beard
[17:59:41] DJSlime111 says YESSS
[17:59:42] ItsActuallyKopyKat >.>
[17:59:43] unsteddyphoenix Big advatage to her hair, easy to key out lol
[17:59:43] Zakuru wow
[17:59:44] microbuss yeah Give Keith goat horns too lol
[17:59:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat <.<
[17:59:51] KaiserZephan Stupid bell notices
[17:59:54] Blusugar TwoKinds Return of the Jedi
[17:59:58] SpazztasticKiwi Tom already got a mustache. We cannot give him the power of a beard
[17:59:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^
[18:00:00] CheeseRS I liked Keith's eyes, the detailed ones
[18:00:08] Xalrog 👁
[18:00:16] ThingsAreMoving Karen is red, Karen is blue, when you open up photoshop and play with the hue
[18:00:21] Matth3w23 Must. Be. Larger. Beard!
[18:00:22] DJSlime111 wants food
[18:00:23] CheeseRS Tom will become a wizard soon.
[18:00:24] unsteddyphoenix bars
[18:00:32] microbuss :eyes:
[18:00:34] TerraTheWizard lol things, 10/10
[18:00:39] GermanMovieFan Damn, now I DONT want to shave MY beard... 🔪🔪🔪
[18:00:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat Karen is lean, Karen is mean, her default color is Green!
[18:00:57] CheeseRS I have a nice beard and moustache, but they're pretty small
[18:01:00] MallardDuckAvia I don't have facial hair yet
[18:01:01] ProsePro7 Oh is this a picture of when they are the only two left alive?
[18:01:01] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-karenOOO:
[18:01:06] TerraTheWizard woah, wha's this, poetry hour?
[18:01:06] microbuss I had one in November
[18:01:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat hell yeah
[18:01:10] unsteddyphoenix damn you got there before me kopy
[18:01:13] ItsActuallyKopyKat poetry ftw
[18:01:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat :P
[18:01:27] DJSlime111 YYYYEEEESSSS
[18:01:27] ThingsAreMoving Plaid ftw
[18:01:28] SpazztasticKiwi Beards: adding years since he dawn of time
[18:01:28] unsteddyphoenix yeah this is 30 years in the future
[18:01:32] CheeseRS Well, for a 16yo they sure aren't, but I'd really like to have a long beard, like the one Trace has
[18:01:33] Katfeathers HA
[18:01:33] SpazztasticKiwi *the
[18:01:38] Bespin lol
[18:01:40] microbuss shaved everything off at the end of Nov
[18:01:40] ItsActuallyKopyKat when I have both hands....I get a temporary finger speed buff
[18:01:42] Bespin lumberjack
[18:01:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat @Teddy
[18:01:45] unsteddyphoenix Trace could only pull off plaid with the beard
[18:01:46] GameForge canada intensifies
[18:01:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-NoraEyebrows::ctwokinds-NoraEyebrows:
[18:01:58] ProsePro7 Hey Keith remember when we had friends?
[18:02:00] ThingsAreMoving He ready to Jack some Lumber!
[18:02:02] Tharkis trace in a kilt !!
[18:02:03] MallardDuckAvia Why can't puberty hurry up and get to the hair. No more pimples and voice cracks
[18:02:03] GermanMovieFan Should I shave my 2 week grown beard, Y/N???
[18:02:04] unsteddyphoenix Otherwise he would have that butch lesbian chic instead
[18:02:04] DJSlime111 no its the north sea
[18:02:05] Tharkis make it happen
[18:02:06] BadFoMo Back.
[18:02:07] NeonMitsumi "No."
[18:02:08] Tharkis \o/
[18:02:10] Katfeathers Highland Trace
[18:02:10] Xalrog Tom's gone plaid :ptv-ohmy:
[18:02:11] ProsePro7 I mean they're all dead now but
[18:02:11] CrRAR wb
[18:02:17] ValSalianResident I really want to see Natani with a beard now.
[18:02:17] GameForge wait, trace needs a big blue ox now
[18:02:20] GameForge and an axe
[18:02:22] BadFoMo Keith: Baa?
[18:02:24] ThingsAreMoving lol Mallard you think you won't get pimples as an adult?
[18:02:31] ItsActuallyKopyKat Keith: Baaaa!
[18:02:32] Tharkis kilt > flannel shirt !
[18:02:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat kilt +flannel shirt!
[18:02:45] Twokinds who else?
[18:02:48] MallardDuckAvia I mean I'm tired of them. I know they stay
[18:02:49] SpazztasticKiwi Eh I think Tom would look better in plain red
[18:02:50] GameForge AGHH
[18:02:50] ItsActuallyKopyKat Natani!!!!!!!
[18:02:52] NeonMitsumi Flora
[18:02:53] unsteddyphoenix Natani
[18:02:53] ThingsAreMoving Natani
[18:02:54] TerraTheWizard natani!
[18:02:54] GameForge FLORA
[18:02:55] ProsePro7 Are they immortal now and did they lose their swords
[18:02:58] MarvTheHugPharaoh Zen
[18:02:59] MallardDuckAvia Kat
[18:03:00] InTheLionsDen Red
[18:03:01] GermanMovieFan DANIELS!!!
[18:03:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat we already have flora
[18:03:02] totallynotTrace I commonly wear plaid, yes its red/black, yes I have a beard
[18:03:02] DJSlime111 votes Natani
[18:03:03] MetalAppleSauce wait, did the sketch suggestion say "the guys"?
[18:03:03] MarvTheHugPharaoh Bigo kratos beard
[18:03:04] BadFoMo [Databace error]?
[18:03:09] CheeseRS Anyway, it's 2 AM and I had my fun for today already, I'll try to come back on
[18:03:11] MallardDuckAvia Kat beard
[18:03:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat (natani)
[18:03:16] CrRAR just paste leif Erickson flora in there and NATNAI
[18:03:16] GameForge hmmm
[18:03:17] unsteddyphoenix Someone with a fu manchu
[18:03:19] CheeseRS the next stream... Good night!
[18:03:19] BadFoMo Eric?
[18:03:20] Tharkis i grew up in Maine, everyone wears plaid all the time
[18:03:20] BluePhantom90 But I want Flora's reaction to Trace having a beard
[18:03:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat OH Kat yeah!
[18:03:24] Matth3w23 That random farmer from the dragon battle scene!
[18:03:29] SpazztasticKiwi Lord give Daniels a beard and I might never marry
[18:03:31] MetalAppleSauce if the suggestion said "the guys", give natani a nice frenchie mustache
[18:03:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat kat kat kat kat
[18:03:33] unsteddyphoenix Reni
[18:03:39] GermanMovieFan Please add DANIELS
[18:03:41] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-datgayshiet: Karen
[18:03:42] Tharkis but i'm also scottish, and the best plaid is the kilt !
[18:03:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat huehuehue
[18:03:44] microbuss :musical_note: I'm a Lumberjack & I'm OK :notes:
[18:03:44] BadFoMo Zen? ...Kathrin?!
[18:03:45] GameForge daniels!
[18:03:48] totallynotTrace Natani
[18:03:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat It's faster now, neon
[18:03:50] ThingsAreMoving Mrs. Nibbly! :ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[18:03:52] Bgrmystr2 Neon with the rainbow filter
[18:03:56] MarvTheHugPharaoh Zen with a big Kratos beard
[18:03:57] unsteddyphoenix Mike!
[18:03:59] CrRAR lol @ nibbly
[18:04:05] MetalAppleSauce I sleep all night and I work all day! :musical_note:
[18:04:08] BadFoMo Make and/or Evals?
[18:04:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat epileptics beware the @neonmitsumi!
[18:04:12] CrRAR ooo sythe
[18:04:12] BadFoMo *Mike
[18:04:14] NeonMitsumi My gay senses are tingling :cneonmitsumi-datgayshiet:
[18:04:21] TerraTheWizard lol
[18:04:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat xD
[18:04:28] microbuss I wear high heels & a bra :notes: XD
[18:04:30] KaiserZephan :ptv-laugh:
[18:04:32] RunsNakedThroughSwamps Tingling? Why not flaming?
[18:04:32] DJSlime111 who?
[18:04:33] TerraTheWizard when you eat too many skittles
[18:04:36] ThingsAreMoving gaydars is off the charts with you around, Neon
[18:04:41] TerraTheWizard taste the rainbow
[18:04:41] ThingsAreMoving are*
[18:04:44] TerraTheWizard be the rainbow
[18:04:50] MallardDuckAvia Who is tom drawing now?
[18:04:51] SpazztasticKiwi Nibs with a wee mustache awww:ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[18:04:56] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[18:04:59] MetalAppleSauce @MallardDuckAvia sythe
[18:05:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat "Taste the rainbow..."
[18:05:06] microbuss I wish I was a girly just like my dear papar :notes:
[18:05:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat No thanks, pass
[18:05:12] MallardDuckAvia Oh that makes sense
[18:05:13] TheFDdriver hello everyone
[18:05:22] ThingsAreMoving o/ FD
[18:05:24] ItsActuallyKopyKat fd
[18:05:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat hiii
[18:05:41] FoxxTrotter Hey, FD.
[18:05:45] microbuss the Skittles Pox ad is real funny
[18:05:48] ValSalianResident IS taht Sythe?
[18:05:50] ThingsAreMoving Hobo Sythe
[18:05:55] TheFDdriver sorry for been late, Family reunion.
[18:05:55] unsteddyphoenix Nibbly should have the fumanchu, perfect
[18:05:57] unsteddyphoenix Shes so wise~
[18:05:58] ValSalianResident Where's Natani?
[18:05:59] NeonMitsumi "I am supposed to be dead by now"
[18:06:05] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^^^ teddyyyyy
[18:06:08] CrRAR lol
[18:06:10] GermanMovieFan Furry Gandalf
[18:06:18] BadFoMo @SpazztasticKiwi A 'Twerly Mustache'? Nibble: Give me the deed to your Ranch!
[18:06:18] ThingsAreMoving Wise skwirrel
[18:06:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat it is sythe!
[18:06:21] MetalAppleSauce Nibbly's a girl tho
[18:06:25] ThingsAreMoving and?
[18:06:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat You can tell bc the ponytail
[18:06:27] MetalAppleSauce But Natani...
[18:06:31] TerraTheWizard sythe can't get fabulous hair, but he can have a majestic beard
[18:06:32] SpazztasticKiwi Basically
[18:06:34] Matth3w23 This doesn't make sense, but talking to a squirrel does?
[18:06:36] ProsePro7 Damn Scyth holds in there he mus make it to 30
[18:06:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat and the nibbly
[18:06:42] unsteddyphoenix yes ofc
[18:06:42] MallardDuckAvia Do bearded Kat
[18:06:45] WereKeidran new sketch suggestion, traditional scottish Trace with kilt and bagpipes!
[18:06:46] unsteddyphoenix The squirrel knows
[18:06:53] ProsePro7 Bearded Red
[18:06:55] MetalAppleSauce Natani needs a nice frenchie curly stache
[18:06:55] ThingsAreMoving Nibbs! :ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[18:06:56] Katfeathers ... Flora went Dwarvin?
[18:07:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat @Usteddyphoenix you called it dude
[18:07:05] DJSlime111 bearded Nibbs
[18:07:06] ItsActuallyKopyKat whooops
[18:07:07] SomeDudeNamedQ Nibbly! XD
[18:07:12] thestooge "Wearing plaid"!!! XD
[18:07:13] TheFDdriver Lil' bear
[18:07:21] Katfeathers ah, Scyth
[18:07:23] TheFDdriver *beard*
[18:07:29] unsteddyphoenix dude is gender neutral
[18:07:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat *Sythe
[18:07:30] BadFoMo Oh! What about Raine next?!
[18:07:33] SpazztasticKiwi Sythe needs someone to braid that mess
[18:07:33] unsteddyphoenix its 2018 cmon
[18:07:35] SteelWings yay for bearded miss nibbily
[18:07:39] TheFDdriver Zen?
[18:07:40] SiliconCarbide bearded nibbly, thats golden
[18:07:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat Kat first, kat first
[18:07:41] DJSlime111 no, Natani
[18:07:45] SpazztasticKiwi NIBS
[18:07:46] Blusugar Sythe is that you?
[18:07:46] NeonMitsumi Christmas came early
[18:07:47] ItsActuallyKopyKat bearded ladies are awesome
[18:07:48] DJSlime111 do Nat next
[18:07:53] SpazztasticKiwi :ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsdance::ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsdance:
[18:07:56] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[18:07:56] ValSalianResident Do female keidran even grow beards?
[18:07:58] MallardDuckAvia Do Kat please
[18:07:59] Matth3w23 Don't let Maren see them...
[18:08:03] TheFDdriver ...
[18:08:05] BluePhantom90 No Tom you need to draw Nibbly in Sythe's beard!
[18:08:10] ShadowSoap Great, now I feel like playing Civ VI, even though Civ C is superior.
[18:08:11] Kamaro12 XD
[18:08:14] RunsNakedThroughSwamps Keith looks like he's wearing a bluetooth earpiece
[18:08:15] Kamaro12 now it's perfect
[18:08:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat too late, phantom
[18:08:20] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-toomuchcoffee:
[18:08:23] ProsePro7 Rabbit season Duck season
[18:08:31] Mippy I call all my dudes dued....some just happen to be girl dudes
[18:08:33] TerraTheWizard @shadowsoap Civ C?
[18:08:33] BadFoMo Human Raine with Beird and Tatoos!
[18:08:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat that's a fast nibbly
[18:08:35] SiliconCarbide civ 100?
[18:08:38] SiliconCarbide damn i missed a few
[18:08:43] Bespin cheesborger
[18:08:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat shadow soap is on here???
[18:08:51] BadFoMo *Beard?
[18:08:58] MallardDuckAvia Of frik it is duck season. To bad duck hunting is illegal in Arizona
[18:09:14] MallardDuckAvia Can't get me
[18:09:20] SpazztasticKiwi :ctwokinds-eyeroll: “Where’s my razor?”
[18:09:26] ShadowSoap @TerraTheWizard I meant Civ V, my fingers are a curse. 😕
[18:09:34] TerraTheWizard ah, lol
[18:09:46] DJSlime111 how about that guy from page 2?
[18:09:47] DJSlime111 Bandit (Ephemural)
[18:09:53] GermanMovieFan Razor? Use a 🗡🗡🗡 to shave
[18:09:56] MallardDuckAvia Draw beard Kat now tom
[18:09:59] TheFDdriver lol
[18:10:00] TerraTheWizard so what's the best civ song, this one, or baba yetu?
[18:10:01] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-renirawr: "I'll help burn those magical beards off!"
[18:10:03] ItsActuallyKopyKat civ c is an excellent game, what are you guys talking about??
[18:10:20] Matth3w23 I wonder if sythe uses a scythe to shave...
[18:10:29] ShadowSoap That’s tough to say Terra.
[18:10:29] unsteddyphoenix probably not!
[18:10:29] SiliconCarbide dunno i like civ XCIX more
[18:10:31] SpazztasticKiwi Part of the curse: you shave it and it comes back longer
[18:10:33] TheMightyDerp Markiplier, after finishing his exile of signing his calendars, finds himself in the twokinds world. Luckily, his brother is there too :3
[18:10:36] NeonMitsumi Adelaide
[18:10:45] MallardDuckAvia Hammer and sickle is best shaving tool
[18:10:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat Bearded adelaide is OP
[18:10:54] ThingsAreMoving Red!
[18:10:55] unsteddyphoenix Adelaide can grow a beard whenever she wants
[18:10:56] MarvTheHugPharaoh the king has bearded
[18:11:00] DJSlime111 you all sound like one of my friends, he wont stop making refrences
[18:11:01] unsteddyphoenix Through sheer power
[18:11:07] DJSlime111 to civs
[18:11:07] TheFDdriver its Red
[18:11:09] BadFoMo Oh! what about a Bearded Beard?
[18:11:09] ThingsAreMoving that's red I bet just one, sad hair growing there!
[18:11:10] GermanMovieFan Is the new page already out? I couldn’t check earlier...
[18:11:12] BadFoMo *What
[18:11:18] DJSlime111 its red!!!
[18:11:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat not yet, german
[18:11:29] MallardDuckAvia No new page isn't out yet
[18:11:31] TerraTheWizard woah, slow down there fomo
[18:11:45] Nekonny o/
[18:11:49] MarvTheHugPharaoh RON o/
[18:11:51] GermanMovieFan Oh that’s kei!
[18:11:51] BadFoMo Hi.
[18:11:51] TheFDdriver hello Ron
[18:11:53] ThingsAreMoving o/ Ron!
[18:11:54] unsteddyphoenix yo ron
[18:11:57] TerraTheWizard henlo ron
[18:11:58] Blusugar red
[18:12:01] Katfeathers allo Ron
[18:12:05] ItsActuallyKopyKat "Sup dawg, I heard you like beards, so I put a beard on your beard, so you can beard while you beard!"
[18:12:13] Kamaro12 poor red doesn't get a beard
[18:12:15] ThingsAreMoving lol, Red can't grow a beard
[18:12:17] TerraTheWizard red is too babby to grow beard
[18:12:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat haaah
[18:12:20] Bgrmystr2 heya Ron
[18:12:22] Blusugar LOL
[18:12:24] CrRAR he almost did once
[18:12:27] Bgrmystr2 rofl poor red
[18:12:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat poor red
[18:12:28] Nekonny heya everyone ^^
[18:12:30] Kamaro12 oh god, the peach fuzz XD
[18:12:31] unsteddyphoenix hahaha
[18:12:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat RON!!
[18:12:33] Kamaro12 hy nekonny
[18:12:34] unsteddyphoenix Feeks
[18:12:35] BluePhantom90 I take red will be like " Why isn't a bread gowing for me!"
[18:12:35] ThingsAreMoving This is cruel
[18:12:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat \o/
[18:12:36] GermanMovieFan Give RED a Dumbledore like beard...
[18:12:36] Nekonny bead day huh? XD
[18:12:38] MarvTheHugPharaoh Red's such a bitch even his beard gave up
[18:12:39] unsteddyphoenix Feels*
[18:12:43] CrRAR oh lord what a travesty
[18:12:48] TheFDdriver Lol
[18:12:50] Bgrmystr2 I am actually kinda jealous of Red. I want my beard to just go away :C
[18:12:50] MallardDuckAvia I want Kat to have a beard
[18:12:55] thestooge He needs to SHAVE!!!
[18:12:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat Me too, Ducky
[18:12:59] MetalAppleSauce his stubble hairs are longer
[18:13:05] Bespin Lol red
[18:13:06] unsteddyphoenix Red please, you cant even grow a name.
[18:13:09] Bespin jaja
[18:13:09] Bgrmystr2 I'd trade him gladly
[18:13:09] ProsePro7 Tom dont
[18:13:10] SpazztasticKiwi 🎻 sad song for Red
[18:13:11] ItsActuallyKopyKat OOFF
[18:13:11] TheFDdriver RIP Red's beard
[18:13:13] Bespin LOOl
[18:13:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat Jeez teddy
[18:13:20] ThingsAreMoving uuuuh unfteddy
[18:13:21] TerraTheWizard savage
[18:13:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat that was uncalled for
[18:13:23] CrRAR R U G G E D
[18:13:24] IthzChannel poor Red
[18:13:27] MetalAppleSauce His "beard" is just his stubble hairs growing longer
[18:13:27] Nekonny flora has a beard of sorts XD
[18:13:27] Channelfiction Tell us your name, then you get your beard
[18:13:42] ItsActuallyKopyKat that she does, that she does
[18:13:49] BadFoMo [Databace error]: I need to shave. I'm starting to liik like one of the Furries.
[18:13:50] TheFDdriver of course
[18:13:52] unsteddyphoenix boy out here LYING to us
[18:13:53] ThingsAreMoving unfteddy he does have a name, just like that plant!
[18:13:56] DJSlime111 likes unsteddyphoenix's comment
[18:13:57] BadFoMo *look
[18:14:02] ThingsAreMoving you know the one with the name
[18:14:04] CrRAR His face is as majestic and varying as the terrain of Mekkan
[18:14:17] unsteddyphoenix Oh that one
[18:14:18] MallardDuckAvia Do Kat now
[18:14:20] Tharkis aww, poor scruf
[18:14:24] SpazztasticKiwi 🍑 fuzz
[18:14:25] Matth3w23 How many flowers do we know in the twokinds universe? Apparently it's after one of them...
[18:14:28] thestooge Red; "Wait, why do I even WANT a beard?"
[18:14:32] TheFDdriver who's next?
[18:14:36] BluePhantom90 awww Come on Tom got to show Flroa's Reaction to Trace having a beard
[18:14:37] MarvTheHugPharaoh raine
[18:14:37] ItsActuallyKopyKat Chick love beards, stooge
[18:14:38] ThingsAreMoving Zen?
[18:14:42] ThingsAreMoving Natani?
[18:14:43] Channelfiction Or Nat
[18:14:44] BadFoMo @MallardDuckAvia What about Maren or Karen?
[18:14:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat chicks*
[18:14:45] thestooge Zen by the looks of it
[18:14:46] DJSlime111 one of the wolves
[18:14:49] MetalAppleSauce Is that french-curly natani I see forming?
[18:14:52] ThingsAreMoving Natani it is then
[18:14:53] GermanMovieFan We need MIKE, EVALS, DANIELS and ZEN as well in the Beard club!
[18:14:54] Bgrmystr2 do they really though, Kopy?
[18:14:55] BadFoMo Zen?
[18:14:58] MarvTheHugPharaoh Zen boi with the kratos beard
[18:14:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat Well
[18:15:00] TerraTheWizard it's raine :ptv-kippi2:
[18:15:05] SpazztasticKiwi Daniels
[18:15:06] Bgrmystr2 cuz most girls I know do not
[18:15:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat I do, and most people I know do as well
[18:15:07] MetalAppleSauce I know that jaw too well
[18:15:10] MetalAppleSauce that be clovis
[18:15:13] Channelfiction Natani: Ha! Proof I'm a man! Keith: We can see the tag Nat
[18:15:14] ProsePro7 What about Zen?
[18:15:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat I guess it depends
[18:15:18] Bgrmystr2 you're all weird then :V
[18:15:21] SpazztasticKiwi I can like a good beard
[18:15:22] ItsActuallyKopyKat >.>
[18:15:23] TheMightyDerp Did sombody sayyy BOI
[18:15:24] Tharkis why be normal
[18:15:25] Bgrmystr2 haha
[18:15:26] SpazztasticKiwi Or mustache
[18:15:27] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-rose: Let me show you how a REAL woman grows her beard, boys.
[18:15:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat Or maybe your friends are
[18:15:31] Bgrmystr2 maybe
[18:15:35] Bgrmystr2 that is possible.
[18:15:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat heheh
[18:15:41] Kamaro12 pretty sure that's Zen, if I have to guess
[18:15:44] NeonMitsumi "Jesus is the bread"
[18:15:46] Kamaro12 or nat
[18:15:48] SteelWings Bearded Flora?
[18:15:52] Lukewci25 Probalby Nay
[18:15:54] ProsePro7 Zen
[18:15:55] Lukewci25 *Nat
[18:15:59] NeonMitsumi It's Raine.
[18:16:00] Kamaro12 Zat
[18:16:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat With the smirky eyes and smirky smirk, it has to be zen
[18:16:05] TheFDdriver Zen?
[18:16:14] ShadowSoap Who should I play as in Civ VI. Do note, I have none of the DLC.
[18:16:15] MetalAppleSauce It's not natani, I don't see the tooth shine
[18:16:15] GermanMovieFan Okay, I’m watching Tom drawing beards while I’m shaving as we type... weird...
[18:16:16] ThingsAreMoving Zen is smirk incarnate
[18:16:16] ItsActuallyKopyKat Marv'd know that smirk anywhere
[18:16:18] thestooge "I have a beard!? SINCE WHEN DID I HAVE A BEARD!?"
[18:16:21] Xexanoth next weeks suggestion: Adelaide puts the guys down by showing off with a way bgger beard.
[18:16:21] CrRAR I can sense the cool factor on whoever it is
[18:16:24] TheFDdriver \o/
[18:16:28] MarvTheHugPharaoh The smirk cured my cancer
[18:16:29] Xexanoth *bigger
[18:16:33] Matth3w23 It's obviously maddie
[18:16:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat See?
[18:16:35] GermanMovieFan #WeirdBeardSaturday
[18:16:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat See?
[18:16:38] TheFDdriver lol marv
[18:16:41] MarvTheHugPharaoh Se?
[18:16:43] thestooge @SteelWings Flora had one for Leaf ericson day
[18:16:48] MetalAppleSauce Clearly... it's therie
[18:16:53] ItsActuallyKopyKat Clearly
[18:16:57] ThingsAreMoving Flora had her turn already:
[18:16:59] TheFDdriver Zen is immune to beard
[18:17:02] MarvTheHugPharaoh now the rain is gone
[18:17:07] BadFoMo Oh! What about Lynn with a beard?
[18:17:09] unsteddyphoenix ahaha im so glad its natani
[18:17:11] ItsActuallyKopyKat But raine is still there, yeah?
[18:17:14] TerraTheWizard omg
[18:17:16] TerraTheWizard the stache
[18:17:18] MarvTheHugPharaoh Natani
[18:17:19] Kamaro12 LOL
[18:17:19] ThingsAreMoving lolz
[18:17:19] CrRAR pfhhh
[18:17:21] ItsActuallyKopyKat Handlebar moustache!!!
[18:17:22] MarvTheHugPharaoh Moostach
[18:17:22] CrRAR haha
[18:17:22] BluePhantom90 lol
[18:17:25] Matth3w23 My God.
[18:17:27] Channelfiction Ahh she magic markered it
[18:17:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat hell yeah
[18:17:28] MetalAppleSauce @itsactuallykopykat this is for guys only
[18:17:34] unsteddyphoenix "Hed know zen anywhere~"
[18:17:36] TheFDdriver Indeed Marv, Moostage
[18:17:38] ThingsAreMoving MANLY AS FRICK!
[18:17:39] Dadrobit I can't find it, I know there's a mini-comic of Trace with a beard, but it eludes me.
[18:17:40] TheMightyDerp Who needs a beard when you got ‘stache
[18:17:41] Kamaro12 sketch of the month, no contest XD
[18:17:50] Dadrobit In the mean time, have this one instead
[18:17:52] NeonMitsumi We have a winner
[18:17:54] ItsActuallyKopyKat @metalapplesauce Nibbs is a girl soooo
[18:18:06] CrRAR Natani: "*maniacal laugh*"
[18:18:06] totallynotTrace natani now looks like a frenchman
[18:18:09] MetalAppleSauce It's only a name sythe gave it
[18:18:12] Mippy Beardtani
[18:18:12] unsteddyphoenix That moustache is high quality
[18:18:16] SpazztasticKiwi Oui oui
[18:18:17] ThingsAreMoving Natani needs a rapier
[18:18:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat Nibbs is definitely a girl dude
[18:18:27] MetalAppleSauce for all we know, nibbs could be male. It's only the name sythe called it
[18:18:29] SiliconCarbide natani looks like a cheesy villain now
[18:18:31] RyanReaper I just shaved and now I’m at the theater to see dead pool 2 and I got carded
[18:18:34] Xexanoth "You Killed my Father, prepare to die"
[18:18:35] NeonMitsumi I'd give it 7 baguettes out of 10
[18:18:36] BluePhantom90 almost pulling Lord of the rings here... Just nat having the wrong kind or beard/moostash
[18:18:37] IthzChannel Classy Nat/Zen
[18:18:39] unsteddyphoenix Someone kill Nats father and now must prepare to die
[18:18:40] MetalAppleSauce Deadpool
[18:18:42] MetalAppleSauce more like
[18:18:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat Ohhhh
[18:18:44] MetalAppleSauce Dadpool
[18:18:46] Matth3w23 Na-tash-i?
[18:18:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat it is Nat
[18:18:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat long hair
[18:18:52] ProsePro7 You seem like a good person I hate that I have to kill you
[18:18:56] CrRAR bravo matt
[18:18:56] ItsActuallyKopyKat :T
[18:18:57] Bgrmystr2 this is great lol
[18:18:58] ValSalianResident Oh look, it's Nathan!
[18:19:08] ThingsAreMoving NAtani the musketeer
[18:19:10] TheFDdriver Nat the Classic Villain...!!!
[18:19:11] DJSlime111 Red: HOW COME NATANI GO A BEARD AND NOT ME!!!??? SHE'S A GIRL!!!!!
[18:19:15] ValSalianResident Nathan-i
[18:19:20] DJSlime111 Nat because
[18:19:23] ItsActuallyKopyKat lolo val
[18:19:30] MetalAppleSauce Natani's a boy's name tho
[18:19:32] ProsePro7 My name is Indigo Montoya
[18:19:32] Matth3w23 He's technically a male mentally.
[18:19:32] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-keith8D: is not amused
[18:19:34] Lukewci25 @unsteddyphoenix well, that means Trace have to die? :D
[18:19:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat Wrong again
[18:19:39] goldgardian He's already got many stubble.
[18:19:44] CrRAR That is a face that has abandoned many damsels on train tracks
[18:19:49] ValSalianResident What is a keidran?
[18:19:53] Leilani returns, with full tummy of feesh <3
[18:19:56] ThingsAreMoving What is love?
[18:19:57] ItsActuallyKopyKat What is TwoKinds?
[18:20:00] ValSalianResident A miserable pile of secrets!
[18:20:02] ProsePro7 You killed my father prepare to die
[18:20:03] ItsActuallyKopyKat Welcome back leilani
[18:20:03] FoxxTrotter WB, Leilani.
[18:20:08] Leilani ty <3
[18:20:10] unsteddyphoenix That is a face of someone who owns a swively chair and a fluffy cat
[18:20:13] TheFDdriver Nathani likes it? XD
[18:20:13] Bgrmystr2 rofl, the referneces
[18:20:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^
[18:20:18] CrRAR haha
[18:20:18] Leilani I learned something.
[18:20:20] Katfeathers WB Leilani
[18:20:20] DJSlime111 Who is [Database Error]?
[18:20:25] MetalAppleSauce That is a face of someone who has a face
[18:20:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat What did you learn?
[18:20:30] Leilani If i'm cooking salmon on cedar wood, thaw the feesh first. :)
[18:20:37] Katfeathers ah
[18:20:38] Leilani so. much. flames.
[18:20:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat Lol why
[18:20:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat oh
[18:20:43] unsteddyphoenix The face of a tall gangly purple man
[18:20:44] Leilani the cedar is dead :P
[18:20:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat rip
[18:20:58] ProsePro7 that word I do not think it means what you think it means
[18:21:06] ThingsAreMoving Six characters!
[18:21:11] MetalAppleSauce I'm waiting for the continuation suggestion of Natani flexing, while her mustache is ALSO flexing
[18:21:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat Well.
[18:21:16] MallardDuckAvia That's the face of Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget revealed
[18:21:16] Matth3w23 Speaking of fish, ghoti spells fish. Work out why.
[18:21:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat Five and a half, things
[18:21:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat Nibbs is part of the Sythe
[18:21:29] Leilani Ghoti?
[18:21:32] TheFDdriver Max Capacity REACHED!!!
[18:21:37] TheFDdriver 7
[18:21:41] Matth3w23 Yep, ghoti
[18:21:41] Leilani is ghoti a foreign name for fish?
[18:21:43] TerraTheWizard that doesn't spell fish, even stretching the rules of english
[18:21:44] TheFDdriver 8
[18:21:45] MallardDuckAvia I want beard Kat now please
[18:21:48] ThingsAreMoving Nibbs deserves to be a fully fledged character :ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[18:21:51] TerraTheWizard that post explaining it is bs
[18:22:00] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol terra
[18:22:02] CrRAR "The League of Randomly Assorted Bearded Folks"
[18:22:03] TheFDdriver Lol
[18:22:05] totallynotTrace but nibs is
[18:22:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat I love how you just knew what it was
[18:22:10] unsteddyphoenix solid league
[18:22:10] Lukewci25 Natani looks like she is ready to force evangelisation of some South American countries
[18:22:10] Tharkis i suddenly need to hear that australian band The Beards
[18:22:15] Matth3w23 Even phonetically?
[18:22:23] Tharkis o/` if your dad hasnt got a beard, then you've got two mom's! o/`
[18:22:26] TheFDdriver "Suddenly Pineaples"
[18:22:31] Leilani g-h-o-t-i. I'm not getting it lol
[18:22:36] TerraTheWizard they pull the sounds out of other words, but those sounds only happen with the context of the preceeding letters
[18:22:42] CrRAR lol
[18:22:43] Matth3w23 Here's a clue. Tough.
[18:22:50] TerraTheWizard without them it's just gibberish
[18:23:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat What terra the wizard said!
[18:23:04] TerraTheWizard & it's would be said goat ee
[18:23:14] Twokinds Done
[18:23:20] Bgrmystr2 beard/10
[18:23:20] Leilani gee-oh-ahh-tee.
[18:23:21] CrRAR woo
[18:23:23] NeonMitsumi gg
[18:23:25] SpazztasticKiwi Hairy
[18:23:26] Zakuru cool
[18:23:27] CrRAR smashing!
[18:23:27] MallardDuckAvia Good job tom
[18:23:27] DJSlime111 leaves to go shave
[18:23:28] unsteddyphoenix nice nice
[18:23:30] Matth3w23 Aren't a lot of logic puzzles gibberish? That's what's great about them 😛
[18:23:31] ThingsAreMoving classy facial hair / 10
[18:23:36] Issus Nibs, suddenly more hair than usual.
[18:23:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat So what you're saying is, @Twokinds, that you'll draw one more character first?
[18:23:39] SiliconCarbide dashing facial hair
[18:23:48] Leilani that's not logic :P thats crap-poor English
[18:23:49] BadFoMo Natani: Give me the deed to your Ranch or I'll through you on the Railroad Tracks!
[18:23:50] unsteddyphoenix bearflipstable more like beardflipstable am i right haha
[18:23:52] Matth3w23 Looks great!
[18:23:56] Lukewci25 My beard approves this
[18:23:58] TheFDdriver very nice Tom
[18:24:07] TerraTheWizard :thumbsup:
[18:24:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat Beard / 3
[18:24:15] ThingsAreMoving 270 viewers. we growin'
[18:24:19] Leilani best beards were on ZZ-Top. *^^*
[18:24:21] MetalAppleSauce As a stubble-owner, I feel for red
[18:24:22] unsteddyphoenix My red-esque stubble approves
[18:24:26] DJSlime111 how many sketches has he done so far?
[18:24:31] ItsActuallyKopyKat heck yeah, Leilani
[18:24:35] microbuss buurrpp
[18:24:36] TerraTheWizard red has a case of cactus-face
[18:24:38] BadFoMo 6?
[18:24:40] goldgardian Trace's beard looks like the art i see of Goku and Vegeta with deards
[18:24:42] Leilani brb
[18:24:48] BadFoMo Maybe 5?
[18:24:48] TheFDdriver 6?
[18:24:50] DJSlime111 one more to go I think
[18:24:50] Katfeathers m' own is at ZZ Top levels
[18:24:56] TheFDdriver already?
[18:25:05] goldgardian ...I swear... I know how to English right..
[18:25:06] PalmettoPathfinder1 Greatest Showman is an awesome movie!
[18:25:07] DJSlime111 well 7 days in a week
[18:25:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat I already forgot what this one is
[18:25:11] Wyvern088 did I miss the poll?
[18:25:12] CrRAR lol Terra, or a somehow pleasant run-in with a porcupine.
[18:25:15] ItsActuallyKopyKat What got voted?
[18:25:15] DJSlime111 todays sunday
[18:25:19] MetalAppleSauce inb4 coloured beard sketch has a bonus of red with kratos paint
[18:25:19] microbuss brb too
[18:25:23] TerraTheWizard :P
[18:25:24] FluffKevlar i loved the Greatest Showman
[18:25:25] FenceEqualizer Red's lucky hate having a beard
[18:25:26] SiliconCarbide raine catching a frisbee
[18:25:29] DJSlime111 so 7-1=6
[18:25:30] SiliconCarbide with her mouth
[18:25:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat oh right
[18:25:32] SiliconCarbide in human form
[18:25:34] Bespin o right
[18:25:35] FluffKevlar wolverine singing as PT Barnum
[18:25:39] ItsActuallyKopyKat Raine x Red
[18:25:40] FluffKevlar how can you go wrong
[18:25:47] ItsActuallyKopyKat my second favorite ship
[18:25:56] CrRAR aww yeah, frisbee
[18:25:56] ThingsAreMoving You can't go wrong with wolverine
[18:25:56] TheFDdriver what about the "8th" one from last week?
[18:26:06] DJSlime111 IDK
[18:26:07] MarvTheHugPharaoh My all time least fav ship
[18:26:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat Of course, marv
[18:26:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat of course
[18:26:21] SiliconCarbide whats the top ship then?
[18:26:26] DJSlime111 I had to go before the 4th one
[18:26:27] TheFDdriver he ded thp
[18:26:27] ThingsAreMoving Zen x Marv
[18:26:29] ItsActuallyKopyKat it's like a knee-jerk reaction, right?
[18:26:29] ThingsAreMoving obv
[18:26:33] SiliconCarbide right
[18:26:35] TheFDdriver *tho
[18:26:35] MetalAppleSauce Marv is a heavy Raine x Sythe believer
[18:26:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol Things
[18:26:40] ItsActuallyKopyKat for real
[18:26:41] MetalAppleSauce thats why he hates this
[18:26:44] ThingsAreMoving xD
[18:26:50] MarvTheHugPharaoh Metal I will dungeon will
[18:26:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat Raine x Zen, you mean
[18:26:56] MarvTheHugPharaoh KopyKat is right
[18:26:57] ItsActuallyKopyKat oh i get it
[18:26:57] BadFoMo Raine: Nom <3! ...Wait, what just happened?
[18:26:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat the meme
[18:27:00] TerraTheWizard don't catch a frisbee in your mouth, kids. it's a great way to lose some teeth
[18:27:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat ahhahahahaha
[18:27:02] Matth3w23 My favourite ship got blown up. Wasn't aware there were any more named ships in the comic...
[18:27:10] PalmettoPathfinder1 I'm a big Raine x Sythe shipper too!
[18:27:16] MetalAppleSauce Oh kat, thanks for reminding me. I DID forget Zen somewhere
[18:27:21] MarvTheHugPharaoh Sythe x Red for life
[18:27:28] MetalAppleSauce He likes ZEN x Sythe, not raine
[18:27:29] TheFDdriver LOL
[18:27:31] MetalAppleSauce my bad
[18:27:32] FenceEqualizer Reni X Kei
[18:27:34] ThingsAreMoving Reni x Kei
[18:27:37] ItsActuallyKopyKat obviously, Red has to meet Nora, get genderbent, and then fall for Sythe
[18:27:37] WereKeidran i ship Maren x Sythe and Raine x Red
[18:27:41] TheMightyDerp .
[18:27:44] ThingsAreMoving Ayyy, Fence
[18:27:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat ^^ were
[18:27:48] unsteddyphoenix Reni X busty Reni
[18:27:51] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-baguette:
[18:27:52] MetalAppleSauce wot
[18:27:56] Mippy I never really thought about Raine ships
[18:27:59] unsteddyphoenix Niiiiice
[18:28:03] MetalAppleSauce You know what
[18:28:04] TerraTheWizard lol neon
[18:28:04] MetalAppleSauce fuck you all
[18:28:07] MetalAppleSauce Raine x Raine
[18:28:08] MarvTheHugPharaoh Neon, noice
[18:28:12] unsteddyphoenix Youre mad
[18:28:12] Kamaro12 I'm loving this sketch already XD
[18:28:14] FenceEqualizer Neon, you are to fast with those
[18:28:15] TheFDdriver Nice Neon
[18:28:19] Zakuru i ship raine with sythe but mostly zen for obvious reasons. I also ship sythe with maren =w=. red can die along
[18:28:24] TheMightyDerp I want that emote now.
[18:28:29] unsteddyphoenix Raine x Eric is the best one though
[18:28:30] DJSlime111 ...
[18:28:30] MetalAppleSauce ^
[18:28:33] Kamaro12 XD
[18:28:33] MetalAppleSauce To derp
[18:28:35] ItsActuallyKopyKat Well I ship Raine and Kat
[18:28:37] MarvTheHugPharaoh My man Zak
[18:28:39] TheMightyDerp Lol
[18:28:46] Kamaro12 I'm that one asshole who won't stop rooting for red and raine :P
[18:28:51] Zakuru im more cool with raine and sythe being besties ^w^
[18:28:52] FenceEqualizer Everyone sub to Neon to take the emotes
[18:29:05] ProsePro7 Raine x head hurts
[18:29:06] TerraTheWizard red x sythe :ptv-kippi2:
[18:29:12] Matth3w23 Raine + Kat fits best. You know, 'cause rain and snow leapard?
[18:29:14] Manax Raine x Ephemural is the best
[18:29:19] ItsActuallyKopyKat yes!
[18:29:22] BadFoMo @Kamaro12 Same.
[18:29:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat @matt
[18:29:27] MarvTheHugPharaoh Terra you speak truth
[18:29:39] MetalAppleSauce wait... that one person who wanted MarenxSythe and RedxRaine... does that leave Zen to Karen?
[18:29:46] MetalAppleSauce oh no
[18:29:53] Xexanoth Terra no keep your filth to yourself :ptv-grossedout:
[18:29:53] ThingsAreMoving Karen is for Madelyn
[18:30:04] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[18:30:05] Xexanoth uhm
[18:30:05] unsteddyphoenix ehh...
[18:30:08] WereKeidran no, Zen x Kat looks to a promising ship
[18:30:08] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-donttouchtheears:
[18:30:09] DJSlime111 can I just copy+paste GIFs? :cneonmitsumi-baguette:
[18:30:11] Xexanoth Maeve is for Maddy
[18:30:13] DJSlime111 nope
[18:30:16] MarvTheHugPharaoh Its a meme Were
[18:30:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat Neon!!!
[18:30:21] TheMightyDerp Welp, its a thunderin, so hears hopin i dont lose power
[18:30:24] NeonMitsumi Kopy!!!
[18:30:25] ThingsAreMoving Neon gets the idea
[18:30:34] ItsActuallyKopyKat :D :D
[18:30:41] unsteddyphoenix NEON
[18:30:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat no
[18:30:47] MarvTheHugPharaoh NYOOOM!
[18:30:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat only me
[18:30:49] DJSlime111 yes!!!!!!
[18:30:58] ItsActuallyKopyKat :<
[18:30:59] DJSlime111 its raine
[18:31:02] unsteddyphoenix what I want attention too!
[18:31:05] MetalAppleSauce The only problem with subbing to Neon is that he doesn't have a sub button
[18:31:08] ItsActuallyKopyKat TEDDY
[18:31:09] TheFDdriver whats This?
[18:31:09] ThingsAreMoving UNFTEDYYYYYYY
[18:31:12] MarvTheHugPharaoh Hugs unsteddy
[18:31:13] unsteddyphoenix :O !
[18:31:16] BadFoMo Raine: W-what am I doing?! I-I'm a Human! Not a Dog!
[18:31:18] NeonMitsumi Muhahaha :cneonmitsumi-baguette:
[18:31:23] Bgrmystr2 xD ^
[18:31:25] CrRAR hehheh
[18:31:28] TheMightyDerp Gimme that emote ;-;
[18:31:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat sub to neon
[18:31:33] MallardDuckAvia CAn rain have wolf ears and a tail still in this sketch?
[18:31:34] ThingsAreMoving lol neon
[18:31:34] TheFDdriver XD
[18:31:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat and you get the emot
[18:31:36] Bgrmystr2 mroe like honhonhon Neon
[18:31:46] MarvTheHugPharaoh Neon don't have subs ;-;
[18:31:46] Kamaro12 jeez neon, you're quick on the draw with those XD
[18:31:46] unsteddyphoenix No, attention from Neon~
[18:31:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat literally...quick on the draw...
[18:32:01] CrRAR ;_;
[18:32:02] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[18:32:05] NeonMitsumi @Kamaro12 This is second time I posted it. lol
[18:32:11] TerraTheWizard fastest giffer in the west
[18:32:18] MarvTheHugPharaoh I'll give some attention unsteddy, but you might find it......... close
[18:32:18] Kamaro12 ...okay?
[18:32:22] MetalAppleSauce I wonder how many subs nyoom would get if he actually got a sub button
[18:32:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat stay back!
[18:32:28] FenceEqualizer Lewd?
[18:32:30] Kamaro12 I was complimenting how quickly you make those
[18:32:30] ItsActuallyKopyKat he's my kiwi
[18:32:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-flomad::ctwokinds-flomad:
[18:32:38] NeonMitsumi ;p
[18:32:39] ThingsAreMoving When playing frisbee with Raine, use waffles instead of the frisbee just in case.
[18:32:41] MarvTheHugPharaoh I found him first back off
[18:32:44] MarvTheHugPharaoh :ctwokinds-nataniAAAAshake::ctwokinds-nataniAAAAshake:
[18:32:48] Bgrmystr2 even though neon takes his time to make them?
[18:32:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat tug o war time
[18:32:54] unsteddyphoenix fight fight fight kiss kiss~
[18:33:01] FenceEqualizer I ship it
[18:33:12] ItsActuallyKopyKat KopyKay x Marv :ptv-shipit:
[18:33:17] MarvTheHugPharaoh I already have a naked oil twister game planed for him
[18:33:19] DJSlime111 Raine x Frisbee
[18:33:24] Kamaro12 XD
[18:33:28] ThingsAreMoving oil twister?
[18:33:31] Matth3w23 Welp, this is getting weird
[18:33:33] MetalAppleSauce I think we just Karved ourself a new ship
[18:33:34] ThingsAreMoving what manner of madness is this
[18:33:35] ItsActuallyKopyKat NO I have a Jello bath wrestling match planned
[18:33:36] FenceEqualizer Okay that is most very Lewd!
[18:33:38] thestooge OH THAT IS TOO DAMN CUTE!!!!
[18:33:41] NeonMitsumi How do you even set up subs lol
[18:33:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat Carefully, neon
[18:33:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat carefully
[18:33:56] Kamaro12 be a somebody :U
[18:34:00] ItsActuallyKopyKat Jello wrestling > Oil twister
[18:34:03] NeonMitsumi Aw shiet fam
[18:34:04] ItsActuallyKopyKat >.>
[18:34:05] MallardDuckAvia Give rain ears and tail in Thisbe one
[18:34:07] ThingsAreMoving You need to pay tax first
[18:34:07] Bgrmystr2 you need a naval facility for subs, neon.
[18:34:07] TheMightyDerp .
[18:34:08] Kamaro12 but in all seriousness, I think you need followers
[18:34:09] MetalAppleSauce MarvtheKopyKat when
[18:34:17] MarvTheHugPharaoh Oil twister with unsteddy, dad and bgr with a camera
[18:34:17] TerraTheWizard wuts this aboot wrastlin?
[18:34:26] ThingsAreMoving I'd pay to watch, MArv
[18:34:27] Bgrmystr2 wroostlrn.
[18:34:34] unsteddyphoenix wrasslin
[18:34:40] FenceEqualizer I'd pay to not watch that
[18:34:40] TheMightyDerp Aye, my icon’s workin again :3
[18:34:45] TheFDdriver wretsalin
[18:34:46] ThingsAreMoving blackmail material :ctwokinds-clovischuckle:
[18:34:49] Bgrmystr2 haha fence
[18:34:51] Bgrmystr2 perf
[18:34:59] MarvTheHugPharaoh Fence you have to be the one to oil us down
[18:35:00] ItsActuallyKopyKat yes fence!
[18:35:06] BadFoMo (Raine starts TF-ing into Wolf Keidran) Must focus! Must focus! Musn't turn into dog! (Car drives by) Car! Must chase! Wait, NO!
[18:35:09] ItsActuallyKopyKat oooh
[18:35:09] Kamaro12 ...the fuck are we talking about XD
[18:35:10] FenceEqualizer :ptv-shock:
[18:35:17] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-MikeLewd::ctwokinds-MikeLewd::ctwokinds-MikeLewd::ctwokinds-MikeLewd::ctwokinds-MikeLewd::ctwokinds-MikeLewd:
[18:35:24] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-NoraEyebrows::ctwokinds-NoraEyebrows::ctwokinds-NoraEyebrows:
[18:35:29] MarvTheHugPharaoh A old old chat meme I refuse to let die Kam
[18:35:31] MetalAppleSauce I can see what the bonus could be for this
[18:35:34] Kamaro12 lol
[18:35:39] CrRAR wow what form
[18:35:41] MetalAppleSauce A blurred wolf-raine chasing a car
[18:35:47] Matth3w23 Erm, how weird can this chat get?
[18:35:55] ThingsAreMoving pretty weird, Mat
[18:35:55] ItsActuallyKopyKat It can get much weirder, I assure you
[18:35:58] Bgrmystr2 this is normal, matt
[18:36:00] Bgrmystr2 don't worry
[18:36:03] Bgrmystr2 it gets worse
[18:36:05] FenceEqualizer Pretty weird
[18:36:07] PalmettoPathfinder1 Very weird.
[18:36:08] Bgrmystr2 and even that is normal
[18:36:08] ThingsAreMoving you'll get used to it
[18:36:11] ItsActuallyKopyKat This is like a 3 outta 10
[18:36:11] MarvTheHugPharaoh Its actually calmed down a fair bit snese then
[18:36:14] unsteddyphoenix like 3 weirds
[18:36:15] MallardDuckAvia Please give Raine a tail an for wolf ears
[18:36:17] totallynotTrace oh this chat can get much, MUCH weirder
[18:36:18] CrRAR you'll BECOME it
[18:36:19] ItsActuallyKopyKat TeddyYYY!!!!!
[18:36:25] Matth3w23 He, sounds... Fun...
[18:36:26] Bgrmystr2 Yeh I'd agree w/ 3 weirds out of 10
[18:36:28] unsteddyphoenix Oh my god lol
[18:36:29] NeonMitsumi Weird, you say?
[18:36:33] ItsActuallyKopyKat See marv?
[18:36:34] MarvTheHugPharaoh Stay back Kat he's my penix
[18:36:38] ItsActuallyKopyKat It was meant to beeeeeee
[18:36:39] Xexanoth i mean, currently no one is talking about their fetishes, so we're pretty far from weird
[18:36:41] ItsActuallyKopyKat ~~~~~~
[18:36:46] ThingsAreMoving Why does she have a tail?
[18:36:48] MallardDuckAvia Yay!!! Tail. Thanks tom
[18:36:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat eeeeeeee
[18:36:56] unsteddyphoenix Ok so my top 10 anime fetish list is...
[18:36:56] CrRAR reasons
[18:37:00] Xexanoth because her wolf side is coming out
[18:37:11] MarvTheHugPharaoh pls don's say traps
[18:37:11] ThingsAreMoving rip pants
[18:37:14] CrRAR very happy tail at that
[18:37:15] Leilani back ^^
[18:37:15] BadFoMo Or just a simple Raine: I think I've spent too much time as a Wolf Keidran.
[18:37:18] CrRAR XD
[18:37:18] ItsActuallyKopyKat Yoko Littner at the top
[18:37:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat obv
[18:37:20] ThingsAreMoving wb Lei
[18:37:20] unsteddyphoenix Aggressively happy tail
[18:37:22] Bgrmystr2 traps, marv.
[18:37:24] Leilani thanks <3
[18:37:26] FenceEqualizer Keijo
[18:37:37] MarvTheHugPharaoh curse those non gay traps
[18:37:43] Matth3w23 Happy tail, or unsure what the heck just happened tail?
[18:37:47] ThingsAreMoving Gay robots are best anime
[18:37:48] ItsActuallyKopyKat (but traps are gay)
[18:37:56] Bgrmystr2 VERY happy tail
[18:37:57] TheDixieNutjob poor Raine, she just can't help herself
[18:37:59] TerraTheWizard do traps is gay?
[18:38:02] BadFoMo Yah for fluffy tails!
[18:38:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat Sudden;y, tail!
[18:38:12] ItsActuallyKopyKat suddenly*
[18:38:15] Bgrmystr2 lol terra.. the rumor come out! Does traps is gay?
[18:38:16] MetalAppleSauce Red: "BARK!" *covers mouth*
[18:38:21] MallardDuckAvia Traps are used for catching things.
[18:38:26] Leilani cheers tails.
[18:38:28] MallardDuckAvia That is only use
[18:38:31] Leilani wags ruddertail <3
[18:38:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat Like booby traps
[18:38:36] TerraTheWizard owo
[18:38:39] ThingsAreMoving I'm not dumb enough to fall for some trap!
[18:38:40] BadFoMo @MetalAppleSauce Yes!
[18:38:50] MarvTheHugPharaoh like traps for boobs, or boos that are traps
[18:38:52] Matth3w23 I'd like to see a drawing a red teasing her with "fetch"
[18:38:55] MetalAppleSauce both, marv
[18:38:58] ItsActuallyKopyKat Both, terrra
[18:39:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat whoops
[18:39:04] ItsActuallyKopyKat both, marv
[18:39:05] TerraTheWizard zoop
[18:39:13] Leilani I haven;t thriwn a frisbee in so long :(
[18:39:18] Leilani thrown
[18:39:20] MarvTheHugPharaoh I'm not terra, and you're watch the Disney channel
[18:39:22] ThingsAreMoving <- never
[18:39:31] Matth3w23 throws frisbi to Leilani
[18:39:46] Leilani balances it on her tail tip and spins it. ^^
[18:39:49] FenceEqualizer Red: "Not sure if this is the cutest thing I've seen or funniest"
[18:39:50] TerraTheWizard due to legal reasons we can no longer call them frisbees here
[18:39:52] ItsActuallyKopyKat woah
[18:39:53] Matth3w23 *fr
[18:39:58] ItsActuallyKopyKat a master of the art!
[18:39:59] Leilani Terra: what are they?
[18:40:00] Kamaro12 fence: whynotboth.jpg
[18:40:01] TerraTheWizard please refer to them as novelty flying discs
[18:40:08] Leilani lol
[18:40:09] Matth3w23 *frisbee
[18:40:10] CrRAR skyplatters
[18:40:11] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[18:40:19] ThingsAreMoving "You won't believe it's NOT FRISBEE" is what they call them nowadays
[18:40:20] Leilani no sorry, we will always call them frisbees here. ^^
[18:40:20] FenceEqualizer So frisbee?
[18:40:34] MetalAppleSauce @TerraTheWizard DID YOU JUST SAY DISC?!
[18:40:35] Leilani actually, technically it's capitalized Frisbee. It's a brand ^^
[18:40:37] Kamaro12 nah, it's a frizbea
[18:40:47] TerraTheWizard fribzee
[18:40:50] Matth3w23 Urgh, the picarto app is really lagging...
[18:40:53] MetalAppleSauce Freezie
[18:41:01] ThingsAreMoving Fidget spinner from ye olde days
[18:41:03] Leilani Frisbyyyyy.
[18:41:07] Matth3w23 Freebie?
[18:41:08] Xexanoth It's FrisBAE
[18:41:19] CrRAR ^
[18:41:22] Kamaro12 pfft
[18:41:22] FenceEqualizer No, novelty flying disc! Copy pending
[18:41:24] ThingsAreMoving I <3 this song
[18:41:27] Matth3w23 Frisky Bae?
[18:41:40] Leilani thats what we did with those America Online CDs we got in the mail every other day. Frisbeeeees.
[18:41:41] TerraTheWizard frizzy bee & other such insects
[18:42:05] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-doge:
[18:42:06] ShadowSoap Frizzy Bee sounds like a honey flavored soda.
[18:42:11] ThingsAreMoving Lol Neon
[18:42:12] MetalAppleSauce neon y
[18:42:17] TerraTheWizard o hek
[18:42:36] FatCowMom Foob
[18:42:42] thestooge Red "This is actually kinda cute"
[18:42:47] Bespin neon lmo
[18:42:54] MetalAppleSauce Neon that's what the continuation will look like, except wolfred
[18:43:13] FenceEqualizer Red with the confused sweat drops
[18:43:13] MarvTheHugPharaoh Red "Can I get a new raine. this one has dog in it"
[18:43:19] CrRAR lol
[18:43:34] Bgrmystr2 I'll trade then, marv
[18:43:38] Bgrmystr2 cuz I like this raine as-is
[18:43:40] Matth3w23 Is raine or red more confused? 😛
[18:43:42] BadFoMo (Red ROFLOL at Raine) Red: Sorry, it's just so funny! Raine: Grr! Two can play this game. (Raine gets stich and quickly enchants it) Raine: Hey, Red, Fetch! (Red catches stich in his mouth and grows Wolf Tail and ears)
[18:43:46] Leilani Watching a silly movie with our usual group of furries tonight. ^^ "Inframan"! :)
[18:44:08] BadFoMo *stick
[18:44:26] unsteddyphoenix lol
[18:44:32] MetalAppleSauce Now where's the continuation suggestion of wolfred doing the heck
[18:44:45] ThingsAreMoving "Raine spit it out! You have no idea how many dogs played with it before!"
[18:44:49] TerraTheWizard wOlfred! patron of the great clan Battleborn!
[18:44:56] FenceEqualizer Rolling on floor laughing oh lord"?
[18:45:08] Matth3w23 Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me...
[18:45:14] BadFoMo Out loud.
[18:45:19] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[18:45:21] ItsActuallyKopyKat duh
[18:45:23] ItsActuallyKopyKat duhhhhh
[18:45:29] MarvTheHugPharaoh hhhhhhhud
[18:45:32] ItsActuallyKopyKat (i didn't get it either)
[18:45:35] ThingsAreMoving roar out roud?
[18:45:36] TerraTheWizard :thinking:
[18:45:40] Leilani "That's good, dear but I asked you to find my car keys. CAR KEYS." ^^
[18:45:46] MetalAppleSauce I think you're confusing it with Roflmao
[18:46:10] Bespin roflmaokek
[18:46:15] RunsNakedThroughSwamps roflmaozedong?
[18:46:19] TheFDdriver the hell is that?
[18:46:22] Kamaro12 rolling on the floor laughing my apples off
[18:46:24] Bespin Yep
[18:46:24] FenceEqualizer I...I can't
[18:46:26] Matth3w23 Roflsotyndyt?
[18:46:26] TerraTheWizard rofl = rollong on floor laughing, mao = sound kitty make
[18:46:26] ItsActuallyKopyKat I don't even know anymore
[18:46:29] ThingsAreMoving pwnd
[18:46:31] ItsActuallyKopyKat you kids and your acronyms
[18:46:33] Kamaro12 lol terra
[18:46:34] TerraTheWizard me cant spel
[18:46:35] unsteddyphoenix roflnyan~
[18:46:36] MetalAppleSauce Roflmao "Rolling on floor laughing my ass off"
[18:46:37] ShadowSoap My phones ‘bout to die. Frick
[18:46:39] Leilani Kat: IKR???? ^^
[18:46:42] ItsActuallyKopyKat teddy yes!
[18:46:43] Bgrmystr2 mow* you mean, terra
[18:46:46] ItsActuallyKopyKat Beat me to it
[18:46:50] Leilani lol
[18:46:56] Katfeathers heh
[18:46:59] TheFDdriver Wot?
[18:46:59] ItsActuallyKopyKat It's like there's a new one every day
[18:47:06] MarvTheHugPharaoh yes me unsteddy
[18:47:09] ValSalianResident so much epic pwnage right nao
[18:47:11] Leilani I gave up on the acronyms.
[18:47:11] FenceEqualizer All these acronyms. My age is showing
[18:47:20] Katfeathers aye
[18:47:23] TheFDdriver lol
[18:47:25] Xexanoth Quick Red, "throw your stick" :ptv-snicker:
[18:47:29] MetalAppleSauce Swag
[18:47:36] ValSalianResident It's over 9000 or somethin' I dunno.
[18:47:36] ThingsAreMoving Fence hide your age. It's improper
[18:47:38] Bgrmystr2 :ptv-ohmy: xex
[18:47:39] Kamaro12 why would he throw a sword at her :U
[18:47:39] Leilani I still don't understand what the difference is between "weak" and "lame". :P
[18:47:41] Matth3w23 I h8 TXT sp3ak and l33t speak
[18:47:42] RunsNakedThroughSwamps When you're old the only acronym you need is bbq
[18:47:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat cool it xex!
[18:47:56] unsteddyphoenix kbbq if youre feeling exotic
[18:47:57] Leilani Swamps: hear hear
[18:48:03] ThingsAreMoving zomg as well
[18:48:04] Xexanoth look, you were all talking about your acronyms, i needed to do something drastic ^^
[18:48:07] ValSalianResident ZOMGWTFBBQ
[18:48:09] FenceEqualizer I could go for some Kbbq
[18:48:10] ItsActuallyKopyKat heck ye runsnaked
[18:48:16] unsteddyphoenix big same
[18:48:16] NeonMitsumi gosh heckie
[18:48:24] RunsNakedThroughSwamps No kbbq near me :'(
[18:48:25] Katfeathers may the bbq be wit yaz
[18:48:30] Leilani actually, in my time, the really great acronym was FUBAR ^^
[18:48:34] Bespin ay im walkin ere
[18:48:39] Leilani no one says fubar anymore :(
[18:48:45] BadFoMo @Xexanoth Red: Uh... (looks at his sword) ...ok.
[18:48:45] CrRAR heh
[18:48:45] FenceEqualizer Kbbq near me is like $25 a pop
[18:48:48] CrRAR o7
[18:48:50] Katfeathers quite
[18:48:51] Kamaro12 I used fubar as a nick for the longest time XD
[18:48:54] FenceEqualizer And I am cheap
[18:49:01] Leilani ty kamero ^^
[18:49:06] Leilani Kamarao
[18:49:11] Leilani Kamaro sorry.
[18:49:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat lol
[18:49:17] ThingsAreMoving Kameo?
[18:49:20] Kamaro12 Kamrararararararorararo
[18:49:22] Matth3w23 Isn't for unlawful carnal knowledge still used often though?
[18:49:27] Ordithus Woot home and on the PC. <3 adorable Raine. Adorable, as always.
[18:49:28] FenceEqualizer Though it is all you can eat
[18:49:28] ItsActuallyKopyKat Karmari
[18:49:29] unsteddyphoenix kamanana do do dodo do~
[18:49:30] Leilani Canyoneeeeeeroooooo.
[18:49:33] ThingsAreMoving wb Ord!
[18:49:36] NeonMitsumi Kamehameha
[18:49:43] unsteddyphoenix lol
[18:49:46] ThingsAreMoving ZA WARUDO!
[18:49:49] CrRAR lololo
[18:49:51] Kamaro12 XD
[18:49:55] MarvTheHugPharaoh rip faisbee
[18:50:00] NeonMitsumi Frisbee or whatever :Tm:
[18:50:05] ThingsAreMoving ^
[18:50:05] BadFoMo Hmm?
[18:50:10] unsteddyphoenix "the toy formally known as frisbee"
[18:50:10] ThingsAreMoving
[18:50:14] FenceEqualizer Frizbe
[18:50:17] Leilani Always capitalize Frisbee. They will sue you ^^
[18:50:18] RunsNakedThroughSwamps rip raine's mouth
[18:50:22] Kamaro12 Brizfee
[18:50:22] CrRAR frizzlebizzle
[18:50:26] TheFDdriver Fritsfee
[18:50:29] Matth3w23 Fribsee.
[18:50:35] ThingsAreMoving FizzleMyBizzle
[18:50:36] Kamaro12 I like crar's version XD
[18:50:42] Leilani Mrs. Frisbee and the Rats of Nihm.
[18:50:45] CrRAR lol
[18:50:57] Leilani see how I knew that? So sad.
[18:51:05] ThingsAreMoving Bruhsbee
[18:51:06] Katfeathers ^w^
[18:51:11] FenceEqualizer Hah you was named after a flying disc.
[18:51:13] Bgrmystr2 xD
[18:51:16] TheFDdriver Lol
[18:51:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat Heck yeah Leilani, that was one of my favorite movies
[18:51:21] TerraTheWizard brisbee is a place in australia right :thinking:
[18:51:22] CrRAR heh
[18:51:22] Bgrmystr2 hah Cr
[18:51:26] Bgrmystr2 yours is nice
[18:51:29] unsteddyphoenix Lmao
[18:51:32] unsteddyphoenix Yeah pretty much Terra
[18:51:37] Leilani Kat: Meh... *^^* I just never got Bluth very well. *^^*
[18:51:38] FoxxTrotter The first one was great, but the second one sucked.
[18:51:52] Kamaro12 FrisbREEEEEEE
[18:51:59] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-renirawr:
[18:52:21] CrRAR Brisbee: Floor-slapping fun!
[18:52:24] Twokinds Done
[18:52:25] BadFoMo What about calling it the '3.14 Tin'?
[18:52:29] Matth3w23 Nice!
[18:52:30] Leilani Actually, Brisby is a very standoffish British surname, I think. ^^
[18:52:32] Ordithus Cute!
[18:52:33] Kamaro12 thanks tom, it's amazing XD
[18:52:33] MarvTheHugPharaoh Nicely done Tom
[18:52:34] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-baguette: Naisu
[18:52:41] Bespin hehe
[18:52:42] RunsNakedThroughSwamps Brisbee: So fun it'll make you sprout a tail!
[18:52:44] FoxxTrotter Coolness. :0)
[18:52:44] Katfeathers Bluth was heavy on the metaphors
[18:52:44] Bespin cute
[18:52:44] ProsePro7 "applause"
[18:52:46] unsteddyphoenix nice work~ the look on her face is great
[18:52:52] FenceEqualizer Nice work
[18:52:53] CrRAR mmm
[18:53:00] ThingsAreMoving enjoying the disc™ / 10
[18:53:02] unsteddyphoenix Purest confusion
[18:53:03] TheFDdriver Very Confusing Tom
[18:53:04] SiliconCarbide nice
[18:53:04] TerraTheWizard cuteee
[18:53:04] Ordithus Raine is a strange human.
[18:53:09] Leilani She's like "Okay now what do I do with this?"
[18:53:11] FenceEqualizer Captures their confusion
[18:53:33] MarvTheHugPharaoh Red "Raine, it is was Sythes turn."
[18:53:38] unsteddyphoenix Later on in the story we find someone with the same powers as Raine but theyre normal
[18:53:42] unsteddyphoenix Turns out raines just a weirdo
[18:53:47] CrRAR XD
[18:53:49] Ordithus lol
[18:53:51] MarvTheHugPharaoh lol
[18:53:54] Xexanoth XD
[18:53:55] ThingsAreMoving xD
[18:53:56] NeonMitsumi lol
[18:53:59] Leilani Up next, Raine learns how to use...a Yo-yo!
[18:54:03] FenceEqualizer Socially awkward thank you
[18:54:05] TheFDdriver XD
[18:54:14] Wyvern088 and a pinapple?
[18:54:23] ThingsAreMoving Lei, just keep the pineapple away
[18:54:25] TerraTheWizard "okay,..... maybe we should skip baseball"
[18:54:26] Ordithus :ctwokinds-rainehappy: but we love this weirdo
[18:54:28] MetalAppleSauce There is many ways this could go
[18:54:35] Leilani Things: quite.
[18:54:38] MetalAppleSauce -Wolfred Heck
[18:54:38] RunsNakedThroughSwamps Raine is a socially awkward pineapple?
[18:54:42] ValSalianResident "Is this fod?"
[18:54:58] Kamaro12 normal people are boring :U
[18:55:01] ThingsAreMoving lol
[18:55:07] TheFDdriver People Spotted!!!
[18:55:09] NeonMitsumi Pet daughter lol
[18:55:12] Kamaro12 aaaand of course they're still at the dog park XD
[18:55:13] unsteddyphoenix lol its these two again
[18:55:16] CrRAR yeh
[18:55:19] FenceEqualizer Mom, look! The girl is acting like a doggy"
[18:55:21] Leilani thats another thing I don't get, why you guys ms-spell words all the time, like "fud" and "ded" and "pwned". You're killing our generation. :P
[18:55:23] CrRAR Doggy Date: Pt 2
[18:55:25] Kamaro12 neon: oh my god, that would be perfect XD
[18:55:27] ValSalianResident Hey, someone's out walking their slave keidran in the background :)
[18:55:30] MetalAppleSauce secretly, that's actually the Keisers-adopt-baby-natani au over there
[18:55:31] NeonMitsumi This sketch is like Deja Vu to me
[18:55:33] unsteddyphoenix I wonder how many misadventures they could have in that park...
[18:55:37] SomeOtherTom "I told you Timmy, don't look at those two"
[18:55:38] CrRAR many
[18:55:43] Xexanoth pwned is really old though Leilani
[18:55:45] unsteddyphoenix And would it flow together into a sidecomic
[18:55:51] TheFDdriver MISSION FAILED, we get 'em next time
[18:55:57] ThingsAreMoving Pretend'a'doggo
[18:56:01] Ordithus Maaybe Red should stop taking Raine to dates at this dog park
[18:56:07] BadFoMo Raine: Oh no! I have a tail again! Must focus! Red: AHH! (Red grow a tail too) Raine: Yes! It worked! I'm not the only one with a tail here now!
[18:56:13] MetalAppleSauce Is that the influence meme?
[18:56:13] unsteddyphoenix "She must be one of those FURRIES, I heard about them from NCIS, stay away Billy"
[18:56:14] ThingsAreMoving don't look lol
[18:56:15] TheFDdriver XD
[18:56:18] MarvTheHugPharaoh XD
[18:56:18] Xexanoth you mean, Red should take Raine to the Dog Park more @Ord
[18:56:19] ThingsAreMoving always gets me
[18:56:22] Bespin LOL
[18:56:23] BadFoMo Them again?
[18:56:24] Kamaro12 oh jeez unsteddy XD
[18:56:27] CrRAR damnnit mom
[18:56:32] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-doge: Ridiculous.
[18:56:33] TheMightyDerp I aint gonna kinkshame buut__
[18:56:34] Ordithus :ptv-laugh:
[18:56:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat Don't look dear"
[18:56:38] TheFDdriver dont Look Son
[18:56:40] ItsActuallyKopyKat Nice
[18:56:41] unsteddyphoenix That episode was amazing highly recommend it
[18:56:43] ThingsAreMoving Kid: "Too late mother! I am now a furry!"
[18:56:45] Tharkis boi ! dont look
[18:56:47] Leilani "But Mommmm, how am I ever goign to learn about stuff?!"
[18:56:48] FenceEqualizer Red: ....why do we keep coming here?
[18:56:49] CrRAR XD things
[18:56:51] ValSalianResident "Mommy, why does she have a tail?"
[18:57:00] MetalAppleSauce "I don't want you to get influenced by---BILLY!"
[18:57:09] ThingsAreMoving xD Metal
[18:57:11] Kamaro12 "Look mommy, that lady is pretending to be a dog like my sister!"
[18:57:12] RunsNakedThroughSwamps lmao
[18:57:13] Kamaro12 "HEY!"
[18:57:17] MetalAppleSauce -Cuts to the kid being half-wolf
[18:57:20] TheFDdriver Lol
[18:57:25] TheMightyDerp Boi! We have no time for watching other oeople’s kinks
[18:57:27] MviluUatusun Okay. I'm back.
[18:57:30] ThingsAreMoving wb
[18:57:31] CrRAR wb
[18:57:32] Leilani okay time to start my show. *otte rhugs* nini all <3
[18:57:33] MarvTheHugPharaoh wb Mviul
[18:57:34] unsteddyphoenix "too late mom; on every level except physical I am a wolf"
[18:57:37] WereKeidran wb
[18:57:38] MviluUatusun Thanks.
[18:57:39] Leilani *otter hugs*
[18:57:40] CrRAR hah
[18:57:41] unsteddyphoenix gnight~
[18:57:46] ThingsAreMoving [Awooo's internally]
[18:57:46] ValSalianResident "rawr X3"
[18:57:49] Katfeathers night Leilani
[18:57:59] MarvTheHugPharaoh Nighty night Lei
[18:58:04] ThingsAreMoving Cya Lei
[18:58:09] Matth3w23 Night!
[18:58:12] TheFDdriver G-night Lei
[18:58:13] ItsActuallyKopyKat night leilani
[18:58:15] tkpolls [New poll!] Round 7 [Duration: 5 minutes] -
[18:58:22] TheMightyDerp :ptv-shipit:
[18:58:33] Zakuru one last chance ya'll
[18:58:55] ThingsAreMoving lol that basketball suggestion
[18:59:01] ThingsAreMoving stickfight more like
[18:59:04] unsteddyphoenix lol
[18:59:11] MuonNeutrino someone has a 10 character suggestion? lol
[18:59:12] Kamaro12 ...why would keith be asking to be taught magic? I thought basitins couldn't use magic
[18:59:16] unsteddyphoenix I wouldnt even leave it in
[18:59:44] DJSlime111 returns from eating a cheeseburger and fries
[19:00:04] Zakuru these are gooooooddd
[19:00:14] MuonNeutrino it's actually a neat idea, and i'd vote for it if it wasn't for the whole 'making tom draw 10 characters' thing XD
[19:00:16] ThingsAreMoving I hope Maren wins
[19:00:21] Ordithus Maren <3
[19:00:26] ThingsAreMoving We don't see her often enough
[19:00:45] tkpolls [Poll] Round 7 [2.5 minutes left] -
[19:00:50] Zakuru i voted for 5
[19:00:53] LeKnightWolf hello
[19:00:56] ThingsAreMoving o/
[19:01:00] BrunoYcaro What?someone secretly loves death metal?
[19:01:07] MarvTheHugPharaoh I just watched Tom's bottom stream banner die, that was weird
[19:01:09] BrunoYcaro i need to know who
[19:01:15] Tharkis kitty maren was awesome, need more of that =D
[19:01:29] BadFoMo Wait, are we getting 8 this week? Or is the 8th one for latter?
[19:01:32] ThingsAreMoving How did it die, Marv?
[19:01:33] Zakuru iris, legacy flora, saria x trace + tiny flora, keith pinup, and kat + zen wardrobe
[19:01:34] unsteddyphoenix Erics getting a lot of work done tonight
[19:01:40] MarvTheHugPharaoh it just crashed
[19:01:48] TerraTheWizard that's a good point FoMo :thinking:
[19:01:51] ThingsAreMoving huh
[19:01:56] unsteddyphoenix I think Tom wants to done more to make up for the days with no uploads
[19:02:00] MarvTheHugPharaoh you know the little broken pic icon you get when a pic won't load
[19:02:02] MetalAppleSauce Someone pinch me, there's no "Natani and Keith do a thing #8562"
[19:02:06] Kamaro12 lol
[19:02:12] Zakuru yeah cuz theres no stream next sunday right?
[19:02:14] MarvTheHugPharaoh and now its back
[19:02:14] Bgrmystr2 there's SO many good ones
[19:02:16] MviluUatusun LOL. Metal
[19:02:19] Kamaro12 there is a stream next sunday
[19:02:21] Bgrmystr2 :C
[19:02:24] Kamaro12 it'll be a color stream
[19:02:25] MarvTheHugPharaoh streams haunted.
[19:02:27] Ordithus Tom's on a roll today, nice.
[19:02:31] Zakuru :thinking: when did he say he was skipping?
[19:02:34] unsteddyphoenix no theres no stream next week
[19:02:39] Kamaro12 oh, didn't know he was skipping
[19:02:40] TheFDdriver friday
[19:02:44] Kamaro12 my bad
[19:02:46] Flareuim hello again
[19:02:46] TorqueEmUp I see Tom wasn't amused with my suggestion to redrawn his 2006 fursona/pfp. XD
[19:02:50] NeonMitsumi Read Patreon posts, you donut
[19:02:51] Xexanoth he also said it last week
[19:02:52] Ordithus He and Sage are going to some con
[19:02:56] Xexanoth after stream
[19:02:57] Kamaro12 anyone know what this one is?
[19:03:04] Zakuru iris
[19:03:04] Ordithus Iris!
[19:03:07] MetalAppleSauce Hello there Iris
[19:03:13] Kamaro12 oooohhh, it's bitch #38
[19:03:15] tkpolls [Poll results] Round 7 [Winner:] Eric convinces Iris and her friend to pose for a painting. (The tigresses from page 900)
[19:03:16] unsteddyphoenix Yeah its Eric painting some tigers
[19:03:19] BadFoMo Eric paints Iris?
[19:03:24] MuonNeutrino wow, tom is psychic!
[19:03:25] ThingsAreMoving lol
[19:03:26] Kamaro12 eric is the real one on a roll XD
[19:03:30] NeonMitsumi Well then. Tom strikes again.
[19:03:31] MetalAppleSauce Is this the Eric one or just a random Iris sketch?
[19:03:33] Zakuru well then
[19:03:33] MarvTheHugPharaoh XD
[19:03:36] TheFDdriver Lewd Action Incoming!!!
[19:03:37] WereKeidran Eric is getting a lot of painting done today
[19:03:41] LeKnightWolf oh dear
[19:03:43] ThingsAreMoving Tom knows his audience
[19:03:44] Zakuru so... 2nd place wins?
[19:03:44] RunsNakedThroughSwamps Tom rigged the poll XD
[19:03:45] unsteddyphoenix Wow I just saw the results. MTG came second youre all fucking nerds
[19:03:55] ThingsAreMoving says the nerd
[19:04:01] BadFoMo Ok. ...I guess we're only getting 7 then.
[19:04:02] MuonNeutrino @Zakuru no, tom just keeps on drawing this one since it already one
[19:04:02] unsteddyphoenix :O !
[19:04:02] Katfeathers Bwahahahahahahah
[19:04:03] NeonMitsumi Neeeerd
[19:04:04] PalmettoPathfinder1 Yes! Iris and her friend got picked!
[19:04:09] unsteddyphoenix I am a cool dood
[19:04:10] Matth3w23 Alright, ima gonna go to bed now. Been great meeting you guys, and thanks for the fun! See you soon.
[19:04:11] FoxxTrotter Never Ending Radical Dudes...yep.
[19:04:16] ThingsAreMoving cool dood for a nerd
[19:04:19] Kamaro12 the mtg one doesnt make sense! XD
[19:04:34] PalmettoPathfinder1 I'm happy about that one too!
[19:04:35] unsteddyphoenix I'll have you know im nowhere NEAR smart enough to qualify as a nerd!
[19:04:36] Ordithus How does Eric do it
[19:04:44] ProsePro7 I'm trying to write as long as Tom hands and wrists are cramping
[19:04:48] ThingsAreMoving You are a nerd and a furry, unfteddy.
[19:04:51] unsteddyphoenix High charisma
[19:04:52] unsteddyphoenix and money
[19:04:53] ThingsAreMoving and that's ok
[19:04:55] Kamaro12 Ordithus: noncanon luck :P
[19:04:58] unsteddyphoenix NO YOU LIE
[19:05:04] Mippy I only voted MTG because Basitin....I have a problum
[19:05:07] TerraTheWizard wait, so is there a colour stream next sunday. or no stream?
[19:05:08] Kamaro12 unfteddy XD
[19:05:08] ThingsAreMoving I speak only the truth
[19:05:15] ShadowSoap Good Luck Prose
[19:05:17] Xexanoth no stream @Terra
[19:05:23] ThingsAreMoving search your feelings, you know it to be true
[19:05:23] TerraTheWizard why no stream?
[19:05:29] Xexanoth because Toms at a Con
[19:05:29] unsteddyphoenix nnnooooo
[19:05:31] NeonMitsumi Convention
[19:05:32] TerraTheWizard oh
[19:05:34] TerraTheWizard ok then
[19:05:43] Xexanoth we literally had this discussion 5minutes ago :/
[19:05:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat yeah Tom will not be available next week
[19:05:53] ItsActuallyKopyKat He'll be busy, hanging out with Sage
[19:05:59] Tharkis moomoo con
[19:06:03] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-NoraEyebrows::ctwokinds-NoraEyebrows:
[19:06:07] Tharkis it's where all the cool cows hang out
[19:06:07] unsteddyphoenix Theyve even got a movie date planned~
[19:06:14] TheFDdriver so Ron is tak1ng place?
[19:06:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat teddy yesssss
[19:06:21] unsteddyphoenix Ideally
[19:06:23] FluffKevlar i'll be there too with him
[19:06:31] MarvTheHugPharaoh Fluff the third wheel
[19:06:34] ThingsAreMoving ^
[19:06:37] Ordithus lol
[19:06:38] FluffKevlar with my gf
[19:06:39] Kamaro12 fluffmoo
[19:06:40] MetalAppleSauce I feel like Laura would get ghosted into existence again for the death metal sketch, because she fits the bill for an aggretsuko reference
[19:06:42] unsteddyphoenix Sage said you were ditching them
[19:06:44] ThingsAreMoving was about to type it too, Marv
[19:06:45] Bespin Lol
[19:06:48] MarvTheHugPharaoh stand corrected
[19:06:49] Xexanoth "This is getting out of Hand, now there's 3 of them"
[19:06:56] FenceEqualizer Brace soul shall be going to a furry Con
[19:06:59] FoxxTrotter Happy trails in Atlanta next weekend, you two.
[19:07:05] FenceEqualizer Brave*
[19:07:24] Mippy gotta go get chiken nuggets
[19:07:33] MallardDuckAvia Who is this? Just got back from eating
[19:07:39] Bespin Iris
[19:07:41] CrRAR aww yyeahh
[19:07:46] ThingsAreMoving This is patrick
[19:07:52] MallardDuckAvia Who's that?
[19:07:55] MetalAppleSauce No
[19:07:56] NeonMitsumi No, this is Edward
[19:07:57] MetalAppleSauce THIS
[19:07:58] MetalAppleSauce IS
[19:08:00] MetalAppleSauce SPARTAAAA
[19:08:03] CrRAR mean girl tiger
[19:08:11] MallardDuckAvia Oh ok
[19:08:35] WereKeidran No, this is Patrick
[19:08:41] CrRAR xD
[19:09:15] ShadowSoap No, this is the Krusty Krab
[19:09:17] ThingsAreMoving Spongubobuuuuu~! Patorikuuu saaaan~!
[19:09:18] MetalAppleSauce I feel like Iris would enjoy this a little too much
[19:09:34] NeonMitsumi Because she a hoe
[19:09:39] CrRAR xD
[19:09:40] Bespin Kek
[19:09:43] unsteddyphoenix no slutshaming
[19:09:44] Ordithus She got it, she gonna flaunt it
[19:09:45] MetalAppleSauce Thot detected
[19:09:51] NeonMitsumi Stupid Twitch thots
[19:09:52] unsteddyphoenix If she breathes...
[19:09:59] Mippy back with nuggetss
[19:10:04] WereKeidran idk, i feel that Iris is a human hater
[19:10:06] PalmettoPathfinder1 Iris is beautiful! On the outside at least.
[19:10:08] CrRAR wow quick
[19:10:17] CrRAR ...she heaves?
[19:10:18] ThingsAreMoving Next up "Iris chart: from tot to thot."
[19:10:19] TerraTheWizard well, it's past 1am, i should get to bed. have a good rest of stream y'all o/
[19:10:29] MetalAppleSauce Red in the background, fireball REDdy, eyes shining: "THOT DETECTED"
[19:10:31] NeonMitsumi Nighty Terra
[19:10:32] FoxxTrotter G'night, Terra.
[19:10:34] PalmettoPathfinder1 Take care Terra!
[19:10:37] MarvTheHugPharaoh Nighty night Terra
[19:10:38] ThingsAreMoving o/ Terra
[19:10:41] CrRAR bye terra
[19:10:42] WereKeidran g'night Terra
[19:10:50] ProsePro7 Night
[19:11:04] thestooge Optimis: "BOOBIES"
[19:11:33] Ordithus :ctwokinds-flomad:
[19:11:34] Ordithus :ctwokinds-florajiggle:
[19:11:48] thestooge "AMAZING"
[19:12:08] BadFoMo Back.
[19:12:16] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-LauraCry:
[19:12:23] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-flat::ctwokinds-flat:
[19:12:31] CrRAR ;_;
[19:12:34] ThingsAreMoving Am I doing it right?
[19:12:43] unsteddyphoenix yes well memed
[19:12:44] ItsActuallyKopyKat dang, Iris is thiccccc
[19:12:46] MetalAppleSauce :musical_note::chipmunk:
[19:12:50] Combak Hey all!
[19:12:50] Ordithus Laura never seemed bothered about her flat chest
[19:12:55] Combak Finally managed to get here.
[19:12:56] ItsActuallyKopyKat only flora
[19:13:02] CrRAR hello
[19:13:05] FenceEqualizer Oh my, think she is as big as Nantani
[19:13:06] Ordithus Hi Combak
[19:13:08] ThingsAreMoving o/ Combak!
[19:13:14] Combak ... Okay, so I did get to vote twice via mobile, but still.
[19:13:16] MetalAppleSauce @Ordithus she was too busy trying not to die
[19:13:19] MarvTheHugPharaoh HI COmbak
[19:13:20] MetalAppleSauce ;)
[19:13:24] unsteddyphoenix you HACKER
[19:13:26] Ordithus That was a lot later, bub
[19:13:31] Xexanoth Laura had a fluffy tail to compensate
[19:13:31] Combak Hi CrRAR, Ord, Things, Marv.
[19:13:37] BadFoMo @Combak HAX!
[19:13:38] Ordithus And a nice booty
[19:13:43] Wyvern088 ... I missed the poll diddnt I?
[19:13:48] ThingsAreMoving possibly
[19:13:50] Combak ... Voting on mobile is pretty easy.
[19:13:58] Combak For round 7? Yes.
[19:14:02] Wyvern088 I was busy
[19:14:07] Wyvern088 what won?
[19:14:09] Bespin Tigers are the sexiest keidran besides whatever kat is
[19:14:13] BadFoMo This.
[19:14:14] ThingsAreMoving Iris won
[19:14:21] Wyvern088 Iris always wins
[19:14:24] Lukewci25 Her name is Iris?
[19:14:26] ThingsAreMoving pack your things and go home
[19:14:26] Ordithus I think the real winner is Eric
[19:14:32] CrRAR ^
[19:14:38] Combak Her name is Iris.
[19:14:38] BMAND |=| WUTS ALL DIS DEN?!
[19:14:43] unsteddyphoenix Yeah Erics won this stream
[19:14:44] Lukewci25 Nice
[19:15:03] BMAND *jolly Whose line is it anyway joke*
[19:15:19] ThingsAreMoving Eric did get his fill of painting pussycats
[19:15:21] BMAND how is everyone? -3-
[19:15:26] ShadowSoap Okay, Bmand, I though you had a stroke.
[19:15:33] MildSauce new tiger who dis
[19:15:37] ThingsAreMoving Iris
[19:15:38] Flareuim iris is nice~
[19:15:45] MildSauce i like
[19:15:50] BMAND |=| Don't make me sick my oc's wife on you... XD
[19:15:55] Kamaro12 alright, well I'm outta here. Thanks for the stream tom!
[19:15:57] Kamaro12 later guys
[19:15:58] FenceEqualizer Iris, she's a jerk
[19:16:01] MarvTheHugPharaoh see ya Kam
[19:16:01] ThingsAreMoving o/ Kamaro!
[19:16:02] unsteddyphoenix later Kam
[19:16:03] Ordithus Iris is a meany :ctwokinds-flomad:
[19:16:07] Combak Bye Kamaro!
[19:16:10] WereKeidran not new Mild, this is Iris and her friend from page 900 of the comic
[19:16:12] FenceEqualizer Later Kam
[19:16:13] BMAND Oh GAWD A TRIGGERED...Tigger....
[19:16:14] BMAND oO
[19:16:14] MarvTheHugPharaoh Iris has the best booty
[19:16:14] ThingsAreMoving Iris is Bitchy McBitchface
[19:16:20] CrRAR tiger friend: "I cans be sexy too?"
[19:16:26] BMAND |=| DAT TAIL YO!......
[19:16:28] Combak @BMand, that has got the be the lamest threat I've ever heard.
[19:16:31] CrRAR Eric: "Yyyeee... yeeessss"
[19:16:33] BMAND XD
[19:16:35] ProsePro7 No people keep leaving stay strong guys
[19:16:41] Ordithus
[19:17:01] FenceEqualizer Sir! I am going to ask you step away from the shift key.
[19:17:06] Zakuru this one
[19:17:29] MildSauce O H
[19:17:37] BMAND D8
[19:17:38] MildSauce Approve
[19:17:39] CrRAR oh OH
[19:17:47] MildSauce 10/10
[19:18:01] MildSauce just got off work so am happy man
[19:18:13] CrRAR best feel
[19:18:58] MarvTheHugPharaoh banner broke againm
[19:19:09] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-florajiggle::ctwokinds-florajiggle::ctwokinds-florajiggle:
[19:19:10] BMAND -3- Borked eh?..
[19:19:11] BMAND o_O
[19:19:11] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-sleepoverB::ctwokinds-sleepoverA:
[19:19:12] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-toomuchcoffee:
[19:19:12] CrRAR Iris: "You mean I can have a picture of me... to look at ALL THE TIME!?"
[19:19:14] InTheLionsDen :ctwokinds-florajiggle::ctwokinds-florajiggle::ctwokinds-florajiggle:
[19:19:15] Zakuru WHOA WAIT
[19:19:17] BMAND Oo..........
[19:19:19] TheFDdriver wasted
[19:19:20] Zakuru iris has her hair down!
[19:19:23] CrRAR "WHENEVER I want!?"
[19:19:23] Ordithus :ctwokinds-KatDance:
[19:19:25] SpazztasticKiwi Big bounce
[19:19:26] Zakuru fuuuuck she looks hot
[19:19:28] WereKeidran :ctwokinds-nibsdance::ctwokinds-nibsdance::ctwokinds-nibsdance:
[19:19:34] Bespin supersonic is a good song
[19:19:36] SpazztasticKiwi :ctwokinds-KatDance::ctwokinds-FloDance:
[19:19:38] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-nibsbounce::ctwokinds-nibsdance::ctwokinds-nibsbounce:
[19:19:52] MildSauce so this is gonna be a color vote for sure
[19:19:52] GameForge no hthis is getting heatede didnt, remem
[19:20:03] TheFDdriver Back
[19:20:06] BMAND All this Triggering Oo
[19:20:09] Ordithus Iris's friend is cute, and might not be a terrible person
[19:20:18] CrRAR maybe not
[19:20:27] Mippy I forgot to take my fork to the kitchen...oh well
[19:20:29] NightMeaty22 Hello
[19:20:32] ThingsAreMoving That other tigress remings me somehow of Lili Stormstout
[19:20:33] unsteddyphoenix guilty until proven not a bitch
[19:20:34] CrRAR but the "company you keep"~
[19:20:34] FenceEqualizer You can look suggesting all you want you still a jerk :ptv-unimpressed:
[19:20:36] ProsePro7 Well this is an interesting pose
[19:20:39] TheFDdriver hello Night
[19:20:44] Ordithus A salient point, Cr
[19:20:46] MviluUatusun Isn't Iris the one that made fun of Flora's tiger keidran speech?
[19:20:51] SpazztasticKiwi Imagine her walking up to Eric: “Can you help me?”
[19:20:51] ThingsAreMoving yup
[19:20:52] Ordithus Yes
[19:20:59] ProsePro7 Yep she be the bitch
[19:21:01] GameForge yep
[19:21:04] MviluUatusun Okay. I thought so.
[19:21:05] CrRAR lol
[19:21:13] Ordithus Eric: :ctwokinds-keith8D:
[19:21:19] TheFDdriver lop
[19:21:20] WereKeidran "Now, lift the tail". Eric's last words
[19:21:24] TheFDdriver *lol
[19:21:29] CrRAR haha
[19:21:30] unsteddyphoenix I mean...
[19:21:36] unsteddyphoenix They just probably would do it
[19:21:36] CrRAR worth it?
[19:21:43] TheFDdriver Maybe?
[19:21:44] ThingsAreMoving :paintbrush: Eric:"My paintbrush is wet and ready."
[19:21:49] FenceEqualizer Going to agree with unsteddy here
[19:21:52] NeonMitsumi Probably because they have a lot of experience doing so.
[19:21:54] CrRAR hehheh
[19:21:59] Zakuru still want the seers daughter to get nora carded
[19:22:08] unsteddyphoenix Not every character would react like flora lol
[19:22:09] CrRAR That would be a good one
[19:22:12] SpazztasticKiwi Eric: “Yes” 🤤
[19:22:13] Ordithus Me too, but I'm biased XD
[19:22:23] unsteddyphoenix Same Zak, I really liked that one
[19:22:35] Zakuru i'd make that my wallpaper in a heartbeat
[19:22:37] SpazztasticKiwi Things, calm down there
[19:22:39] GameForge saaame
[19:22:49] Ordithus The Masks was pretty damn cool too
[19:22:52] ThingsAreMoving I'll calm down in about 25 minutes
[19:22:53] CrRAR yeh
[19:22:57] ThingsAreMoving when I'm sleeping
[19:23:04] TheFDdriver Yah
[19:23:26] TheFDdriver which sketch is this?
[19:23:29] MviluUatusun I have to admit that I really do like Iris' body.
[19:23:38] SpazztasticKiwi If Eric’s that deprived he can get a body pillow or something
[19:23:47] SpazztasticKiwi Or a cold shower
[19:23:56] Bespin iris is insanely sexy
[19:24:08] unsteddyphoenix He's definitely not deprived
[19:24:20] MviluUatusun Not as sexy as Flora as far as I'm concerned.
[19:24:31] Bespin Sure
[19:24:39] MviluUatusun But, I prefer small boobs.
[19:24:41] Bespin Flora is more cute
[19:24:42] Bespin to me
[19:24:47] BadFoMo I can bearly wait for this to be posted and get a bump edit.
[19:24:53] SpazztasticKiwi :ctwokinds-KatDance:
[19:24:53] TheFDdriver and less B..
[19:24:55] Ordithus Flora has the "cute" appeal to go with the sexy
[19:25:00] Bespin Yep
[19:25:06] MuonNeutrino not to mention flora is adorable and nice, where iris is..... not >.>
[19:25:18] SpazztasticKiwi Flora got the booty
[19:25:22] Xexanoth the old cute vs sexy debate
[19:25:23] CrRAR tail A C T I O N
[19:25:24] Bespin mhm
[19:25:30] unsteddyphoenix tail on tail! :O
[19:25:31] Mippy Keidren don't do much for me.
[19:25:37] MuonNeutrino i mean, yeah, that doesn't affect the physical looks, but there's more to attractiveness than just looks
[19:25:38] Xexanoth :ptv-shock:
[19:25:39] Ordithus Granted, we only have seen Iris one day. She might not always be like that.
[19:25:42] ThingsAreMoving Natani -> Raine -> Youngtani -> FemKeith -> rest
[19:25:44] CrRAR :ptv-ohmy:
[19:25:54] Xexanoth Adelaide>rest
[19:25:55] ItsActuallyKopyKat whew lad
[19:26:01] ItsActuallyKopyKat these tigers rae pretty hot
[19:26:02] BadFoMo ...Well, so much for the edit.
[19:26:04] MuonNeutrino @Xexanoth not even just 'cute vs sexy', but 'nice vs bitch' >.>
[19:26:06] ItsActuallyKopyKat are*
[19:26:08] unsteddyphoenix s'true, cant deny
[19:26:16] CrRAR Alpha grrrl Iris
[19:26:18] ThingsAreMoving Xex Addie is above everything
[19:26:19] Ordithus :ptv-ohmy:
[19:26:25] ItsActuallyKopyKat literally lol
[19:26:25] unsteddyphoenix lol
[19:26:32] Xexanoth @Muon more character we spend a lot of time with vs character that appeared once
[19:26:40] TheFDdriver Can Eric get more lucky???
[19:26:45] CrRAR XD
[19:26:52] ThingsAreMoving Depends on our votes
[19:26:55] ItsActuallyKopyKat only if Kat joins in
[19:26:58] ItsActuallyKopyKat @fd
[19:27:03] TheFDdriver LoL
[19:27:03] SpazztasticKiwi Alas though I only appreciate. More of a guy person
[19:27:05] MuonNeutrino @Xexanoth it's true, but even with just one appearance iris is *clearly* a much different personality
[19:27:07] unsteddyphoenix That would be less lucky for him
[19:27:20] ItsActuallyKopyKat hmm
[19:27:28] Ordithus The poses :ctwokinds-evalswink_sparkl:
[19:27:34] unsteddyphoenix "Kat go fetch some candles"
[19:27:42] unsteddyphoenix Shit I made myself sad...
[19:27:53] CrRAR ;_;
[19:27:56] Bespin DONOT hurt kat
[19:28:01] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-katwet: "Eric can you get me some towels"
[19:28:02] Bespin That is FORBIDDEN
[19:28:05] Edinku P R O T E C
[19:28:12] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-EDWARD:
[19:28:14] unsteddyphoenix always protecc
[19:28:15] SpazztasticKiwi Closest I find attractive is Daniels and he’s blonde and taken so no one here for me
[19:28:22] unsteddyphoenix Hahaha thats a great one neon
[19:28:22] MarvTheHugPharaoh Neon why ;-;
[19:28:23] Bgrmystr2 Neon
[19:28:27] TheFDdriver Get some Blankets Kat... you know the reat
[19:28:28] CrRAR ohh nuu
[19:28:30] Bgrmystr2 plsssssssssss
[19:28:33] TheFDdriver *rest
[19:28:53] Ordithus Tom, what is Iris's friend's name?
[19:29:03] MarvTheHugPharaoh number 5
[19:29:06] ThingsAreMoving #36 ?
[19:29:06] Bgrmystr2 haha
[19:29:15] MarvTheHugPharaoh code name Johnny
[19:29:16] TheFDdriver #35
[19:29:20] GameForge r36
[19:29:22] ThingsAreMoving Therie Sihs
[19:29:31] Edinku Her name is Pupil
[19:29:32] BadFoMo @Ordithus Who.
[19:29:32] Edinku okno
[19:29:32] MuonNeutrino i've heard a few people call jher 'tigress #38'
[19:29:38] Edinku my bad
[19:29:39] Ordithus Therie must be a common name for tigers...
[19:29:47] NeonMitsumi Number #15, Burger King Foot Lettuce
[19:29:48] ThingsAreMoving Just for ten of them, Ord
[19:29:52] Ordithus lol
[19:29:54] GameForge too bad it ent tigress 34
[19:30:16] BluePhantom90 sexy
[19:30:20] TheFDdriver Tigress 007?
[19:30:24] GameForge ohno
[19:30:30] Mippy @Kiwi .....better than haveing a "controvertial" opnion
[19:30:32] ThingsAreMoving license to kill
[19:30:35] ThingsAreMoving by snusnu
[19:30:35] Twokinds Aerith
[19:30:38] Flareuim dam hot smexy girlz
[19:30:40] Bespin the last thing you want in your burger king burger
[19:30:44] SpazztasticKiwi Pretty
[19:30:46] ThingsAreMoving Aerith?
[19:30:50] GameForge aperantly
[19:30:52] TheFDdriver Nice name
[19:30:53] Edinku Aerith?
[19:30:56] Ordithus She is a flower girl
[19:31:02] Xexanoth does she die?
[19:31:03] Edinku That sounds familiar...
[19:31:06] WereKeidran Iris' friends name is Aerith?
[19:31:07] Ordithus :ctwokinds-LauraCry:
[19:31:08] Xexanoth #Spoiler
[19:31:17] unsteddyphoenix aerith lives
[19:31:19] NeonMitsumi I look up Aerith on Google and first thing I get is Karen's hairstyle
[19:31:20] TheFDdriver Aerith?
[19:31:23] TheFDdriver k
[19:31:28] ThingsAreMoving Sephiroth called, he wants to stab her with masamune asap
[19:31:28] Ordithus Basch lives, unsteddy
[19:31:30] Combak Spoiler alert?
[19:31:32] TheFDdriver lol
[19:31:34] GameForge spoilers
[19:31:38] Bespin its just iris with a lisp
[19:31:41] Bespin haha
[19:31:48] GameForge top ten infinity war spilers: tigers name is Aerith
[19:31:51] Xexanoth i mean it's been almost 20 years, but they have a remake in the making
[19:32:03] ThingsAreMoving "remake"
[19:32:08] unsteddyphoenix allegedly
[19:32:59] ThingsAreMoving Hrm... Collar of keidranification on Red XIII ?
[19:33:10] TheFDdriver lol
[19:33:12] ItsActuallyKopyKat this is getting a color vote
[19:33:17] MarvTheHugPharaoh Collar on Roberto
[19:33:23] unsteddyphoenix it might
[19:33:24] Ordithus This is hot!
[19:33:31] TheFDdriver is her Boobs bigger than Nat?
[19:33:36] ItsActuallyKopyKat *are
[19:33:39] ItsActuallyKopyKat and I don't think so
[19:33:45] Xexanoth Color vote needs to go to Keith with Natani Daki :)
[19:33:52] CrRAR lol
[19:33:52] Xexanoth he looks so frigging cute in that
[19:33:54] ThingsAreMoving her bob is bigger, bub on the other hand is a bit smaller
[19:33:57] unsteddyphoenix Proportionally Iris's might be bigger
[19:34:05] unsteddyphoenix But overall Nat's are bigger
[19:34:06] MarvTheHugPharaoh lies
[19:34:20] MarvTheHugPharaoh Nat is always bigger
[19:34:27] Xexanoth Adelaides are bigger
[19:34:38] Mippy ^ me thinks
[19:34:39] Bespin adelaid is big in general
[19:34:45] TheFDdriver That's King Size
[19:34:48] unsteddyphoenix All these big boobed characters lately, Nat needs scaling up
[19:34:54] Xexanoth There's just no ebating adelaide, that's why she's king
[19:34:58] Xexanoth *beating
[19:35:08] ThingsAreMoving Nat needs a buff in her next patch
[19:35:12] MarvTheHugPharaoh boob multiplier x 5 on nat
[19:35:20] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-baguette:
[19:35:26] TheFDdriver thats too much Marv
[19:35:32] unsteddyphoenix overbuffed
[19:35:41] TheFDdriver at least X20
[19:35:42] ThingsAreMoving lol, Nat would consist of nothing but boob if you'd multiply it so much
[19:35:46] ProsePro7 Eric's hands must be shaking when he paints this one
[19:35:53] MarvTheHugPharaoh If your boobs can't stop the flow of time, not big enough
[19:35:54] unsteddyphoenix 15% concentrated power of boob
[19:36:01] Bgrmystr2 xD
[19:36:02] CrRAR 30% skill?
[19:36:09] JackeryTheWinter i'm confuzzled
[19:36:10] FenceEqualizer Busty Nantani
[19:36:11] ThingsAreMoving 5% manliness
[19:36:14] ProsePro7 5% pleasure
[19:36:15] unsteddyphoenix For Nat? Ehhh 3% skill
[19:36:20] Ordithus Dat tail wrap :ctwokinds-reniembarrassed:
[19:36:21] CrRAR xD
[19:36:26] TheFDdriver XD
[19:36:31] ShadowSoap Good Night everybody. It’s been great.
[19:36:35] ThingsAreMoving o/ Shadow
[19:36:38] CrRAR bye for now soap
[19:36:39] NeonMitsumi Night Soap
[19:36:42] TheFDdriver Gnight Shadow
[19:36:43] BadFoMo Good night.
[19:36:45] ProsePro7 Sweet dreams
[19:36:48] MarvTheHugPharaoh see ya soap Mctavish
[19:36:57] CrRAR heh
[19:37:02] Sammit Bye Soap
[19:37:12] ProsePro7 What kind of muppet is named soap
[19:37:20] NeonMitsumi A soap one
[19:37:26] ThingsAreMoving A clean one
[19:37:33] TheFDdriver Call of duty's Soap
[19:37:33] Bgrmystr2 things beat me to it
[19:37:35] Keilani5747 Soap the snep
[19:37:38] Bgrmystr2 was lookin at a diff chat
[19:37:42] TheFDdriver RIP
[19:37:50] NeonMitsumi "Feeds soap to snep"
[19:37:55] ThingsAreMoving rip snep
[19:37:58] Vatruvius :ptv-greetings:
[19:38:00] HeresyArtStream ROWR
[19:38:00] Bgrmystr2 :thumbsup: you win this round, things
[19:38:02] unsteddyphoenix ohnoo dont
[19:38:06] NeonMitsumi Lol Heresy
[19:38:07] Keilani5747 Sneps are overhyped anyway
[19:38:10] Ordithus Hi Vatru
[19:38:12] ItsActuallyKopyKat wow
[19:38:19] ThingsAreMoving you'll get it next time, bgr
[19:38:20] Vatruvius :expressionless:
[19:38:20] unsteddyphoenix sneps too meta
[19:38:30] TheFDdriver Whats that?
[19:38:32] Wyvern088 welp, I gotta go too, even tho Ive been AFK most of the night
[19:38:34] ThingsAreMoving snep?
[19:38:35] Twokinds Done
[19:38:36] MarvTheHugPharaoh "Sneps are overhyped anyway" says the white tiger
[19:38:36] JackeryTheWinter oof
[19:38:39] JackeryTheWinter is it done
[19:38:41] ThingsAreMoving snep is floof incarnate
[19:38:41] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-begonethot:
[19:38:41] CrRAR gorsh
[19:38:42] MarvTheHugPharaoh Nicely done Tom
[19:38:45] unsteddyphoenix sexy~
[19:38:46] ThingsAreMoving Neon pls
[19:38:47] ItsActuallyKopyKat thank you for the suggestion, warhawk
[19:38:47] Combak Looks nice Tom.
[19:38:47] PalmettoPathfinder1 Sexy!
[19:38:50] Bespin Hot
[19:38:50] HeresyArtStream :hearts:
[19:38:51] TheFDdriver Nice done Tom
[19:38:51] Ordithus :ctwokinds-KeithNeat:
[19:38:57] Sammit Very good
[19:38:58] ThingsAreMoving thot detected
[19:39:00] Flareuim great job tom
[19:39:01] BrunoYcaro very nice!
[19:39:01] ThingsAreMoving o/ Heresy!
[19:39:04] Edinku BEGONE
[19:39:04] Keilani5747 Time to get thot patrol on the move
[19:39:05] Combak Also, snep = Snow leopard
[19:39:07] Sammit Hi Heresy
[19:39:07] MviluUatusun BTW, did you ever name the other tigress, Tom?
[19:39:08] PalmettoPathfinder1 This must be colored!
[19:39:09] BadFoMo Nice.
[19:39:10] BrunoYcaro o/ heresy
[19:39:13] Xexanoth Eric got voted twice this stream, and didn't get drawn once XD
[19:39:15] Bgrmystr2 lol neon
[19:39:18] InTheLionsDen Nice and spicy Tom
[19:39:18] ProsePro7 Sexy done
[19:39:19] Bgrmystr2 and this is lookin nicee tom
[19:39:19] ThingsAreMoving Poor Eric
[19:39:19] HeresyArtStream kek
[19:39:20] unsteddyphoenix tru
[19:39:26] Ordithus Eric still wins the stream
[19:39:31] Mippy *sad for Eric*
[19:39:32] ProsePro7 Color vote confirmed
[19:39:35] TheFDdriver Hello Heresy
[19:39:40] ThingsAreMoving This was the week of Eric
[19:39:44] CrRAR tis' the curse of being behind the easel~
[19:40:06] ThingsAreMoving amount of paintings increases
[19:40:12] Bespin plz do kat
[19:40:12] Flareuim very sexy
[19:40:15] Bespin uwu
[19:40:29] Vatruvius Is there another vote coming up or a Tom pick?
[19:40:34] ThingsAreMoving But srsly, Aerith looks like a red panda
[19:40:37] TheFDdriver This will cost a fortune
[19:40:39] Combak Nope.
[19:40:40] Channelfiction technically this was a tom pick
[19:40:46] LeKnightWolf oh god
[19:40:50] Combak We're done with everything but a recap.
[19:40:54] NeonMitsumi 7/7, we gucci
[19:40:54] Mippy I lost treack Vat
[19:40:55] BadFoMo Hey, Tom, was Ath- uh... Iris' friens always going to be holding her?
[19:40:58] ZahnHolley Lewd
[19:41:00] Ordithus <3 Aerith
[19:41:00] LeKnightWolf this is what i come back
[19:41:00] TorqueEmUp Bitch Duo
[19:41:02] LeKnightWolf to see
[19:41:06] BadFoMo *friend
[19:41:08] Zakuru looks like me and my sister thb
[19:41:10] Zakuru *tbh
[19:41:16] BluePhantom90 So what will Tom draw next
[19:41:18] unsteddyphoenix ...really?
[19:41:18] CrRAR aww
[19:41:21] Twokinds Yeah
[19:41:22] MallardDuckAvia What next?
[19:41:22] ThingsAreMoving You must be hot Zak
[19:41:24] MarvTheHugPharaoh are you teo hot tiger ladies?
[19:41:26] LeKnightWolf Eric is a lucky man
[19:41:29] Zakuru *blush* now hold on..
[19:41:32] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-begonethot:
[19:41:33] ThingsAreMoving lol
[19:41:34] CrRAR xD
[19:41:34] LeKnightWolf good for him
[19:41:36] BadFoMo Ok. Thanks.
[19:41:45] Bespin Neon lmao
[19:41:45] HeresyArtStream Well this and the Adira pic certianly made this week special. :3
[19:41:49] ProsePro7 That should be it for the night right?
[19:41:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat neon lol
[19:41:53] Zakuru t-thats all up to everyones preferences
[19:41:59] unsteddyphoenix do sisters pose like that for fun?
[19:42:07] Zakuru not all sisters
[19:42:08] HeresyArtStream I've been waiting quite a while to see this one win, and am quite pleased. :3
[19:42:10] TheFDdriver will he get the chance to... you know...
[19:42:12] ProsePro7 Only in my dreams
[19:42:12] CrRAR hehheh
[19:42:24] ThingsAreMoving :ctwokinds-MikeLewd::ctwokinds-MikeLewd::ctwokinds-MikeLewd:
[19:42:26] Zakuru me and my siblings are very affectionate soooo
[19:42:28] Vatruvius lol
[19:42:29] Zakuru it..
[19:42:30] Zakuru tom
[19:42:31] Ordithus :ctwokinds-NoraEyebrows:
[19:42:33] ThingsAreMoving that tongue flick
[19:42:33] unsteddyphoenix ooo~
[19:42:34] TorqueEmUp O_O
[19:42:35] Zakuru no!
[19:42:37] TheFDdriver LEWD
[19:42:41] TorqueEmUp XD
[19:42:41] LeKnightWolf nice one Tom
[19:42:42] Edinku Also that Zakuru?
[19:42:43] ProsePro7 Oh man I just saw the tounge good touch Tom
[19:42:43] unsteddyphoenix susters do that?
[19:42:43] SpazztasticKiwi Friends will pose like that
[19:42:44] BluePhantom90 lol see Eric's hair go straight up
[19:42:45] Zakuru NO!
[19:42:48] CrRAR :ptv-ohmy::ptv-ohmy:
[19:42:48] BadFoMo ! Lewd indeed!
[19:42:48] Edinku hmmm
[19:42:52] NeonMitsumi We got conclusion. Both are thots.
[19:42:54] unsteddyphoenix ...aww...
[19:42:54] Bespin hehe nice
[19:42:57] TorqueEmUp Mmm yes more tounge
[19:42:59] CrRAR pfhhhh
[19:43:01] CrRAR lol
[19:43:01] TheFDdriver O~O
[19:43:01] TorqueEmUp tongue*
[19:43:03] Edinku BE G O N E
[19:43:03] Keilani5747 If they breath, they're thots
[19:43:06] HeresyArtStream I already know what I'm voting to see colored this month. :V
[19:43:07] ItsActuallyKopyKat WOAH THERE
[19:43:08] Zakuru face palms
[19:43:13] MallardDuckAvia BeGone, THOT
[19:43:14] ItsActuallyKopyKat whew
[19:43:15] unsteddyphoenix all womynn are QUEENS
[19:43:19] Bespin Mlem
[19:43:22] MildSauce mlem
[19:43:25] LeKnightWolf Eric sure knows what art is
[19:43:25] Edinku Respeck wamen (?)
[19:43:27] ProsePro7 All cats are queens
[19:43:27] ItsActuallyKopyKat if she BREATHES
[19:43:34] CrRAR They're... trying to kill Eric
[19:43:35] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-begonethot:
[19:43:35] Zakuru i consider myself more cute than hot >//3//>
[19:43:36] Tokagedraws pretty cat ladies <3
[19:43:37] BluePhantom90 I wonder when Tom will do Flora's Mood swings because of the baby lol
[19:43:42] MarvTheHugPharaoh "all womynn are QUEENS" says the preincess
[19:43:43] ItsActuallyKopyKat death by blood loss
[19:43:43] Mippy That would be highly inappropriate for me and my sister unsteddy
[19:43:44] TheFDdriver thats why Iris is happy
[19:43:44] MallardDuckAvia Will there be another sketch?
[19:43:48] MildSauce that was fast '
[19:43:49] ThingsAreMoving She breathes = her boobs move = thot
[19:43:49] ItsActuallyKopyKat whew
[19:43:51] NeonMitsumi So, the recap?
[19:43:59] Twokinds Yeah recap time!
[19:44:04] Combak Woo!
[19:44:06] MarvTheHugPharaoh woohoo \o/
[19:44:06] CrRAR splendid
[19:44:08] ThingsAreMoving wohooo!
[19:44:08] Bespin Only a taste of ka tonight
[19:44:08] Twokinds I do want to do more but I'm a little tired.
[19:44:08] Ordithus :ctwokinds-sleepoverB:
[19:44:12] TheFDdriver Yay
[19:44:13] Combak So, time to see what I missed. XD
[19:44:19] Edinku Just do it!
[19:44:21] unsteddyphoenix all good~
[19:44:21] TheFDdriver Same
[19:44:23] Vatruvius ^ indeed Combak
[19:44:25] Edinku kidding, better rest
[19:44:27] SpazztasticKiwi But you just woke up like 5 hours ago
[19:44:28] Dubwolfer Such a good tuuune
[19:44:33] Bespin The show must go on!
[19:44:43] GermanMovieFan Draw with your LEFT hand...
[19:44:45] ZahnHolley I.ll see all next time thanks tom for the stream,
[19:44:46] WereKeidran It's all good Tom, most important thingis not to push yourself and cause injury
[19:44:50] Zakuru maybe a break time
[19:44:50] TheMightyDerp Welp guys its been fun. See ya!
[19:44:51] SpazztasticKiwi Sleep, get snak, draw, sleep again
[19:44:53] Combak ye Zahn.
[19:44:53] McClaw Mmm, cuddly tiger-gals.
[19:44:53] Sammit Bye Zahn
[19:44:54] BadFoMo @Twokinds Meh, surprize us while you're at the thing.
[19:45:01] Combak And Bye Derp
[19:45:05] ThingsAreMoving At the what now?
[19:45:09] McClaw As my own avatar/charactrer is a tiger, I very much approve.
[19:45:11] SpazztasticKiwi Have you gotten up and stretched at all
[19:45:11] CrRAR THE THING!
[19:45:11] Twokinds #1
[19:45:16] Bespin Kat!
[19:45:17] Ordithus Ooh shiny
[19:45:19] ProsePro7 RECAP!
[19:45:20] CrRAR yay
[19:45:20] unsteddyphoenix <3
[19:45:25] Combak Haha! Nice work.
[19:45:31] NeonMitsumi Touch
[19:45:32] Vatruvius Nice.
[19:45:33] unsteddyphoenix a friendship blooms from tragedy
[19:45:35] ThingsAreMoving No touchy the glasso
[19:45:36] CrRAR I like Kat's hoodie
[19:45:38] unsteddyphoenix inspiring
[19:45:43] CrRAR mmm
[19:45:49] Twokinds Nope, haven't gotten up at all
[19:45:49] Tegani heh. I like the "used" gauntlet
[19:45:50] CrRAR shopping buds are best buds
[19:45:50] MarvTheHugPharaoh you calling zen a tragedy unsteddy
[19:45:50] Twokinds Starving
[19:45:56] BadFoMo The... Whatever-Con.
[19:45:56] GameForge ripp
[19:46:06] unsteddyphoenix mystery food where
[19:46:10] GameForge go get some warm ramen!
[19:46:10] BluePhantom90 Raine is breaking the rules
[19:46:11] SpazztasticKiwi Well go get dinner! :ctwokinds-flomad:
[19:46:15] CrRAR lol
[19:46:16] TheFDdriver Lol
[19:46:19] Combak Oh, I like this. XD
[19:46:20] NeonMitsumi Sleepy bois
[19:46:22] Vatruvius lol
[19:46:23] Vatruvius Nice
[19:46:24] Edinku that face
[19:46:26] CrRAR crep pillars
[19:46:28] Combak That's pretty cute and funny.
[19:46:29] Flareuim lol that flora gif
[19:46:33] BadFoMo Body pillows: Soon...
[19:46:33] SpazztasticKiwi And don’t you dare say “diet”
[19:46:34] Keilani5747 And no thots in sight
[19:46:36] Flareuim she pissed
[19:46:37] Ordithus The pillows are gonna get it on before they do
[19:46:42] unsteddyphoenix Lol
[19:46:43] Twokinds diet
[19:46:43] TheFDdriver Lol
[19:46:47] SpazztasticKiwi Cause you evidently haven’t had a thing all day
[19:46:54] McClaw Name this one "Discarded".
[19:46:56] ThingsAreMoving The pillows will get more action than the real versions
[19:47:00] SpazztasticKiwi I
[19:47:03] Keilani5747 The good ole Soviet diet, just don't eat
[19:47:06] SpazztasticKiwi Am salty
[19:47:12] Edinku Keith looks in peace. Good for him!
[19:47:15] Bespin ah that butt
[19:47:17] unsteddyphoenix Your diets nearly over at this point surely
[19:47:18] Combak Tiger Trace reference?
[19:47:20] PrinceNick hi
[19:47:23] ThingsAreMoving o/
[19:47:24] TheFDdriver Tiger Trace
[19:47:27] Bespin o///o
[19:47:31] Ordithus He's always nekkid as a tiger
[19:47:36] Vatruvius Ohh Trace, what did you do this time!?
[19:47:38] FenceEqualizer I am on the soviet diet right now!
[19:47:40] TheFDdriver a long time i dont see him
[19:47:44] BadFoMo @ThingsAreMoving Suddenly there were more head pillows.
[19:47:45] SpazztasticKiwi Hellooooo Tiger Trace
[19:47:49] Combak Is he? I never noticed!
[19:47:50] Vatruvius That is a harsh diet from what I hear Fence
[19:47:51] LeKnightWolf trace looks good as a tiger
[19:47:52] FenceEqualizer My life is pain :ptv-laugh:
[19:47:52] ThingsAreMoving hehe
[19:47:58] CrRAR woo
[19:48:10] BadFoMo What's with the staff?
[19:48:16] WereKeidran alright guys, catch y'all later
[19:48:20] ThingsAreMoving o/ Were
[19:48:20] BadFoMo Bye.
[19:48:21] MarvTheHugPharaoh see ya were
[19:48:24] Tegani it's that gate key...
[19:48:25] FenceEqualizer Later were
[19:48:27] Combak Arch Templar 's staff?
[19:48:27] MviluUatusun FoMo, that's the staff that opens portals.
[19:48:28] TheFDdriver Bye Were
[19:48:29] CrRAR gotta lean on something
[19:48:35] Combak Oh, right. It's the gate Key. XD
[19:48:36] MuonNeutrino @BadFoMo to help him keep his balance standing on one leg that way? after all, from PPP he's not exactly steady on keidran legs
[19:48:38] TheFDdriver yup
[19:48:42] WereKeidran spontaneously combusts
[19:48:46] LeKnightWolf :thumbsup:
[19:48:46] PrinceNick :ptv-excited:
[19:48:47] Edinku what
[19:48:55] Edinku are you okay? Were
[19:48:59] SpazztasticKiwi Keidran legs like wearing heels?
[19:49:04] BadFoMo Oh, right. I forgot about it.
[19:49:06] Ordithus <3
[19:49:07] Vatruvius ERIC!!!!!
[19:49:08] ThingsAreMoving <3 this
[19:49:09] TheFDdriver O~O
[19:49:09] CrRAR hahaha
[19:49:10] unsteddyphoenix maximum professionalism
[19:49:12] Combak HAHA! Painting Adira like one of those French ladies. XD
[19:49:13] BluePhantom90 lol
[19:49:23] SpazztasticKiwi Cause if it’s like wearing heels I feel his pain
[19:49:23] McClaw "No, it's not professional at all. But I like it!"
[19:49:26] Ordithus Adira is one hot momma
[19:49:29] BadFoMo Maeve: Mom? Are you in here?
[19:49:29] Edinku Thats a big tail..
[19:49:32] unsteddyphoenix put this on the wall next to the blep
[19:49:33] Tegani "Draw me like one of your Keidran Ladies, Eric..."
[19:49:34] MviluUatusun To say the least, Ord.
[19:49:44] FenceEqualizer Dry professional
[19:49:44] MuonNeutrino snep tails best tails
[19:49:50] TheFDdriver Indeed Edin
[19:49:52] LeKnightWolf nice:ok_hand:
[19:49:54] ThingsAreMoving snep tail is 100% floof
[19:49:58] FenceEqualizer Why dry auto correct?
[19:49:58] McClaw More like "Basitian ladies", @Tegani.
[19:50:11] Tegani Nah, the feet are nekkid
[19:50:11] FenceEqualizer What's wrong with the word very?
[19:50:11] Edinku Must be heavy 7/10
[19:50:12] TheFDdriver very Floofy
[19:50:20] MuonNeutrino @ThingsAreMoving 140% fluff. yes, more than 100%, they're just that floofy >.>
[19:50:21] Ordithus Does Eric ever draw humans?
[19:50:23] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-baguette::cneonmitsumi-baguette::cneonmitsumi-baguette:
[19:50:24] BluePhantom90 Still laugh at "Mother's Horror stories" lol Adira saying " It was the most painful thing I ever felt.... ah magical
[19:50:26] TheFDdriver now Mustage
[19:50:28] MarvTheHugPharaoh no ord
[19:50:29] Combak I saw part of this one get done!
[19:50:42] MarvTheHugPharaoh humans are gross, vile creaturs
[19:50:48] Ordithus Perhaps Eric should expand his craft
[19:50:55] MuonNeutrino who would want to paint humans in a world where keidran exist?
[19:50:56] FenceEqualizer But Marv :ptv-sad:
[19:50:56] CrRAR quite a most virile grouping~
[19:50:59] Keilani5747 Keith is a goat
[19:50:59] Ordithus I disagree :ptv-angry:
[19:51:01] unsteddyphoenix theyre just miserable pile of secrets I hear
[19:51:05] McClaw Aw, no beard for Flora? :P
[19:51:06] Tegani While I know that's Zen... I find it horribly amusing to inagine Natani dealing with that beard and mustache. :P
[19:51:10] Combak Ha!
[19:51:19] MuonNeutrino @Tegani actually i think that *is* natani
[19:51:20] BadFoMo Eric: I only know how to draw Furries.
[19:51:21] Vatruvius lol
[19:51:24] MuonNeutrino hair is too long to be zen
[19:51:26] TheFDdriver doggo Raine
[19:51:27] ThingsAreMoving "don't look" i laff every time
[19:51:36] Ordithus Cute Raine being cute again
[19:51:37] TheFDdriver same
[19:51:42] ItsActuallyKopyKat :ctwokinds-RaineEep::ctwokinds-NataniHAHA:
[19:51:45] Combak Is this the last one?
[19:51:45] CrRAR the MOST FETCHING couple of the evening~
[19:51:46] unsteddyphoenix mass confusion
[19:51:48] Bgrmystr2 that's great stuff
[19:51:48] CrimsonHelsing Aww recap already?
[19:51:49] unsteddyphoenix OHHHH
[19:51:50] McClaw Human-faced Raine with a tail.
[19:51:50] Bgrmystr2 love this img
[19:51:51] CrRAR <3
[19:51:51] Ordithus lol Cr
[19:51:52] Bgrmystr2 yes crimson
[19:51:53] LeKnightWolf want this a drawing already
[19:51:54] Vatruvius No CrRAR
[19:51:54] Bgrmystr2 all 7 dnoe
[19:51:56] Tegani Pirate Zen would have that beard.
[19:51:57] Bgrmystr2 done* even
[19:51:58] CrRAR YES
[19:52:03] Combak Yep!
[19:52:03] unsteddyphoenix Thats the best joke Cr wins
[19:52:06] Combak Okay, I GTG!
[19:52:09] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-begonethot: weewooweewoo
[19:52:09] unsteddyphoenix stream MVP
[19:52:11] Combak Thanks for streaming Tom!
[19:52:13] TheFDdriver SEXY BEASTS
[19:52:16] Ordithus :ptv-scilove:
[19:52:17] Combak See ya all!
[19:52:20] ThingsAreMoving It's like that moment from FreeFall "Mom there's a man outside and he's about to KISS A DOG!"
[19:52:22] Sammit Bye Combak
[19:52:25] TheFDdriver bye Combak
[19:52:26] BadFoMo Bye?
[19:52:28] CrRAR These two are just hngggg
[19:52:29] Vatruvius Alright, well my suggestion did not get sketched. Great sketches Tom, I am heading off to take a shower.
[19:52:30] Ordithus yes Things lol
[19:52:30] CrRAR lol
[19:52:33] Vatruvius :ptv-greetings:
[19:52:38] Bespin gn guys <3
[19:52:38] GermanMovieFan Well, this one needs to be colored... 😻😻
[19:52:41] Ordithus Bye Vatru
[19:52:41] Kyledoor Goodnight
[19:52:42] HeresyArtStream ^^^^
[19:52:50] FenceEqualizer :ptv-RainbowThrowup:
[19:52:51] Zakuru guys remember
[19:52:54] Zakuru no stream next sunday
[19:52:55] TheFDdriver Thanks for the stream Tom
[19:52:55] HeresyArtStream I don't care if Iris is mean, I love looking at her. :3
[19:52:56] SpazztasticKiwi Good recap over. Now dinner
[19:52:57] Edinku This week's skecthes have the potential to be colored
[19:52:58] MviluUatusun I like them all, especially Adira and Iris.
[19:53:02] ThingsAreMoving Adira is still hotter than those two tigers
[19:53:03] McClaw This one needs to be expanded by putting some lucky guy between the ladies. Or maybe a lady there? :P
[19:53:04] Ordithus Same Heresy
[19:53:04] ProsePro7 Excellent work tonight Tom as usual you are a beast
[19:53:05] Alkavine Was nice getting to watch these for once. G'night everyone!
[19:53:07] Edinku sketches*
[19:53:11] CrRAR great great great
[19:53:13] GameForge OHGOD
[19:53:17] Bespin oh no
[19:53:17] TheFDdriver Bye Y'all
[19:53:18] Twokinds Thanks for joining me!
[19:53:21] CrRAR wahhhhh
[19:53:21] Sammit Thanks for the stream Tom
[19:53:22] ThingsAreMoving that's a lot of layers
[19:53:22] Ordithus Good stream :ctwokinds-evalswink_sparkl:
[19:53:23] GermanMovieFan As always a nice stream... now I’m back to play UNO on my PS4... 👋👋👋
[19:53:27] FenceEqualizer Thanks for having us!
[19:53:28] ProsePro7 Yah!
[19:53:29] InTheLionsDen Thank you Tom.
[19:53:30] CrRAR Have a great noight!
[19:53:30] TheFDdriver no problem Tom
[19:53:31] Zakuru Thanks for the stream Tom!
[19:53:32] ThingsAreMoving Thatnks Tom!
[19:53:35] Twokinds Gnight everybody!
[19:53:36] Zakuru Good night everyone. Love and hugs~ xoxo
[19:53:36] ThingsAreMoving Kave fun next week!
[19:53:39] MviluUatusun Thaks for streaming, Tom. I enjoyed every second that I was able to watch.
[19:53:41] ThingsAreMoving Have*
[19:53:41] CrRAR what a beautiful mess
[19:53:42] LeKnightWolf oh god
[19:53:42] Grishmark Thanks for the stream
[19:53:44] NeonMitsumi Have a nice week!
[19:53:47] Alkavine See you next week! (hopefully!!)
[19:53:49] TheFDdriver Gnight Ron
[19:53:50] ProsePro7 End it on the music
[19:53:51] CrRAR buh byee
[19:53:54] TheFDdriver *Rom
[19:53:59] TheFDdriver **Tom
[19:54:00] MarvTheHugPharaoh Nighty night Nerds, <3 ya'll
[19:54:01] Grishmark good night all
[19:54:05] unsteddyphoenix THanks for stream~
[19:54:05] MallardDuckAvia Bye
[19:54:08] CrimsonHelsing Thanks again for another great stream Tom! See you in the next one!
[19:54:09] xXGamingXx Bb
[19:54:12] Mippy bye bye
[19:54:12] CrRAR bye marv
[19:54:15] ThingsAreMoving Cya in two weeks time I suppose.
[19:54:16] FenceEqualizer I am not smart enough to be a nerd
[19:54:17] SpazztasticKiwi Says goodnight at 9 pm. Maybe you are getting old
[19:54:20] ThingsAreMoving Take care untill then!
[19:54:30] TheFDdriver G'night Everyone
[19:54:37] FenceEqualizer Good night all!
[19:54:44] NeonMitsumi Good night!
[19:54:47] unsteddyphoenix good niiiight new york~
[19:54:49] Bgrmystr2 Thanks for streaming tom ! :D
[19:54:51] ItsActuallyKopyKat goodnight you guys
[19:54:55] MviluUatusun See everybody next time.
[19:54:56] ProsePro7 Drat
[19:54:57] ItsActuallyKopyKat see you next next week
[19:54:57] DJSlime111 GN
[19:54:57] SpazztasticKiwi Back later. Sees ya then
[19:54:57] Mippy It's nearly 7:00PM where I AM kIWI
[19:54:58] Ordithus Have a fun trip, break a leg
[19:55:07] Twokinds No stream next week
[19:55:14] SpazztasticKiwi Don’t die
[19:55:17] SpazztasticKiwi Have fun
[19:55:22] ProsePro7 Oh well good night all dont stay on the chat too long see ya next next week
[19:55:29] InTheLionsDen Have a great trip.
[19:55:35] ProsePro7 Be safe Tom
[19:55:42] Mippy I know :)
[19:55:42] thestooge Oh, Kiwi is a convention?
[19:55:45] HeresyArtStream seeya Tom!
[19:55:49] MviluUatusun I'm outta here. Y'all take care until the next stream.
[19:55:59] CrRAR bye mvilu
[19:56:02] BrunoYcaro thx for the stream
[19:56:09] BadFoMo Bye.
[19:56:36] PalmettoPathfinder1 Thank you Tom!
[19:56:45] Flareuim have a nie trip tom, night
[19:56:50] FenceEqualizer Welp, back to laying down till my back stops being insubordinate and heal up,
[19:56:56] Flareuim thx for the wonderful stream
[19:57:08] qwe304 now that its over I think its ok to link to the fanart im working on... (still a WIP)
[19:57:09] NeonMitsumi :cneonmitsumi-katgoesnyooooom::cneonmitsumi-katgoesnyooooom::cneonmitsumi-katgoesnyooooom: Good night people, see you around!
[19:57:10] unsteddyphoenix tell it to straighten out its act
[19:57:34] FenceEqualizer God damn it:ptv-unimpressed:
[19:57:47] unsteddyphoenix Hoo~ thats pretty good qwe. I mean it's more Emo-y but still!
[19:57:48] FenceEqualizer You lot are too good with your pun-fu
[19:58:01] BadFoMo @qwe304 Looks nice.
[19:58:18] CrRAR ooo
[19:58:35] qwe304 thought emo was the goal...
[19:59:02] Ordithus I figured it was more goth
[19:59:06] unsteddyphoenix Emos and goths are VERY DIFFERENT /s
[19:59:09] Ordithus Hence the name, "Goth Kat"
[19:59:13] FenceEqualizer That's pretty well done Qwe
[19:59:31] Ordithus Still nice work
[19:59:34] unsteddyphoenix Dont mean anythin by it, it looks great :)
[19:59:49] qwe304 well the patreon post wasnt up when i started :P
[20:00:03] qwe304 wouldnt be too hard to change the colors though
[20:00:14] Ordithus Make it black
[20:00:29] qwe304 less detail then tho
[20:00:47] BrunoYcaro bye people
[20:01:08] Ordithus Bye Bruno
[20:01:19] FenceEqualizer Later Bruno
[20:01:55] FenceEqualizer Alright I am out myself. You have fun everyone
[20:02:22] Ordithus Bye Fence
[20:10:39] BadFoMo Bye.
[20:19:08] SpazztasticKiwi I have a tiny kitten sleeping in my lap
[20:19:47] Ordithus Aww~
[20:23:06] SpazztasticKiwi He awaken
[20:24:15] SpazztasticKiwi And now he play with the other kitten
[20:24:32] unsteddyphoenix smoosh them together
[20:24:37] unsteddyphoenix to create ultra kitten
[20:24:40] unsteddyphoenix or just cause its cute
[20:26:40] SpazztasticKiwi They roll around chewing on each other all the time
[20:27:06] unsteddyphoenix pics?
[20:27:27] SpazztasticKiwi I only got pictures of them sleeping alone
[20:27:32] SpazztasticKiwi No play pictures
[20:28:45] unsteddyphoenix :T
[20:29:02] unsteddyphoenix my jealousy is eternal
[20:32:05] SpazztasticKiwi You’re welcome to come down and adopt them
[20:40:03] SpazztasticKiwi I now have tea 🍵
[20:48:45] Ordithus I'm gonna log off now. See ya! If Ron streams Friday I'll be there.
[20:49:32] Twokinds bbbyyy
[20:49:44] CrRAR fare thee well~
[20:50:05] CrRAR kiwi, I also now have some tea.
[20:50:34] Vatruvius Some shopping later...
[20:52:07] SpazztasticKiwi I got green tea. You?
[20:52:45] unsteddyphoenix :tea:
[20:53:05] CrRAR Yup, Green lemon w/ honey!
[20:53:32] SpazztasticKiwi I got it strong and straight. I don’t need no fixings
[20:53:48] unsteddyphoenix
[20:54:12] unsteddyphoenix Tea always seems nice...when someone else is drinking it
[20:54:26] unsteddyphoenix Then I get it and it's like, SLIGHTLY flavoured water
[20:54:42] qwe304 use multiple bags
[20:54:57] SpazztasticKiwi :ctwokinds-katdryer:
[20:55:27] unsteddyphoenix Heard bad things about double bagging
[20:55:35] unsteddyphoenix Though I might be thinking of something else...
[20:55:57] SpazztasticKiwi I used like 3 bags
[20:56:17] unsteddyphoenix :O
[20:56:20] SpazztasticKiwi But yes that king of double bagging is bad
[20:56:27] SpazztasticKiwi *kind
[20:56:32] SpazztasticKiwi Leads to kids
[20:56:40] CrRAR Unsteddy, you do the math on that one?
[20:57:15] SpazztasticKiwi Also figured out why I’m so fond of TK
[20:57:32] unsteddyphoenix lol
[20:57:34] unsteddyphoenix go on?
[20:57:38] CrRAR umm
[20:57:46] SpazztasticKiwi It’s absolutely filled with cats
[20:58:12] unsteddyphoenix !!!
[20:58:16] unsteddyphoenix My god youre right...
[20:58:20] CrRAR can't refute
[20:58:32] SpazztasticKiwi And I’m a sucker for cats
[20:59:11] CrRAR well you're certainly in the right place
[20:59:55] unsteddyphoenix Tk is where cat lovers congregate
[21:00:08] unsteddyphoenix How ironic considering Tom hates cats
[21:00:12] SpazztasticKiwi Hot guy? Nah
[21:00:20] SpazztasticKiwi Cats? You have my attention
[21:00:29] Bgrmystr2 :thinking: am I secretly a cat person and I didn't know?
[21:00:37] unsteddyphoenix Hot cats? Uh-oh
[21:01:33] SpazztasticKiwi Maybe not hot cats
[21:01:52] Vatruvius I am a dog person so...
[21:01:53] Bgrmystr2 cold cats?
[21:01:54] SpazztasticKiwi Though Kat’s pretty
[21:01:57] unsteddyphoenix give it time~
[21:02:04] Vatruvius I do like Kats.
[21:02:06] unsteddyphoenix Shes so pretty and good~
[21:02:30] Bgrmystr2 I think older ppl like cats cuz they laze about and don't really require you to put forth energy playing with them
[21:02:37] Bgrmystr2 not like dogs do
[21:02:47] Bgrmystr2 neverending energy the things...
[21:03:06] unsteddyphoenix I played with my friends husky couple days ago and that thing is hyyper
[21:03:15] Bgrmystr2 right
[21:03:18] SpazztasticKiwi Cats can demand a lot of attention and energy too
[21:03:21] unsteddyphoenix It was fun for a visit, but that all the time....s'too much
[21:03:21] Bgrmystr2 dogs have super energy
[21:03:33] SpazztasticKiwi Dogs go zooom
[21:03:35] Bgrmystr2 most cats I've seen are pretty laid back
[21:03:41] CrRAR ^
[21:03:56] Bgrmystr2 they might be playful every once in a while ,sure, but dogs are like that 20/7 I'd say
[21:04:01] Bgrmystr2 when they're not dead'd asleep
[21:04:12] CrRAR I think I respect their lifestyles more than anything.
[21:04:32] SpazztasticKiwi I feel I’m much like a cat
[21:04:59] unsteddyphoenix Everybody wants to be a cat~ :musical_note:
[21:05:36] SpazztasticKiwi Cause a cats the only cat that knows where it’s at
[21:05:55] unsteddyphoenix :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:
[21:07:16] CrRAR well this is enlightening
[21:07:35] CrRAR we're like... doing psychological calculus
[21:07:48] CrRAR *cat-ulus
[21:09:25] unsteddyphoenix :smiley_cat::heavy_multiplication_x::smile_cat:=:smirk_cat::pouting_cat::crying_cat_face::kissing_cat::heart_eyes_cat::joy_cat:
[21:11:06] SpazztasticKiwi 🐱 + person = snuggles
[21:11:15] SpazztasticKiwi Or death in Tom’s case
[21:11:36] unsteddyphoenix worth it
[21:11:37] Bgrmystr2 :ptv-unimpressed: the only cat expression I ever see.
[21:11:58] Bgrmystr2 all cat expressions are unamusement to some degree of percent
[21:12:01] unsteddyphoenix Thats just not true bgr
[21:12:06] unsteddyphoenix Sometimes cats are hungry
[21:12:17] SpazztasticKiwi Bagheera likes to look at me with :ctwokinds-maddiessparkles:
[21:12:23] Bgrmystr2 even if it's 99% hungry, it's 1% disappointment.
[21:12:32] SpazztasticKiwi Especially when I have food
[21:12:49] Bgrmystr2 cuz you didn't FEED IT YET >:T
[21:12:59] Bgrmystr2 if a cat is hungry, you're doing something wronggggggg
[21:13:01] Bgrmystr2 :v
[21:13:09] SpazztasticKiwi Then there’s the times when he wants attention
[21:14:08] SpazztasticKiwi Then he’s like :ctwokinds-natkeith:
[21:14:54] CrRAR Yes if deprived of cuddles or food they make you well aware. lol
[21:15:19] SpazztasticKiwi “Pet me. I demand it”
[21:15:33] Vatruvius My dogs are pretty laid back. We do not play all that much and they just sleep the entire day.
[21:15:41] CrRAR "ENOUGH PETS. go away~"
[21:15:57] CrRAR mmm
[21:20:48] unsteddyphoenix Are you sure you dont have cats
[21:20:51] unsteddyphoenix Have you checked?
[21:21:15] Vatruvius I am sure, they are 100% dogs.
[21:21:37] unsteddyphoenix This does not coincide with stereotypes, I remain unconvinced
[21:22:10] Vatruvius lol
[21:22:29] Vatruvius My dad is allergic to cat dander so we are a dog family and I rather like that.
[21:23:02] Vatruvius I have not had great experiences with cats. I do not have anything against them, I just prefer dogs as a pet.
[21:25:41] unsteddyphoenix how dare you say such things about cats
[21:25:43] unsteddyphoenix I am fuming
[21:26:24] Vatruvius What, that my dad is allergic and that I prefer dogs personally?
[21:28:38] SpazztasticKiwi People who can’t enjoy cats :ctwokinds-LauraCry:
[21:29:10] Vatruvius For some reason that is not how I feel...
[21:29:31] SpazztasticKiwi Some people don’t like em i know
[21:30:16] Vatruvius I do not hate them or anything, I just am a dog person. It is how I grew up.
[21:30:54] TorqueEmUp I enjoy both, they both have their pros and cons
[21:31:19] SpazztasticKiwi I’ve had more dogs bite me than cats
[21:33:11] SpazztasticKiwi Particularly dachshunds. Though it’s because the owner doesn’t know how to train worth anything
[21:33:14] TorqueEmUp Cats are easier to take car of, but can be little bastards. Dogs are more needy, and need to be properly trained, but will love you forever.
[21:33:21] TorqueEmUp care*
[21:33:49] TorqueEmUp Not saying cats can't love you
[21:34:14] SpazztasticKiwi Any animal can be a little shit
[21:34:45] SpazztasticKiwi My moms cat and I don’t always get along
[21:39:03] unsteddyphoenix Yeah
[21:39:11] unsteddyphoenix There are cats that are more loyal than dogs\
[21:39:15] unsteddyphoenix sometimes it be that way
[21:44:41] SpazztasticKiwi She’s not loyal - just a brat
[21:45:27] SpazztasticKiwi My mother spoils her pets. One of the many reasons I don’t always get along with her
[21:47:20] unsteddyphoenix yeah im not a fan of that
[21:47:36] unsteddyphoenix especially since it normally results in very fat pets
[21:52:12] SpazztasticKiwi They’re not fat - just don’t know how to act
[21:57:39] SpazztasticKiwi Well I’m gonna get a snack and YouTube for a bit
[22:13:27] Twokinds My cat is fat.
[22:15:06] unsteddyphoenix Shouldve made her diet with you
[22:15:10] unsteddyphoenix Bonding exercise
[22:18:12] Twokinds My diet makes it worse, she gets all the food I don't eat.
[22:20:44] unsteddyphoenix You mean your cat doesnt exclusively eat one brand of wet cat food
[22:20:49] unsteddyphoenix And rejects anything else?
[22:20:55] unsteddyphoenix Doesnt sound like I cat I ever had
[22:21:18] BluePhantom90 lol your cat will be fat Tom if you keep that up
[22:21:27] Twokinds She is fat.
[22:21:44] unsteddyphoenix She may be fat now, but soon she'll be fat
[22:21:46] BluePhantom90 but fat and fast... I I don't know
[22:23:18] Twokinds She eats on a scheduled rotation. Dry food -> Paté wet food -> Dry Food -> Shredded wet food -> repeat.
[22:23:48] unsteddyphoenix Now THAT sounds like a cat :heart_eyes_cat:
[22:24:04] Twokinds I make sure it's a different flavor each day. Can't repeat.
[22:24:40] unsteddyphoenix Well I would hope so!
[22:24:51] unsteddyphoenix The same flavour two days in a row...obscenely cruel!
[22:25:09] BluePhantom90 Well I can see you spoil her Tom
[22:25:38] SpazztasticKiwi How many meals you give her a day?
[22:25:51] Twokinds Two
[22:25:58] Twokinds One in the morning and one at night.
[22:26:06] SpazztasticKiwi That’s why she fat
[22:26:07] unsteddyphoenix must be big portions if she got fat off two
[22:26:15] unsteddyphoenix Wait, you only give one?
[22:26:36] unsteddyphoenix never heard of a cat getting fat off of two meals a day
[22:26:50] SpazztasticKiwi Is it dry food in the am and the pate at night or dry food for both meals and pate the next day for both meals?
[22:26:57] BluePhantom90 Crap I had something to show how spoiled someone treats their cat
[22:27:24] SpazztasticKiwi But you treat her good :ctwokinds-katdryer:
[22:27:56] Twokinds It alternates.
[22:28:18] SpazztasticKiwi Wet food’s probably what’s packing on the pounds
[22:28:37] SpazztasticKiwi And lack of exercise
[22:28:39] Twokinds Well, she like the wet food.
[22:28:48] BluePhantom90 would have been more funny Tom had a pet squirrel
[22:28:51] Twokinds I can't help with the excersize problem.
[22:28:59] Twokinds Though I have been buying the smaller pouches.
[22:29:08] Twokinds They're half the size, so perhaps that'll help.
[22:29:09] SpazztasticKiwi So does my cats. Doesn’t mean they get wet food when they want
[22:29:28] unsteddyphoenix That'll probably work
[22:29:28] SpazztasticKiwi Hanging it’s gonna get you a very very affectionate cat
[22:29:36] SpazztasticKiwi *halfing it
[22:29:45] Twokinds Yeeeah
[22:29:46] unsteddyphoenix Hooray~ physical affection~
[22:29:51] Twokinds That's the biggest problem.
[22:29:59] Twokinds I use food to get her to go away so I can work.
[22:30:08] unsteddyphoenix Hahaha
[22:30:11] unsteddyphoenix Shes got you figured out
[22:30:12] SpazztasticKiwi “Hooman, my food ran out quicker this morning. Fix it”
[22:30:31] Twokinds I should probably feed her the pouches at night.
[22:30:39] Twokinds She doesn't wake me up once I'm asleep.
[22:30:55] BluePhantom90 how about the cat nip?
[22:30:56] unsteddyphoenix Thats good
[22:31:10] SpazztasticKiwi No cat nip. Not good
[22:31:13] unsteddyphoenix Man shes going to be so lonely when you go to this con...
[22:31:18] Twokinds She's not very interested in nip.
[22:31:30] SpazztasticKiwi Ever heard of those work for your food toys?
[22:31:44] Twokinds Yeeeah. I've tried it.
[22:31:49] Twokinds She doesn't go for them.
[22:31:59] SpazztasticKiwi Kiwi goes crazy for them. She gets exercise and the food keeps her attention
[22:32:07] Twokinds Holly is afraid of most toys.
[22:32:08] SpazztasticKiwi I’d say get her a friend but...
[22:32:23] SpazztasticKiwi Hehe scardycat
[22:32:24] unsteddyphoenix because the toys come in boxes...
[22:32:34] BluePhantom90 hmm
[22:32:49] Bgrmystr2 hahaha the boxes
[22:32:59] Bgrmystr2 when you move tom, what are you gonna do
[22:33:02] Bgrmystr2 not box your stuff up?
[22:33:05] Bgrmystr2 what a nightmareeeeee
[22:33:18] Bgrmystr2 boxes EVERYWHERE
[22:33:21] SpazztasticKiwi I believe he said before he’s not packing anything
[22:33:29] BluePhantom90 Oh right take your mom will care for your kitty when your away Tom?
[22:33:33] SpazztasticKiwi Just gonna up and go
[22:33:36] Bgrmystr2 wat, how you not gonna pack your computer and stuff
[22:33:37] Twokinds I'll box the cat.
[22:33:41] unsteddyphoenix DONT
[22:33:42] SpazztasticKiwi Tom
[22:33:49] Bgrmystr2 THERE IT IS :ptv-laugh:
[22:33:54] SpazztasticKiwi I hope you mean crate
[22:34:18] unsteddyphoenix I hope you nice to and not bully
[22:34:20] SpazztasticKiwi Unless you want to risk getting the cops called on you by anyone who spots that
[22:34:38] SpazztasticKiwi Cause there’s some nosy people out there
[22:34:43] Twokinds How would they? She'd be in a box.
[22:34:53] SpazztasticKiwi Meowing box
[22:34:53] unsteddyphoenix The air holes would give it away
[22:34:58] Twokinds Air holes?
[22:35:05] unsteddyphoenix NnnnnnnnooooOOOOOOOo
[22:35:19] unsteddyphoenix Im calling peta as we speak
[22:36:14] SpazztasticKiwi I have suggested trying to rehome her, but you didn’t seem to like that idea
[22:36:37] unsteddyphoenix But theyre so cute together~
[22:36:45] unsteddyphoenix Toms neglectful impulses aside
[22:37:00] SpazztasticKiwi Eh I’d take the cat
[22:37:12] BluePhantom90 lol oh god just thought of another funny idea. Flroa and Kat in Keidran kitty crate
[22:37:14] unsteddyphoenix DO WE SEE 6
[22:37:31] SpazztasticKiwi Probably better companionship anyway :ptv-condescending:
[22:38:20] BluePhantom90 maybe Eric and Trace taking them to the vet or something joke. Those that own cats know cats hate vets
[22:38:26] Twokinds Holly would not be happy with other cats around
[22:38:35] SpazztasticKiwi Moving the cat would probably be the last thing to do after furniture and utilities set up anyway
[22:38:38] Twokinds She's terrified of every living thing that isn't me shaped.
[22:38:48] SpazztasticKiwi Even your mom?
[22:38:53] Twokinds Yeah.
[22:38:58] SpazztasticKiwi Poor baby
[22:39:14] unsteddyphoenix Thats so cute~
[22:39:19] BluePhantom90 what about your brother?... Wait he might smell like dog so no
[22:39:20] Twokinds I think I've given her stockholm syndrome.
[22:39:22] unsteddyphoenix Well, its tragic
[22:39:24] unsteddyphoenix But also adorable
[22:39:37] SpazztasticKiwi If I was a cat I’d be afraid of Mark too
[22:39:45] unsteddyphoenix You may have put her in the boxes, but you also always freed her from the boxes
[22:39:45] Twokinds Eh... she's sort of okay with Mark, at least when he stays for a while.
[22:39:55] Twokinds Maybe because he's the most like me.
[22:40:04] SpazztasticKiwi ???
[22:40:20] SpazztasticKiwi You wanna run that by me again
[22:40:22] unsteddyphoenix Lol
[22:40:28] Twokinds Relatively speaking.
[22:40:30] unsteddyphoenix His AURA is the most similar
[22:40:49] Twokinds Compared to my mother or her dogs.
[22:41:01] unsteddyphoenix The dogs are very different from Tom its true
[22:41:26] SpazztasticKiwi He probably got a lot of his wit and good personality from you but that’s about all I’ve seen of it
[22:41:59] Twokinds We both have the same quiet, reserved personality.
[22:42:16] SpazztasticKiwi I’ll take your word for it
[22:42:28] Twokinds And sarcasm.
[22:42:39] SpazztasticKiwi That I definitely believe
[22:42:57] BluePhantom90 should try being less reserve sometime
[22:43:20] unsteddyphoenix lol
[22:43:29] SpazztasticKiwi I’m not sure if it’s his energy for creating or what but he’s seemed off to me lately
[22:43:36] Twokinds Oh great
[22:43:43] Twokinds Holly sensed I was typing about her
[22:43:47] Twokinds She's here now. Thanks a lot.
[22:43:50] unsteddyphoenix Yessssss~
[22:43:53] SpazztasticKiwi Welcome
[22:43:56] unsteddyphoenix Touch her face for me
[22:44:00] SpazztasticKiwi I want to pet
[22:44:02] BluePhantom90 lol the evil kitty has come
[22:44:04] Bgrmystr2 boop her nose
[22:44:05] Bgrmystr2 :D
[22:44:11] unsteddyphoenix give her a smoosh
[22:44:20] Bgrmystr2 :thinking:
[22:44:27] Bgrmystr2 I don't wanna kill tom
[22:44:30] Bgrmystr2 pls no
[22:44:33] SpazztasticKiwi Kitty :ctwokinds-floAAA:
[22:44:38] unsteddyphoenix he'll probably live
[22:44:56] Twokinds becomes the embodiment of alergies
[22:45:08] SpazztasticKiwi says suck it up
[22:45:11] Bgrmystr2 wowwwww
[22:45:14] BluePhantom90 I remember a pic where some guy's cat always laid on his laptop. SO he tried using a decoy laptop, cat laid on both laptops
[22:45:14] Bgrmystr2 kiwi rooood
[22:45:35] SpazztasticKiwi I’m being sarcastic. I know it’s not fun
[22:45:46] BluePhantom90 the kitty out smart the human
[22:45:46] unsteddyphoenix Love triumphs over sneezes
[22:45:50] unsteddyphoenix Or something like that
[22:46:23] SpazztasticKiwi Or kitty is hungry again
[22:46:34] Twokinds She can't be hungry, she's got food.
[22:46:43] SpazztasticKiwi You underestimate cats
[22:46:59] Twokinds She's just shedding right now, and lazy.
[22:47:07] SpazztasticKiwi If there’s a spot in the bowl where you can see the bottom, it’s empty
[22:47:10] Twokinds She wants to be brushed.
[22:47:20] unsteddyphoenix Aww~
[22:47:22] SpazztasticKiwi Brushie brushie
[22:47:31] unsteddyphoenix That way the fur will get EVERYWHERE :D
[22:47:33] SpazztasticKiwi Sneezie deathy
[22:47:57] zolstarym I am lucky I am not allergic. My cat has the thinnest fine hairs that get lodged in my nose.
[22:48:12] zolstarym I find them if I use qtips
[22:48:12] unsteddyphoenix jesus
[22:48:16] SpazztasticKiwi Bagheera sheds all over my bed
[22:48:32] SpazztasticKiwi My pillow seems perpetually covered
[22:48:59] SpazztasticKiwi And even though I hang up my clothes, there’s cat hair
[22:49:11] unsteddyphoenix Been there.
[22:49:12] Twokinds I actually bought a huuuge set of pillow cases on Amazon, so I can replace them daily.
[22:49:19] Twokinds Helps with allergies.
[22:49:29] unsteddyphoenix huge pillow cases? What character did you get on them?
[22:49:39] Twokinds ...
[22:49:40] SpazztasticKiwi She doesn’t sleep on the bed does she
[22:49:54] unsteddyphoenix I'll be here all week
[22:50:01] Twokinds No, but that doesn't stop the dander from getting everywhere.
[22:50:10] SpazztasticKiwi Ah yes. Tom has an anime body pillow. Thanks for that mental image
[22:50:57] SpazztasticKiwi I’m gonna play with kittens to purge my brain
[22:50:59] unsteddyphoenix Jokes aside it must be like, extremely difficult.
[22:51:17] SpazztasticKiwi Probably gonna celebrate when you go to MomoCon
[22:51:26] unsteddyphoenix He'll be freeeee~
[22:51:28] SpazztasticKiwi “I can breathe”
[22:51:47] Twokinds Yeah I always sleep well at conventions.
[22:52:03] unsteddyphoenix While Holly is in a constant state of panic since Toms not there
[22:52:08] unsteddyphoenix :(
[22:52:13] Twokinds Indeed
[22:52:27] unsteddyphoenix So thats a win-win for you?
[22:52:30] SpazztasticKiwi Poor kitty
[22:52:34] unsteddyphoenix :upside_down:
[22:53:04] Twokinds I do leave her like 6 bowls of food and water.
[22:53:24] unsteddyphoenix Uh.
[22:53:32] SpazztasticKiwi But that doesn’t make up for the companionship that I’m sure you excell in
[22:53:33] unsteddyphoenix Wouldnt...your mother feed her
[22:53:37] BluePhantom90 So will you be gone for 5 or 6 days?
[22:53:45] unsteddyphoenix 6 bowls is 3 days
[22:53:46] Twokinds I'm not sure.
[22:54:05] Twokinds She's fat, she can live off her reserves.
[22:54:13] SpazztasticKiwi Harsh but tru
[22:54:27] unsteddyphoenix I mean...
[22:54:55] unsteddyphoenix If only you could set them into hibernation mode
[22:55:07] SpazztasticKiwi This oddly reminds me my sister wants to go to the movies and see that new Jurassic
[22:55:09] BluePhantom90 I swear the comic con is like 4 days. So you might be gone for like 5 or 6 days unless you wantd to make it home early Sunday or on monday
[22:57:08] Twokinds I'm not sure what I'll do when I go to Korea
[22:57:19] SpazztasticKiwi Look around
[22:57:19] Twokinds It'll be the longest I've ever been away.
[22:57:35] Twokinds I might need to buy an auto-feeder.
[22:57:36] unsteddyphoenix You'll come back and she'll be skinny and sad
[22:57:45] unsteddyphoenix Like a giant version of those birdfeeders?
[22:57:50] zolstarym north or south?
[22:57:54] SpazztasticKiwi Guess
[22:58:08] zolstarym If you go to north then you will also return skinny. To match your cat
[22:58:27] unsteddyphoenix mk
[22:58:53] unsteddyphoenix You gonna do those sketch commissions at the con Tom?
[22:58:54] SpazztasticKiwi It’ll either be auto feeder, pet sitter or board her
[22:59:02] unsteddyphoenix Ooo cat hotel! :D
[22:59:12] unsteddyphoenix but like...private room
[22:59:15] unsteddyphoenix I dunno if thats a thign
[22:59:22] Twokinds At... this con this week?
[22:59:29] SpazztasticKiwi She’d flip, but if it’s all you can do...
[22:59:29] unsteddyphoenix yeah
[22:59:39] Twokinds No. I'm not working at the con.
[22:59:43] unsteddyphoenix I mean, I guess if youre going as a guest
[22:59:56] unsteddyphoenix Yeah, good point. Dumb question
[23:01:39] unsteddyphoenix Huh. Autofeeders arent that pricy.
[23:01:53] unsteddyphoenix As long as someone gives her water...
[23:01:57] SpazztasticKiwi July gives you a good bit of time to plan
[23:01:59] SpazztasticKiwi Kinda
[23:03:06] SpazztasticKiwi Unless you want to put it off for another year and get it arranged a little better
[23:05:33] unsteddyphoenix but if he's moved out by next year then he'd need a petsitter
[23:05:43] Twokinds Okay, I got a gravity feeder and waterer.
[23:05:57] Vatruvius What is this about moving out?
[23:06:10] SpazztasticKiwi Well that was quick
[23:06:21] unsteddyphoenix waterer?
[23:06:31] unsteddyphoenix I guess that would be a thing
[23:06:39] SpazztasticKiwi Keeps the water fresh and ready
[23:06:55] SpazztasticKiwi We have a really big one for our indoor pets
[23:07:14] unsteddyphoenix oo cool
[23:09:38] Bgrmystr2 lol, tom thinkin about moving, Vatru
[23:10:03] SpazztasticKiwi Have you even found a house you like yet
[23:10:15] Twokinds Yes.
[23:10:25] SpazztasticKiwi That’s a start
[23:10:41] SpazztasticKiwi Is there a “but”?
[23:10:43] Twokinds Found a really cool house with a super awesome two tiered deck facing the woods.
[23:11:06] Twokinds But it's about 75000 more than I want to spend.
[23:11:13] SpazztasticKiwi Ouch
[23:11:17] unsteddyphoenix Ahh
[23:11:37] unsteddyphoenix Time to HAGGLE
[23:11:45] SpazztasticKiwi Or try to
[23:12:08] SpazztasticKiwi Getting someone to go down 75000 isn’t easy
[23:12:24] Bgrmystr2 well.. when a house costs like.. 4 million or somethin
[23:12:31] Bgrmystr2 75k ain't much
[23:12:37] Bgrmystr2 so I mean.. there ARE instances..
[23:12:45] unsteddyphoenix it's not but, if noone buys it for a while...
[23:12:54] Bgrmystr2 just probably not for tom's specific scenario
[23:12:56] SpazztasticKiwi I’d like my cousin’s old house but someone bought it, changed it up, and is now reselling it
[23:13:11] unsteddyphoenix best to keep an eye on it, which I assume what Tom was doing anyway
[23:13:34] SpazztasticKiwi The changes are nice but they put this really pale outside color on it
[23:14:07] unsteddyphoenix If you pay more than you want to for it Tom, i'll sub again. That should cover it.
[23:14:29] SpazztasticKiwi And now it doesn’t sit in its little wooded area as cozy - it sticks out
[23:14:46] Twokinds I actually am wondering if there's something wrong with the house.
[23:15:00] SpazztasticKiwi Have you not done a walk through?
[23:15:19] Twokinds Because it looks so nice in photos, and it seems like a normal price for the neighborhood, but it hasn't sold in months.
[23:15:30] Twokinds Nah, I haven't looked at any houses in person yet.
[23:15:37] SpazztasticKiwi Maybe someone passed away in it
[23:15:47] Bgrmystr2 tom, what you can do is request an appraisal and inspection
[23:15:49] SpazztasticKiwi That usually scares off buyers
[23:15:54] Bgrmystr2 that would tell you if the house has any problems
[23:15:58] unsteddyphoenix Maybe it's far away from things normal people care about? :thinking:
[23:15:58] Bgrmystr2 they're not too expensive
[23:16:10] Bgrmystr2 around here they're about $400 for aech
[23:16:12] Bgrmystr2 each* even
[23:16:33] SpazztasticKiwi But checking records and getting someone to look it over may pay off better
[23:16:46] Twokinds Yeah, I guess
[23:17:13] Twokinds Right now I'm just trying to save as much money as possible so I'm in the best position when I do decide to talk to a broker and see how much I can afford.
[23:17:32] SpazztasticKiwi You do you
[23:17:34] Bgrmystr2 I'm literally packing right now, and will be packing all this week while you guys are at the con, and we paid for an inspection and appraisal. ended up the guy wanted too much for the house.
[23:17:53] Bgrmystr2 and he had a bunch of stuff that was illegal cuz unsafe
[23:18:02] Vatruvius Where are you planing on moving to Tom? State/Country
[23:18:03] unsteddyphoenix oh damn
[23:18:04] Vatruvius ?
[23:18:14] Twokinds Cincinnati OH
[23:18:25] SpazztasticKiwi Being picky is better than being a push over
[23:18:33] Vatruvius Ah, not much of a difference right...
[23:18:39] Twokinds Yeah
[23:18:39] Vatruvius Or am I remembering wrong?
[23:18:45] Vatruvius okay
[23:19:31] Vatruvius Getting that nice woods view, I love mine.
[23:19:40] SpazztasticKiwi Staying around home cause you like it or cause it’s too much to move states
[23:19:43] Twokinds Ideally.
[23:19:45] Vatruvius Actually, I have a view over several valleys.
[23:20:11] Twokinds I don't see any reason to move anywhere else.
[23:20:24] SpazztasticKiwi We’re in the woods too. Alot of people come up to hunt
[23:20:30] SpazztasticKiwi Sometimes without permission
[23:20:45] Vatruvius Yeah that is not good.
[23:21:06] Twokinds Speaking of money, just got a message from my investment firm. Dividend gained!
[23:21:13] Twokinds $0.03!
[23:21:14] Vatruvius Hunting does not really happen around me, homes are spread out everywhere so you would always be in someone's property.
[23:21:22] Vatruvius Nice!
[23:21:25] Twokinds I'm rolling in it now.
[23:21:38] SpazztasticKiwi Or you will be in 30 years
[23:21:39] Vatruvius Don't spend it all at once Tom, think to the future.
[23:21:42] Vatruvius :ptv-tease:
[23:21:51] unsteddyphoenix Now you gotta turn around and invest THAT
[23:21:57] unsteddyphoenix Buy gold
[23:22:17] SpazztasticKiwi We once came across a pair of ladies undies and a camera on our property
[23:22:30] Vatruvius Uh...
[23:22:41] Vatruvius Anything interesting on the camera?
[23:22:41] SpazztasticKiwi We didn’t look at the film
[23:22:46] Vatruvius I see.
[23:22:51] SpazztasticKiwi Didn’t want to know
[23:22:53] unsteddyphoenix How could you resisit
[23:22:53] Vatruvius lol
[23:23:17] SpazztasticKiwi I don’t have a desire to see some random stranger’s bits
[23:23:20] SpazztasticKiwi That’s how
[23:23:39] unsteddyphoenix Sure you know what was PROBABLY on it...but still...
[23:23:55] SpazztasticKiwi Still gonna pass
[23:23:59] unsteddyphoenix What if they buried treasure there and left those as markers!
[23:24:17] SpazztasticKiwi We’ve also found alot of beer cans and bottles
[23:24:26] unsteddyphoenix thats less fun
[23:24:46] Vatruvius Yeah, I wouldn't actually look at it either. Perhaps some of those hunter night cameras though, see who the hell is on my property. Maybe release it on social media...not sure. Depends on the content.
[23:31:18] SpazztasticKiwi I prefer to find my adventures elsewhere
[23:31:28] SpazztasticKiwi Like the movies in Tupelo
[23:31:53] SpazztasticKiwi Or Mule Day in September
[23:32:08] Vatruvius I do not do anything on social media. Last time I was on any social media platform must have been over a month ago and even then it was to get Facebook to shut up and stop sending be notifications.
[23:32:25] Vatruvius me*
[23:33:15] Twokinds Same here.
[23:33:52] unsteddyphoenix Eh its useful for organising events and chatting
[23:34:13] unsteddyphoenix WHen I was in uni facebook was basically required
[23:34:22] Twokinds Eugh
[23:34:28] Twokinds Socializing? Like, in real life?
[23:34:34] Twokinds Weirdo.
[23:34:48] unsteddyphoenix Harsh but fair
[23:35:00] Vatruvius Nah, this beats real life socializing.
[23:35:02] Twokinds (is literally going to a con with friends in three days)
[23:35:14] Vatruvius I can look at drawings of furrys without scrutiny.
[23:35:26] unsteddyphoenix Haha
[23:35:37] Vatruvius :ptv-laugh:
[23:35:48] unsteddyphoenix Cons are like, maximum socialising
[23:35:50] unsteddyphoenix Good luck
[23:36:45] Vatruvius I like the occasional real life socializing but that is in short supply where I am.
[23:36:53] Vatruvius Far easier just to hop online.
[23:36:54] unsteddyphoenix What actually is there to do at momocon
[23:37:01] unsteddyphoenix Is it all like, anime?
[23:37:22] Twokinds It's just body pillows.
[23:37:27] Twokinds Nothing but body pillows.
[23:37:36] Twokinds It's an anime themed Bed bath and beyond
[23:37:42] Vatruvius Twokinds body pillows?
[23:37:46] Vatruvius :thinking:
[23:37:56] Vatruvius lol
[23:38:15] unsteddyphoenix Jesus
[23:38:21] unsteddyphoenix Sounds amazing
[23:38:39] unsteddyphoenix I look forward to seeing your post con collection
[23:38:47] SpazztasticKiwi An anime Bed Bath and Beyond you say?
[23:38:50] Vatruvius Like, I can understand enjoying being online but when your online life, like anime for instance, takes up space on your bed with a body pillow of your need to step into the sun a little bit.
[23:39:11] SpazztasticKiwi You’re gonna leave feeling like you soaked in perfume for a week
[23:39:18] Twokinds Hey, I'm totally okay if people want to spend money on stuff like that
[23:39:30] SpazztasticKiwi If the socializing doesn’t kill you
[23:39:42] Vatruvius lol...I say that even though if a Kat body pillow came out...
[23:40:10] unsteddyphoenix ...
[23:40:13] SpazztasticKiwi It’s only weird when you start treating it like a person or partner
[23:40:15] Bgrmystr2 I'd LOVE to go :/
[23:40:33] Vatruvius Agreed Kiwi, that is what I was talking about.
[23:40:34] Twokinds I should sell one. But I'll play it off like a joke, so people feel okay about buying it, cause it's just a joke. Not REALLY buying a body pillow haha
[23:40:46] unsteddyphoenix Haha i'll take 3 haha
[23:40:59] SpazztasticKiwi Totally not after the :ctwokinds-KatDance:
[23:41:00] Vatruvius I will settle for one, helps with the way I sleep.
[23:41:20] SpazztasticKiwi “It’s for my back, I swear”
[23:41:21] unsteddyphoenix With 3 you get every Kat combination
[23:41:26] Twokinds I should do one with Flora's face in this: :ctwokinds-FloDance:
[23:41:34] unsteddyphoenix I have actually hard you can use it for back support
[23:41:38] unsteddyphoenix Lol
[23:41:47] unsteddyphoenix Ideally with her eyes derping
[23:41:47] Vatruvius I have 4 pillows I need, technically 3 but I have 4 for symmetry.
[23:41:49] SpazztasticKiwi Flora pillow would be too flat
[23:41:53] SpazztasticKiwi I had to
[23:42:00] unsteddyphoenix Ouch
[23:42:37] Vatruvius monster!
[23:43:07] Vatruvius Just for that Flora will get a special pillow to help bring in the 3D aspect. All the other won't.
[23:43:17] Vatruvius others*
[23:43:17] Twokinds Just gotta sell the Natani bindings body pillow add-on
[23:43:26] Vatruvius lol
[23:43:28] Vatruvius Top seller.
[23:43:30] Vatruvius All time.
[23:43:32] unsteddyphoenix Now youre thinkin'
[23:43:41] SpazztasticKiwi You’d give the equivalent of a push up bra for a Flora body pillow
[23:44:00] SpazztasticKiwi Nice to know we have our priorities in order
[23:44:08] Vatruvius lol
[23:44:45] unsteddyphoenix then the other side would be her crazy face from the sketch
[23:44:47] unsteddyphoenix Perfect
[23:45:27] Bgrmystr2 If you sell a flora body pillow making an angry derp face, I will fucking buy one tom
[23:45:32] Bgrmystr2 I guarantee it
[23:45:40] Bgrmystr2 xD
[23:45:59] SpazztasticKiwi I probably would too
[23:46:03] Vatruvius I will settle with just a Twokinds pillow case of Kat. I get that that is what body pillows pretty much are but then I would just in the case and not the pillow. Just switch out my current pillow case.
[23:46:29] Bgrmystr2 yes phoenix xD
[23:47:00] Vatruvius Should come with functional claws...
[23:48:04] SpazztasticKiwi Or you could go out and get a girlfriend. Not as hard as you think
[23:48:12] Twokinds Well, I already have a kat pillow design ready to go
[23:48:26] SpazztasticKiwi Oooo
[23:48:33] Twokinds ala unsteddy
[23:48:48] Twokinds Just need to find someone to make a three sided pillow and case
[23:49:00] unsteddyphoenix Orrrr, just get 3 pillows~
[23:49:09] unsteddyphoenix and have every combination
[23:49:54] Vatruvius They could be just regular two sided pillows?
[23:50:04] unsteddyphoenix I think I remember seeing that there actually were 3 sided pillows
[23:50:40] Vatruvius How would a 3 sided pillow be functional besides a decoration piece on the bed or whatever?
[23:50:43] SpazztasticKiwi :ctwokinds-KatDance::ctwokinds-FloDance:
[23:51:05] unsteddyphoenix Idk. I looked it up at the time, just remember it existing
[23:52:57] Vatruvius I hug my pillows at night so I fail to see how a three sided pillow could fill that role for me.
[23:54:28] SpazztasticKiwi I sleep with a pillow at my feet under my head and on my right
[23:54:36] unsteddyphoenix tbh it'd probably end up like, hidden away in my closet or something.
[23:54:45] unsteddyphoenix But...I still kinda want to have it.
[23:54:52] SpazztasticKiwi Two of them are Bagheera’s but he likes to sleep on my hip
[23:55:45] Vatruvius I would actually use it, think it would be cool. But it would probably be in my closet during the day until I get a place of my own. Parents would think I was psychotic.
[23:55:58] Bgrmystr2 I looked it up, but it's like.. a normal pillow but has 3 of em attached to each other..
[23:56:06] Bgrmystr2 so there's 3 pillows with 2 sides..
[23:56:11] Bgrmystr2 not an actual 3 sided pillow
[23:56:20] Bgrmystr2 :/
[23:56:24] unsteddyphoenix eh. sounds fine
[23:56:40] Bgrmystr2 how hard is it to get a 3d triangle pillow
[23:56:45] Vatruvius I see, so like three pillow cases sewed together on the sides?
[23:56:46] Bgrmystr2 I dunno what the shape is called
[23:56:57] unsteddyphoenix Easier than getting a girlfriend :upside_down:
[23:57:10] Vatruvius A trough shaped pillow?
[23:57:37] Vatruvius Alright, just downloaded this game and going to play it. I will check in here and there.